Hello Deadman,
As I told you in-game and I insist now, I apologize for my mistake. You weren't supposed to get a warning for team-killing, it will be removed.
Moving on to the spawn-killing part, it's perfectly reasonable that you never got a warning before for that kind of behavior. Actually, this is the first time I am warning someone for this reason. Most of the times it doesn't matter, because people do it on a friendly fashion and nothing happens. You weren't doing it on a friendly fashion, we had been fighting for several minutes and you wanted to continue doing it, even though I had decided not to leave my spawn zone. You spawn-killed to gain a game advantage.
When you break the rules just for fun and it doesn't really bother the other person, it is something we can let pass. For example, if you and your friend are securities and you decide to punch each other because you are bored, I don't think anyone cares about it. If you punch your friend so he can't protect the president while the terrorist kick in, that's something we can't let pass.
I hope you understand the difference. If you want me to clarify anything, please post another reply.
EDIT: The team-killing warning has been removed.