Author Topic: Planes in LVA, Vortexes in all maps, Watercamping and President suggestions  (Read 4533 times)

Offline YoMama

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So I'm not really sure that I like having more Rustlers in the first place at LVA, but I definitely don't like the positioning of the one in this screenshot:

The one on the far right is blocking a stunt out of LVA (the ramp there).

I've also got a suggestion about the planes at LVA, which is that there should be more variety instead of just more Rustlers. A Dodo or two and a Cropduster in the same place it used to be would be nice. I also think that the other maps should have some more variety in planes, too- SF doesn't have any two seater planes at all and a Dodo would be pretty fun to have (as well as a stunt plane or two). Skimmers are also fun (there used to be one in FC that I loved but it disappeared).

This leads into another suggestion- long ago there were Vortexes (hovercraft) that were removed because people like christian08 abused the driveby autoaim they have. Could those finally make a return in PTP, without the DB? I think Flint County, West Venturas and especially Red County could be a lot of fun with them (no reason not to add them in other maps, too). There just have to be enough spread around so that a chase can actually happen (not that it wouldn't if there were only one, Vortexes are easy prey for Rustlers).

The next one falls into fine-tuning. I realized that there should be whitelisted bodies of water for watercamping, those areas where you're extremely vulnerable and usually fall in by accident (for example, the water near the ship armor spawn in LV and a lot of river space in FC and RC). It doesn't make sense to have the timer there if they're going to get killed anyway.

Now I have a few suggestions for the President- first of all, the timer for being President again is way too long, and now that one can't evade it, it's going to become an issue. I think it should be 5 minutes for player counts under 10, and 15-20 minutes max for larger player counts. That gives enough time so that someone else can have a chance with less players and enough time that someone isn't going to monopolize it unfairly with more players. If there are 5 people in the server and only one of them wants to be President, a 30 minute wait is going to cause issues.

Next, I have a few suggestions for the President's available vehicles. I think that the vehicles that the President can't use should be clearly marked so the President doesn't find out he can't use them after trying to. Also, I brought this up in the server, but I'll mention again that I still see no reason why the President can't fly planes and helicopters that aren't faster than Rustlers. The President shouldn't be able to fly a Shamal, but Stuntplanes, Cropdusters, Dodos, etc. should be allowed. They're analogous to NRGs on the ground with Rustlers being Infernuses. You can run for a bit if you're really good, but with a good Infernus driver (and combat shotgun) against you, you're probably screwed. If someone is on top of another plane with a sniper rifle or AK-47 it doesn't even require much flying skill to take a President down and most Presidents suck too much to even get that far off the ground anyway. I do also think that the President should be able to use Rustlers in NSA because the Hydras would take care of him, but I don't think there is as much agreement there and it's not as important to me.

Generally, I think that there needs to be a little more variety- San Andreas has in my opinion a better set of vehicles than GTA V and PTP either never had a lot of them or they were removed over the years. Having that variety is something that a lot of other servers lack, so it's a selling point. I also know of quite a few Rustler pilots from other servers who are looking for a good server for flying. I know it's not everybody's thing (just like NRGs) but I think letting the President fly most things would attract those people (if anybody has seen the [S.A.R.] clan in PTP recently, they are part of that group of pilots... I did a little recruiting :) ).

Also, a few other random things that I talked to Jonne about but aren't super important: the /ej command needs to make the plane explode (set vehicle health to 0) after it is used; and the "no chatting until spawned" thing should be changed to "no talking until logged in" if it's only to prevent registered players accidentally typing "./login mystupidpassword" or something similar into the mainchat. Also, the anti-vehicle teamshooting thing doesn't currently work for someone standing on top of your vehicle and stomping on it.

Offline Jonne

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So I'm not really sure that I like having more Rustlers in the first place at LVA, but I definitely don't like the positioning of the one in this screenshot:

The one on the far right is blocking a stunt out of LVA (the ramp there).

Those are removed now.

I've also got a suggestion about the planes at LVA, which is that there should be more variety instead of just more Rustlers. A Dodo or two and a Cropduster in the same place it used to be would be nice. I also think that the other maps should have some more variety in planes, too- SF doesn't have any two seater planes at all and a Dodo would be pretty fun to have (as well as a stunt plane or two). Skimmers are also fun (there used to be one in FC that I loved but it disappeared).

We have a very dynamic vehicle system now, so if you've got any suggestions for vehicles, just let us know ingame what vehicle you want and where you want it and we'll add it (to a degree, we won't just add every vehicle anyone suggests).

This leads into another suggestion- long ago there were Vortexes (hovercraft) that were removed because people like christian08 abused the driveby autoaim they have. Could those finally make a return in PTP, without the DB? I think Flint County, West Venturas and especially Red County could be a lot of fun with them (no reason not to add them in other maps, too). There just have to be enough spread around so that a chase can actually happen (not that it wouldn't if there were only one, Vortexes are easy prey for Rustlers).

We will be adding some in the FC map, just to try out. If there aren't any complaints or problems, we'll add them to some of the other maps as well. DB has been disables for these vehicles.

The next one falls into fine-tuning. I realized that there should be whitelisted bodies of water for watercamping, those areas where you're extremely vulnerable and usually fall in by accident (for example, the water near the ship armor spawn in LV and a lot of river space in FC and RC). It doesn't make sense to have the timer there if they're going to get killed anyway.

I don't think that is necessary with the new system. In the first minute you'll only get warnings, the second minute you'll lose only 4 HP in total. I think that gives you plenty of time to get out of the water if you've accidentally fallen in.

Now I have a few suggestions for the President- first of all, the timer for being President again is way too long, and now that one can't evade it, it's going to become an issue. I think it should be 5 minutes for player counts under 10, and 15-20 minutes max for larger player counts. That gives enough time so that someone else can have a chance with less players and enough time that someone isn't going to monopolize it unfairly with more players. If there are 5 people in the server and only one of them wants to be President, a 30 minute wait is going to cause issues.

I've edited the timers, now it's set to 15 mins waiting after you die as a president, and 5 minutes when the player count is lower then 10.

Next, I have a few suggestions for the President's available vehicles. I think that the vehicles that the President can't use should be clearly marked so the President doesn't find out he can't use them after trying to. Also, I brought this up in the server, but I'll mention again that I still see no reason why the President can't fly planes and helicopters that aren't faster than Rustlers. The President shouldn't be able to fly a Shamal, but Stuntplanes, Cropdusters, Dodos, etc. should be allowed. They're analogous to NRGs on the ground with Rustlers being Infernuses. You can run for a bit if you're really good, but with a good Infernus driver (and combat shotgun) against you, you're probably screwed. If someone is on top of another plane with a sniper rifle or AK-47 it doesn't even require much flying skill to take a President down and most Presidents suck too much to even get that far off the ground anyway. I do also think that the President should be able to use Rustlers in NSA because the Hydras would take care of him, but I don't think there is as much agreement there and it's not as important to me.

There's not really any way to clearly mark that the president can't use said vehicle, so the only thing I can do is just remove him after he tried to get in, with a clear message. I'm not really sure about letting the president fly those other planes, let's see what everyone else thinks about it. If everyone thinks it's a good idea, I'll add it.

Generally, I think that there needs to be a little more variety- San Andreas has in my opinion a better set of vehicles than GTA V and PTP either never had a lot of them or they were removed over the years. Having that variety is something that a lot of other servers lack, so it's a selling point. I also know of quite a few Rustler pilots from other servers who are looking for a good server for flying. I know it's not everybody's thing (just like NRGs) but I think letting the President fly most things would attract those people (if anybody has seen the [S.A.R.] clan in PTP recently, they are part of that group of pilots... I did a little recruiting :) ).

As I've said before, if you've got suggestions, let us know ingame. We can easily add vehicles, so if it's a good suggestion, we'll just add it straight away.

Also, a few other random things that I talked to Jonne about but aren't super important: the /ej command needs to make the plane explode (set vehicle health to 0) after it is used; and the "no chatting until spawned" thing should be changed to "no talking until logged in" if it's only to prevent registered players accidentally typing "./login mystupidpassword" or something similar into the mainchat. Also, the anti-vehicle teamshooting thing doesn't currently work for someone standing on top of your vehicle and stomping on it.

Those will all be added in the next update. Just the anti-vehicle teamshooting, there's nothing I can do about stomping on the vehicle, I've tried searching for a way, but haven't found anything yet (The same happens in PTP, if you stomp on a teammates vehicle, it will lose health). On that topic, teamshooting tires has been fixed, teammates will no longer be able to pop your tires (Thanks to Ariane for that script).