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PTP - Update 1


Protect The PresidentUpdate 1Date: 20th March 2016Version: 2.0.1

* Kicking and banning from irc fixed
* /sync in car no longer possible
* Fixed CJ as skin by default
* Kicking yourself on /pk and /pka no longer works
* Open vice slot when vice reclasses

* Spree textdraw showing nothing when noone is on a spree of more than 1 kill
* Spree textdraw updating on map changes, player deaths and disconnects
* Enabled vehicle friendly fire
* Added command /spree for checking a players spree (testing purposes, not sure if I'll make it a permanent command)
* Usage: just /spree to check your own spree or /spree [ID] to check someone elses
* 15 second wait time between reclassing for non-vips
* Added message on /saveskin
* Added command /resetskin to reset saved skin
* Added sounds on duel countdown


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