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Turquoise Islands Launch, Discord & more

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Hi guys,

Tonight (Saturday 16 May), we will be launching a new map on Plan B: Turquoise Islands. First of all, I'd like to thank Cobra, for being the driving force behind this and creating the map, and Carg, for setting up the vehicles, spawns and making sure it's ready for PTP. More information about the map is available
here. So, make sure you don't miss the launch tonight: Saturday 16 May at 20:00 CEST (UTC +2):

Now, a short overview of the updates we've done since the last topic.

* Turquoise Islands
* With the new map, we've also changed the map rotation system. Simply put, the Turquoise Islands map will replace 50% of the NSA occurences. To explain in a little more detail, the map rotation system works is 'cycles', in which we'll play through all maps in a random order. Once we finished a cycle, a new cycle start, with again all of the maps in a different random order.
* Example: Cycle 1: RC > SF > LS > WV > NSA > LV > FC.
Cycle 2: WV > LS > Turquoise Islands > SF > FC > RC > LV.
All of this is randomized, so there will always be a random chance if NSA or Turquoise Islands will be played in the current cycle (which should add up to a 50/50 chance).
* Snipers and chainsaws will be disabled on this map. For snipers, we feel that the map is too small, as on some islands you'll have a sight on most players. For chainsaws, they simply didn't work on spawned objects, so they're unusable on this map.
* Any feedback and issues with the map are welcome in this topic.
* Discord
* We added echoing for the Discord server, so everything that's available in IRC, is now also available on Discord. If you want to chat ingame, you will have to get verified:
* One issue we noticed is that Discord does not allow us to send as many messages as IRC does, so sometimes (when there's a lot of players ingame), the echoing might be delayed.
* Anti team surfing
* This is an issue that came up with some recent reports. Initially, we just wanted to clear the rule up, but that seemed to bring a lot more questions than it solved. For some perspective, this was our initial thought on clearing the rule up: team members wouldn't be allowed to surf on enemies vehicles (so terros with cops or vice versa). For civilians, it would depend. Were they not engaged in any fights with the team, it would be allowed. If you were engaged in a fight (with the same team of the person you're surfing on), it wouldn't be allowed. Now, I think this is already pretty in-depth, but then there would still be "gray zones", such as, when do you consider they're in a fight, should they be shooting back for it to be called a fight, when would you consider it ended, or what if he accidentally damaged someone on the team. And then we didn't even get to the part on how we would punish for it.

So, instead of making such a rule, we went with a simpler solution, and just making it impossible to surf on a vehicle of the opposing team. Terros can't ride with cops and vice versa, civilians won't be able to ride with terros or cops (it's the same system as with getting in as a passenger). Everyone can still surf if a civilian is the driver. I know that it's not the best solution and will probably cause some frustration, but out of this and making a rule, I think this is the better one. This way, we just make it impossible to do, and admins don't have to interfere. But if you do have a better suggestion on how we can solve this, please let us know!
* Disabled the sniper object check (checked whether there was an object blocking the sniper shot, in response to this bug: The fix seemed to bring more bugs than it was fixing things, so we disabled it again:
* Added support for placing races in interiors
* Fixed a bug with the class balancing (so it now calculates how the balance would be after you reclassed, instead of looking at the current balance)
* Fixed /monthscore, /topprotect, /topattack
* Added messages on chainsaw spawning
See you tonight!

Nice updates!

See ya'll tonight!


Lets go!!! So excited

A Big thanks to Cobra and you jonne and carg to make this possible!

Great Job, Jonne!


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