Author Topic: About the FPS limit  (Read 12878 times)

Offline Jonne

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About the FPS limit
« on: July 14, 2021, 08:07:16 am »
Hi everyone,

We've recently introduced an FPS limit to the game, which caused some controversy. So, I want to explain some more of the reasons why we added it, and what changes we'll be doing to it. First off, there was a report about being able to achieve extreme speeds by having high FPS ( This caused us to start thinking about it, and what other bugs a very high FPS like that could introduce. The "normal" /fpslimit values for SAMP are between 20 and 90. The game was never designed to handle FPS much higher than that, as you can tell by swimming etc. with such high FPS. At first, we thought some of the other bugs with mods like the addon could also be caused by having high FPS. So, our aim with this was to limit the downsides of the addon, while not completely forbidding it, since it's a very common mod among SAMP players.

We also introduced a lower limit for FPS (< 5), this was to keep players on the Android version from playing. So no, this wasn't to punish people with a bad PC, as even with a bad PC, you won't continuously have less then 5 FPS (and I'm pretty sure no legit player was kicked for this). Players that play on the Android version, will always report 0 FPS, and will thus get kicked after a while. We've noticed the Android version comes with a ton of issues, so that's why we're kicking those players now.

Now, judging by the responses we've got to this, and what we've noticed ourselves, this might not have been the best approach. As we're seeing now, these limits are doing more bad than good. We've thought you could easily limit it with /fpslimit, but it turns out that's not working with some mods, causing people to have to resort to workarounds in order to make it work. Also, there's a lot more people that have these high FPS than we anticipated, so we were kicking a lot of new players as well. So, taking all of that into account, we've decided to get rid of the FPS limits. The kick for Android players will stay, but we'll turn that into a bit more of an elegant solution. To anyone that was impacted by this, our apologies.

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Re: About the FPS limit
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2021, 08:20:37 am »
Please add /time and /weather I’m sure we’re over the advantages and disadvantages modifications by now

And other to be added suggestions, let the community believe in you again.

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Re: About the FPS limit
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2021, 09:21:53 am »

Offline Miles

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Re: About the FPS limit
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2021, 12:49:15 pm »

Offline Great_Khali

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Re: About the FPS limit
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2021, 03:08:23 pm »
Well thats a good move to not kick players  :), can keep fps logs for admins now so incase of any malfunction they can lookup etc.

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Re: About the FPS limit
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2021, 03:57:09 pm »
Good decision but it was not easier just disallowing Samp Addon( it's the main reason why you decided to add that update) instead of adding this rule?
The "normal" /fpslimit values for SAMP are between 20 and 90. The game was never designed to handle FPS much higher than that, as you can tell by swimming etc. with such high FPS. At first, we thought some of the other bugs with mods like the addon could also be caused by having high FPS. So, our aim with this was to limit the downsides of the addon, while not completely forbidding it, since it's a very common mod among SAMP players.

And as I can see addon will not get removed even when most of the new players and some regular players doesn't use it. Thats bad.