Ramming a motorcycle III: from the side
How did you even calculate that 
If by calculate you mean knowing exactly where they are, in this case I didn't, I just guessed the general area of where they'd be, then tried to hit as much of it as I could. My usual rule of thumb to figure out where they are in their game is to add my ping to their ping and aim about that far ahead of them, assuming they continue in the same direction (so 170 + 250 would be .420 seconds ahead). Once you get the feel for it (and if you have a stable ping) you just adjust based on their ping.
Here's a PSA for everyone, since there seems to be widespread misunderstanding regarding lagcomp, including among many of our most experienced players.
Lagcomp only works for aimed weapons which fire bullets. This means that the following common things require deflection aiming (lag shooting, or whatever you call it) ahead of your target (not a complete list):
- Driveby shooting, if you're the driver (since the passenger can aim, they're lagcomped with bullets)
- Rustler M4s
- RC Baron's guns
- Unguided and guided rockets (the guided rockets only do damage if they hit in the other player's game, but since they're so easy to avoid, there's almost no point in trying to aim them)
- Hunter's minigun and missiles
- Grenades
- Punching, kicking, etc.
- Chainsaws and all other melee weapons
- Helikilling
- Ramming
And again, here's what lagcomp actually synchronizes (meaning a hit in your game always registers in the target's game):
- Aimed weapons which fire bullets, when fired from the ground or from the passenger seat of a car (so an MP5 is lagcomped if you're firing as a passenger, but not if you're shooting and driving)
If you want to test this for yourself, grab a friend and /dbduel or /airduel them. Use their ping to figure out how much farther ahead you should aim, then fight. Alternatively, just keep turning tighter than they are until you start hitting. You should see that you sometimes have to aim so far ahead that you aren't hitting them in your game, but you will definitely be hitting them in their game. Try the same thing when ramming someone on the ground-- aim a little ahead of them go right through that area (I try to keep most of the vehicle ahead of them to maximize the chances of a hit, as in the video). A lot of the time, you won't even hit them in your game, but you certainly will in theirs if you do it right.
You can see me doing a lot of obvious lead aiming/deflection aiming/lag shooting in the
Protecting as SWAT video and in pretty much every other video I've made.