I think he's talking about the Presidents friends kill their security while simultaneously "protecting the President" and the security who are in on it stand idly by like nothing is happening.
This is exactly what I was trying to say. Feel free to lock the topic if necessary as we can continue this on the other topic.
I know. i got it what you wanted to say.
Since those civs are not attacking president the securities have no reason to kill that civ unless for self defence. So if a civ killed a random newbie security and the other securities just let him, then it is stupid but not against duty. It is PTP , not protect the securities.
Edit : there is no rule breaking there @judah. A security has all rights to watch a civ rape some other security. It's not his duty to protect teammates, protecting president is.
You might argue that it is morally incorrect to let teammates die as it would eventually mean lesser security for president but that's not mentioned in /duty of a security. A security has to do his best to protect president. Now that is quite a controversial /duty.