Author Topic: How do you figure out if somebody is using aim bot?  (Read 2356 times)

Offline kABUSE

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How do you figure out if somebody is using aim bot?
« on: March 09, 2020, 05:49:00 pm »
So, just to clarify: I am asking this to help get aimbotters banned, not to learn how to toggle aimbot.

I was active before the time when skin-hit was invented and back then I really knew my shit. Now I have a very hard time in seeing, if somebody has aim bot or not.

I had some people hit me with sniper under the most impossible constellations, sometimes I even was hidden behind a cliff.

Are there hacks that enable you to shoot targets that are covered by terrain cliffs / ground?

How can you tell if somebody is using aimbot?

Does aimbot even work with sniper? I was thinking maybe it won't because obviously targeting is different from other weapons.

What can I do as a player to help getting aimbotters banned?

Offline Altus_Demens

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Re: How do you figure out if somebody is using aim bot?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2020, 07:56:18 pm »

for the obvious reasons I won't reveal the tools we've got to track aimbotters, but I can answer your questions.

Are there hacks that enable you to shoot targets that are covered by terrain cliffs / ground?
Yes, there are. I doubt that they will work with our serverside damage system, though.
Some of the textures are transparent, especially near the edges, you can be shot through them. Besides, you can be shot shorty after taking cover, because of your own or your enemy's ping: you can still be visible for them on their screen (works in every game, not just SAMP).

How can you tell if somebody is using aimbot?
In the general case you can't tell it just by the observations, even if it looks obvious. The suspect may be lagging, desynced, very lucky or just way better than you. That's why even the mods, being able to ban for all other hacks, are not allowed to ban for aimbot.

Does aimbot even work with sniper? I was thinking maybe it won't because obviously targeting is different from other weapons.
Yes, unfortunately, it can work with any ranged weapon.
As a side note, you mentioned 'impossible' sniper hits. Well, I must say that with my new desktop configuration, I started to make such hits too from time to time :D I'll show some in my future gameplay videos. It's like I shoot when I just start scoping, and I hit a rustler pilot. I think it's just my 'sniper instinct' from CoD II. And I am very far from being the best sniper here...

What can I do as a player to help getting aimbotters banned?
Whenever you feel that someone is cheating, /report them ingame and/or record the videos of suspicious situations; just ask yourself if what you see is really suspicious for you, or you are just tired/annoyed/non-concentrated. There is no reporting quota, so feel free to report as much as you like, if there are real reasons, of course.

Just don't post public reports against potential aimbotters, please. Upload the video to YouTube, mark it as unlisted and PM the report to an admin (or better to all admins altogether). Be sure that all of the reports are being considered.
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At all things ever mocks;
For never he knows, what he ought to know,
That he is not free from faults.