Author Topic: Commands  (Read 22022 times)

Offline Quido

  • Head Admin
  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Posts: 885
  • Rank: Banger
  • Score: 27783
« on: March 27, 2017, 03:59:35 pm »

No level
  • /rc or /class or /reclass - Allows you to change class, /rc p for President, /rc vp or /rc v for Vice President, /rc s for Security, /rc o for Police, /rc w for SWAT, /rc t for Terrorist and /rc c for Civilian
  • /login - Allows you to login into your account
  • /register - Allows you to register an account on our server, you have to play at least 10 minutes before you can register
  • /changepass - Allows you to change your account's password
  • /logout - Allows you to log out of your account
  • /version - Shows you the current version of the server
  • /updates - Shows you the updates made to the server
  • /togglefeed - Toggles the damage feed
  • /kill - Kills your character so you can respawn
  • /map - Tells you the current map in game
  • /r or /report - Allows you to report any rulebreakers to admins
  • /sb or /showbalance - Allows you to see the number of players currently in each class
  • /colors or /colours - Tells you which each colour represents, President, Vice President, Security, Police, SWAT, Terrorist, Civilian
  • /levels - Tells you which each player level represents
  • /stats - Allows you to see your current in game stats
  • /duty - Opens up a small dialog box to tell you your role in the game
  • /pm - Allows you to send a private message to any player
  • /lastpms - Shows you the last private messages that were sent to you
  • /p - Allows you to quickly reply to private messages. (PM from Altus_Demens: I am a noob, What I type: /p I know. What is seen: PM to Altus_Demens: I know)
  • /blockpm - Stops you from receiving any private messages
  • /unblockpm - Allows you to receive private messages again
  • /tpm - Allows you to send a message that only your team can view
  • /dub - A message that appears above your characters' head that only players around can see
  • /sync - Refreshes your character, mainly used to remove any bugs
  • /topkills - Shows who currently has the most kills in the server
  • /pk - Removes a selected passenger from your vehicle
  • /pka - Removes all passengers from your vehicle
  • /cskin - Allows you to change your skin to a select few that are unique to each class
  • /ej or /eject or by pressing Y - Ejects you from a Rustler or Hydra, this blows up the vehicle and gives you a parachute to land
  • /para - Spawns a parachute at the cost of 15 hit points
  • /duel - Allows you to invite a player to a 1 on 1 duel, can only be used as a Civilian
  • /duelaccept - Allows you to accept a duel invite, can only be used as a Civilian
  • /airduel - Allows you to invite a player to a 1 on 1 air duel, can only be used as a Civilian
  • /airduelaccept - Allows you to accept an air duel invite, can only be used as a Civilian
  • /cduel - Cancels your duel invite
  • /blockduels - Blocks others from inviting you to a duel
  • /unblockduels - Unblocks others from inviting you to a duel
  • /watchduel - Allows you to watch a duel that is currently in progress
  • /stopwd - Stops you from watching the duel and respawns you
  • /dbduel - Allows you to invite someone to a drive by duel
  • /dbduelaccept - Allows you to accept the invitation to the drive by duel
  • /tpmcolor - Changes teamchat color
  • /cdbduel - Cancels the invitation you sent out
  • /watchdbduel - Allows you to watch a drive by duel that is currently in progess
  • /hs - Toggles a hitsound on and off
  • /getid - Allows you to obtain the ID of a player in game
  • /holiday eng or /holiday esp - Spawns you a rifle, 3 grenades and 500 spraycan ammo
  • /camera - Allows you to spawn a camera
  • /vips - Shows all the current VIPs online
  • /vhealth - Toggles an indicator of the vehicle health in the top left of your screen.
  • /president - Tells you who the current president is
  • /intel - Shows you the current president and some information about him
  • /timeleft - Shows the amount of time left before the president survives
  • /track - Shows you information about the selected player
  • /irc - Shows you information about our current IRC network
  • /site and /website - Gives you the link to our forum and website
  • /anims - A list of all the animations
  • /mask - Spawns a mask onto your characters' face
  • /maskoff - Takes the mask off your characters' face
  • /bh - Spawns a helmet onto your characters' head
  • /glasses - Spawns glasses onto your characters' face
  • /parrot - Spawns a parrot onto your characters' shoulder
  • /santahat (holidays) - Spawns a Christmas hat onto your characters' head
  • /dance - Allows you to dance in various different ways
  • /arrest - Allows you point a gun at someone pretending to arrest them
  • /drunk - Makes your character walk in a drunken fashion
  • /slapass - Goes through the motion of slapping another person's rear
  • /laugh - Makes your character laugh
  • /handsup - Makes your character put their hands up
  • /fs or /fightstyle - Allows you to change your fighting style
  • /createrace - Allows you to create a race, can only be used as a Civilian
  • /joinrace - Allows you to join any race that has been created, can only be used as a Civilian
  • /leaverace - Allows you to leave a race
  • /joinevent - Allows you to join an event
  • /leaveevent - Allows you to leave an event
  • /currentevent - Shows the current event taking place
  • /radio - Turns on the radio which is usually hosted by a player who is currently online
  • /radio24 - Turns on the radio 24/7
  • /radiooff - Turns off the radio
  • /radiolist - A list of stations that are always online
  • /ptp - A small introduction to what Plan B is
  • /rules - Shows a list of rules you must follow
  • /cmds or /commands - A list of the essential commands
  • /acchelp - Information to help with your account issues
  • /help - A few commands to help you with anything
  • /donatehelp - Information about how donating can help the server and how to do so
  • /faq - Answers to questions which are frequently asked about the President, Vice President, Security, Hydras and Armour
  • /cash - Resets your money to 6969
  • /hidesite - Disables the website textdraw
  • /showsite - Enables the website textdraw
  • /hidescore - Disables the score textdraw
  • /showscore - Enables the score textdraw
  • /score - Shows you your current score for the session
  • /topscore - Shows you a list of the top 10 scorers
  • /monthscore - Shows you your score for the current month
  • /topprotect - Shows you a list of the top 10 protectors
  • /topattack - Shows you a list of the top 10 attackers
  • /leaderboard - Shows you a list of the top 3 scorers of each month
  • /saw - Gives you a chainsaw
  • /sniper - Gives you a sniper
  • /h or /bpm - Allows you to ask an admin for help

Level 1 (Can also use all the commands under 'No level')
  • /ccolor - Allows you to change the colour of your vehicle
  • /ignore - Allows you to ignore a player in game, you will no longer see anything written by them
  • /unignore - Stops you from ignoring a player
  • /ignores - A list of people you are currently ignoring
  • /ignoreall - Ignores everyone, you won't see any messages
  • /colts - Spawns colts which replaces the desert eagle, can only be used by Civilians
  • /autologout - Automatically logs out of your account when you leave the game
  • /ptext - Allows you to put a small piece of text that can be seen when you use /stats
  • /resetptext - Resets the ptext so you can replace it with something else or just leave it blank
  • /tl - Sets the time left announcements on and off and allows you to put the current time left on your HUD
  • /mе - Allows to you type a message about yourself in the third person. (What I type: /me is beating up Skittles What is seen: Quido is beating up Skittles)
  • /ecmds - Shows you the event commands
  • /favskin - Allows you to select the skin of your preference for each class
  • /resetfavskin - Resets the changes you made to '/favskin' to the default settings
  • /changename - Creates a request to change your nick
  • /cancelchangename - Cancels the request to change your nick

Level 2 (Can also use the commands under 'No level' and 'Level 1')
  • /vcmds - A list of VIP commands
  • /vskin - Allows you to change to any skin
  • /saveskin - Saves your current skin so you spawn with it
  • /resetskin - Resets your saved skin
  • /wheel - Allows you to pick from multiple wheel types for your vehicle
  • /nos or /nitro or by pressing Y - Gives your vehicle nitro
  • /vipme - Gives you a chainsaw and sniper
  • /rifle - Gives you a rifle
  • /kata - Gives you a katana sword
  • /vsay - Displays a message in blue, I use: /vsay Jonne is a noob You see: [VIP]* Quido: Jonne is a noob
  • /cc - Makes your vehicle flash multiple colours
  • /savecc - Saves your /cc
  • /vset - Makes it so you spawn with the most popular VIP weapons, the chainsaw and sniper
  • /savecolor - Saves a specific vehicle colour so every time you enter a vehicle it has that colour
  • /resetcolor - Resets the saved vehicle colour
  • /savenos - Your vehicle has nitro every time you enter
  • /savehydraulics - Your vehicle has hydraulics every time you enter
  • /savewheel - Your vehicle has your preferred set of wheels every time you enter
  • /resetwheel - Resets your wheel choice
  • /autotune - Toggles whether your vehicle modifications (nitro, colour, hydraulics and wheels) happen automatically when you enter a vehicle

Discord and IRC commands (Echo channels only)
  • !say [text] - Sends a message in game
  • & [text] - Sends a message to the VIP chat (VIPs only)
  • !stats [name] - Check a player's current in game stats
  • !tp - Shows the total current players in the server
  • !vips - Shows all the current VIPs in game
  • !getid - Check the ID of a player
  • !map - Shows the current map in the server
  • !sb - Check the current team balance
  • !president - Shows information about the President
  • !vp - Shows information about the Vice-President
  • .commands all - Shows all the commands for the music bot (Discord #bot channel only)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 09:04:17 pm by Issy, Reason: Added Discord and IRC commands »