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Off Topic / Re: Hello
« Last post by Finisher on September 19, 2024, 10:02:11 pm »
pwnt :-*
Off Topic / Re: Today's Sunday please play more ptp
« Last post by Rage on August 24, 2024, 12:48:20 pm »
Darkies not allowed!
a pakistan goat fucker speak be "dead"  and don't speak lil street shitter person
Suggestions / Re: Los Santos and San Fierro Only
« Last post by Rage on August 24, 2024, 12:47:21 pm »
+1 for revival
a pakistan nigger saying that while hes forgotten there be dead lil moron
Suggestions / Re: Los Santos and San Fierro Only
« Last post by Deadman on August 22, 2024, 01:59:28 pm »
+1 for revival
Off Topic / Re: Today's Sunday please play more ptp
« Last post by Deadman on August 22, 2024, 01:53:51 pm »
Reports / Re: [pWn]Scott
« Last post by Jonne on May 17, 2024, 09:22:56 pm »
Sorry for the late reply. We already investigated it, and talked to Scott about it. From his perspective, you were lagging and that's why he tagged you. From the logs, we did notice a higher than usual packet loss on you at that time. He also only tagged you after fights, not during fights, so it didn't cause him or anyone else to gain any advantage.

So, we won't take any actions regarding this right now. But if this keeps happening, please let us know so we can investigate further.
Suggestions / Re: Los Santos and San Fierro Only
« Last post by Gablo on May 13, 2024, 10:03:04 pm »
ples make ptp open for android i wanna play while taking a shit???
Suggestions / Re: Los Santos and San Fierro Only
« Last post by Bully on May 13, 2024, 03:28:10 am »
Bring back the map voting system.
Suggestions / Re: Los Santos and San Fierro Only
« Last post by GlennN on April 19, 2024, 05:30:17 pm »
Suggestions / Re: Los Santos and San Fierro Only
« Last post by DaddysGotMilk on April 17, 2024, 08:43:50 am »
-1 I like county maps. I don't want to login to the server every weekend just to play urban.

Everyone said +1 and the only guy who said -1 is permanent banned and that means he doesn't want the server to be alive again because he has no chance to play.

@Jonna, We were 21 players enjoying Los Santos yesterday and when Las Venturas(a bad map also) came more than half of the players left and when Flint country came everyone left the server. Then what are we waiting for ??

We only need the maps Los Santos ,San Fierro and West Venturas because they are the only suitable maps for fights.

Egyption fag, You literally posted a screenshot that says I'm already in game. Ofcouse, I want this server to be alive, but I still like county maps.
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