Author Topic: [Rulebreaker] Aksel_  (Read 1963 times)

Offline Miau

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[Rulebreaker] Aksel_
« on: September 04, 2016, 03:34:59 am »
• Players' name Aksel_
• Date it occured 2 minutes ago.
• Reason for the report (Go into more detail about what they did) Spawnkill. I was waiting for the helicopter to respawn and Aksel_ sniped me in the meanwhile. As the timestamp shows, I had spawned a minute earlier when Aksel_ started driving around my spawn.
• Any screenshots or videos that go along with the report
Oh! I don't want to fight you, Jorah the Andal. What do I have to gain? If I win, I'm the shit who killed an old man. If I lose, I'm the shit who was killed by an old man.

~ Daario Naharis

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Re: [Rulebreaker] Aksel_
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2016, 12:57:26 pm »
I'm a bit confused Mia - don't get me wrong I'm being impartial here.

What reason did you have to take a screenshot the moment you spawned? Additionally, you then remain in the area (waiting for whatever or whoever) - it seems a bit too pre-meditated as if you encouraged him to do it by sticking around purposely.
Not to mention, the owner of the server is in-game so it would have served you better to just report there and then rather than come here with controversial screenshots.

Nonetheless, Aksel you did spawnkill and I'm not interested in excuses so do not do it again. Players may have been given a second chance in this server but that doesn't mean you can fool around breaking the rules, however enticed you may be.

It's pathetic I even have to write these things after so long...