Author Topic: [To be added]Scoring system refinements  (Read 11640 times)

Offline Shark_The_Helicopter

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Re: Scoring system refinements
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2018, 05:07:02 pm »
I chase a president alone the whole map, damage him from 100HP 50 AP down to 20HP against 2-3 secs + 2 cops alone, and a new player joins,and suddenly outta nowhere a sniper kills president and gets 15 points while I am left with like 7 points+1 Chase Bonus.

Made me RQ.

Nothing much,just a example why Points for President Damage should be awarded rather than just giving the whole prize away for the kill, which can get unfair and in PTP's case Sniper and less effort teammate kill steals are a lot common.
I think terrors are getting scores for chasing president.
So the thing you want to say is give more points to the terrorist who is damage the president or his/her car. Am I right?

That chase score is horrible, you need to be really close to president to get those points which is very impractical, as for one its hard to keep up alone and other that going head on against 4 securities to get those points is stupid as you would die in 30 seconds.

I meant that most of my efforts went to waste because a sniper came and killed the president without having to do most of the hardwork of clearing the obstacle of security and damaging the president down to 20HP from 100HP 50AP alone.

I want something to prevent this, because this is too common in the GM. The Terrorist that did the most damage should get the Kill Points instead of less than half points obtained from Kill Assist award.

or a better solution that is to obtain points from damaging president's health. Current System only encourages Terros to do all things alone or kill steal the hardworking teammates efforts and steal the points.

Offline Chetan

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Re: Scoring system refinements
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2018, 06:15:51 pm »
For this case; the person who does the most damage in the whole time when the president was trying to survive should get half points at the death of the president.

Means if you almost killed him and he somehow gets killed by some other guy; You would get half the points the president would get if he survived.
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Re: Scoring system refinements
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2018, 03:51:42 pm »
Power Rising! Magnetizing! Come on can you hear me now! Not even the gods can win nowww!

Offline Jonne

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Re: Scoring system refinements
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2018, 09:39:54 pm »
Some of these suggestions have been added already in the meanwhile, like expanding the chase radius, adding points for damaging the vehicle, giving points to the driver and taking into account the balance between the teams. We'll continue working on this system, based on these suggestions too.

Offline YoMama

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Re: Scoring system refinements
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2019, 01:11:24 pm »
Some of these suggestions have been added already in the meanwhile, like expanding the chase radius, adding points for damaging the vehicle, giving points to the driver and taking into account the balance between the teams. We'll continue working on this system, based on these suggestions too.
I like the new driver points, but there are still a few things that I think should be improved:

  • I'm not getting many points, if any, for damaging the President and his vehicle(s) as a terrorist. I think it would be pretty reasonable to give maybe a half a point or one point for every hit to the President's health/armor, and maybe a point per 50HP taken from his vehicle.
  • Give some amount of points for Hydra kills; more for manually-targeted kills and kills made while not in hover mode (do a point multiplier kind of thing).
  • It would be nice to give aircraft points for chasing/protecting by giving them a larger distance threshold from the President for getting points, since they can cover large swaths of area while still being heavily involved in the game.
  • Give protectors points for shooting down attackers regardless of how close they are to the President if the President is in the air. Following the President closely with a plane isn't effective protecting, but patrolling between the airport and the President so there is time to shoot down an attacker before they reach the President is.
  • It seems like the current system for detecting whether a player is chasing/protecting gives points if the player stays within a certain distance of the President for the entirety of a time period. It would be better if it tracked how much time they're within the radius and how much time they're out of it for a period of time, then give points if the percentage of time inside is high enough. That way, a player has room to be knocked out temporarily or handle an opponent while still actively protecting the President.