I have it

Fastped.cs is a cleo file that makes your skin like a fast skin. For example, use /vskin 98 and with the fastped.cs in the cleo folder, you must toggle it by pressing some key combinations then boom, your skin is literally like a fast skin.
It works even with fast skin too but I think it would be impossible to shoot them with fast skin using fastped.cs. Tested it and it pretty looks op. Sometimes "litefoot" occurs if you have 90+ fps with fastped.cs.
Can't share with you all because I've got it from a private discord server. But check at youtube, I found them in there but not the same as mine tho. I tested the one from youtube and the one I've got from discord, the youtube one is the same as the discord one but the difference between the two is that your player/skin gets tired and the other doesn't.
Don't install this, it'll make you more laggy and it can drop fps IF you're playing low fps and that's why it IS a visual mod. When recording too, it'll make you have less fps when using it too if you have shitty pc and fps. Also, I can identify on who's using fastped.cs now if someone use a slow skin and ran in different directions.
I suggest that this type of cleo file shouldn't be allowed.