Author Topic: Stephanie  (Read 5778 times)

Offline SoLoD

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« on: June 20, 2017, 03:29:35 pm »
• Players' name: Stephanie
• Date it occurred: Today
• Reason for the report (Go into more detail about what they did): Permanent civilian spawnkilling with chainsaw.
Here are some facts i want to add.
1. She was standing at civilian spawns (another map after another map after another map).
2. She was not afking. So, just understand it, she was playing gamemod in the civilian spawns. I witnessed it 10, 20, 30 minutes. It is just out of mine understanding capability.
3. She was all about killing non-regular civilians. I wanna add here, that civilians were just standing at spawn under spawnprotection system. We know, that you can not do damage by guns when you are under this system, but as Yash said to me, chainsaw is a melee weapon and you can do damage.
4. The rule is:
• No teamshooting / spawnkilling
- Do not shoot players in their spawning zone
So, obvious it IS a PERMANENT rulebreaking.
5. I was reporting her time after time after time.
The reaction (from Yash, do not know if some other staff witnessed it too) was:
- Stop spam reports (even if i reported EACH TIME she did it) (this was from ptpbot and Yash)
- That is not a rulebreaking (well, it IS rulebreaking as i wrote above)
6. This is not just a rulebreaking, this is bug abusing.
She is vip and she knows that you should not be able to do damage when you are under spawnprot system. But she abused this bug with chainsaw time after time after time to kill nonregulars (very smart, they will not report you) to get stats or whatever.
7. I thought that "playing on armor spawn" is a retardness. But "playing on the spawn"? This is some serious mental shit, and i do not really wanna see her explanations.
What i wanna see is a full response from authorized admin:
- Why your mods-admins-whoever-they-are do not know simple rules? What is a test to become mod, is it "donating some money to the server"? They only job is to punish rulebreakers. How are they doing it if they do not know rules?
- What is the punishment?
- Are you satisfied where this gamemode goes? You are responsible for all bullshit with armor spawn, "cooperative maneuvers of cops and terrors" etc. So please, if you understand it - can you explain it to me, because i am totally out of my mind.
• Any screenshots or videos that go along with the report: As i said, Yash told me that it is "OK for ptp". So, he witnessed this shit (i guess so). And hell, everyone esle witnessed it too, because sometimes spawns were full of regular civilians.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline Jonne

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Re: Stephanie
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2017, 10:13:57 pm »
I've checked the logs, and in both cases you had already lost your spawnprotection when he killed you. The rule you quoted is a bit out of date and should have been changed already. After the update in which we introduced spawn zones (, we adapted the spawnkilling rule. Then we established that you were allowed to kill people when they had lost their spawn protection. You're under spawn protection as long as you're in the spawn zone. Once you leave the spawn zone, there are 5 seconds of extra spawn protection, so you can get away from the zone. While you're under spawn protection, other players can't damage you at all, that's why we stopped punishing for "spawnshooting", and just show the dialogs when you're shooting someone else that's under spawn protection.

Now, you lost your spawnprotection already when he killed you, which means you had left the spawnzone and came back. The spawnzone is not a safezone, you can't run back into it and expect everyone to stop fighting you. Yes, weapons are disabled now on the civilian spawn, but we did this to counter people sniping from the civ spawn, while they couldn't be harmed (I'll explain this in detail in a future update topic). We can't disable non-bullet weapons, and since those weapons aren't that much of a problem (since you have to be up close to use the weapon anyway, you can't really exploit your spawnprotection like that), this is allowed.

To sum this up, when a person has lost their spawn protection, you're allowed to kill him/her. When they are still under spawn protection, you can't harm them anyway. You had lost your spawn protection, so he was allowed to kill you.

- Why your mods-admins-whoever-they-are do not know simple rules? What is a test to become mod, is it "donating some money to the server"? They only job is to punish rulebreakers. How are they doing it if they do not know rules?
As I've explained, they do know the rules. Donating won't help you getting mod or gaining any other advantage (proven by the fact that the person you reported is a mod, and has never been VIP or donated to the server).

- What is the punishment?
Since no one here broke the rules, there won't be any punishment.

- Are you satisfied where this gamemode goes? You are responsible for all bullshit with armor spawn, "cooperative maneuvers of cops and terrors" etc. So please, if you understand it - can you explain it to me, because i am totally out of my mind.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly. I don't think there's any problems with the armour spawn anymore. If you see cops and terrorist working together, that's against the rules and you should report it.

Offline SoLoD

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Re: Stephanie
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2017, 11:36:17 pm »
>I've checked the logs, and in both cases you had already lost your spawnprotection when he killed you.
You have unlimited spawn protection as long as you stay in the spawnzone. What i know is that i was not running outside the spawn. So, if your script is working right, i should not lost my immortality. And still i was killed twice.
The rule you quoted is a bit out of date and should have been changed already.
It is not outdated. You can check it by yourself. It is yours rules. Go to information -> ingame rules. It is official rules. And they are not changed, so they are not outdated, they are actual rules. And if in someone`s head this rules are outdated, it changes nothing. Because if they are outdated then you can break other rules as well.
>After the update in which we introduced spawn zones (, we adapted the spawnkilling rule.
I do not see a word about old "No teamshooting / spawnkilling" and "Do not shoot players in their spawning zone".
>Now, you lost your spawnprotection already when he killed you, which means you had left the spawnzone and came back.
I am still with what i said before. I was at spawn from respawn till death. First time i was just running at spawn, second time i was afking. And i witnessed how she killed nonregular when he was afking as well.
>We can't disable non-bullet weapons, and since those weapons aren't that much of a problem (since you have to be up close to use the weapon anyway, you can't really exploit your spawnprotection like that), this is allowed.
This is allowed? What actually is allowed? To buy chainsaw for 20$ and kill someone when you are immortal?
I can not even perceive it because it is non-existence addition to non-existence rule.
And what actually is allowed, that she is killing me in the spawn while she is immortal? Again, she was immortal. As you said, spawn protection is all about dividing players to immortals without damage and mortals with damage. And when you do damage and you are immortal - it is a bug abusing of this protection system.
As I've explained, they do know the rules. Donating won't help you getting mod or gaining any other advantage (proven by the fact that the person you reported is a mod, and has never been VIP or donated to the server).
Donating wont help you getting advantage? So, chainsaw, sniper, nitro, fastskins are not advantage? Ok. Interesting point. I will remember it.
And i can clearly see your official rules on your official topic.
And i am pretty sure i will see them in-game too. But now you are telling me that in this case rules are not working? Even pretty obvious ones like "do NOT shoot".
And the fact that he is mod... it just makes this situation even more hilarious. I mean, if staff member is doing this shit with self-made interpretation of game rules, what can you expect from community?
Or maybe there are different rules for different levels? For plebs you have this "official" ones. And the higher you get - the less number of rules you have.
Since no one here broke the rules, there won't be any punishment.
So, you can not broke something that can be "forgotten" when it needs to be "Forgotten"? Pretty conveniently.
>I'm not sure what you mean exactly. I don't think there's any problems with the armour spawn anymore.
Well, then there was no problem with armor. Because after you "solved" armor problem, things are the same. Whenever i drive near armor spawns i see tons of campers. And the only one thing can push them out - when they are moving outside to respawn armor.
Some weeks ago i did some experiment by making statistic of armor camping to see how many times it will be full of campers. I was even recording videos every time i went to armor. And i dropped that "experiment" the same day i started it. Because it is 100%. Literally.
So, i do not know what "armor problem" was solved.
If you see cops and terrorist working together, that's against the rules and you should report it.
Oh really. So when i am president and cops do not kill terrors that standing 2 meters away - that is against the rules? Very useful information.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline SoLoD

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Re: Stephanie
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2017, 12:19:00 pm »
Well, just a random clip from today`s plain`.
Look at this shit and tell me - what do you see?
Because i know what i see. I see that your "i`ve checked your logs", "you lost your spawn protection", but now i look at this video... Well, this is what you are calling "it is ok with spawnkilling".
So, to clarify this, you can pay 20 $, stay at civ spawn point and instakill everyone?
Because if you can not - why are you saying it is ok.
And if it is ok...
And when you are justify your staff member, it is pretty wrong move for you.
As a head admin you must be the most interested person in the server on your staff members acting worthy.
And here is another example. Yash is your newest mod, yes? So, today i (security) was stucked in fight with him near presi spawn, presi died, i respawned and started to shoot him as he was just at the presi spawn, was about to finish him (there were 5-10 hp left), and satvik rammed me (he was cop) to let him run away. Ofc it is a situation to give ban to satvik, but as long as i was not recording it, how do you think, will Yash tell the truth (ofc i do not asking about satvik because it is obvious how your "vips" acting). I will answer - he will not. Because he witnessed it, he received a report, he did nothing.
So please, JOHN, do not pretend here that your staff is action impartial.
p.s. so, looks like you bother yourself to read my wall of text, but not bother yourself to go and delete 1 simple line. Maybe, next time i should write reports on my room wall instead of sending it to your forum.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline Jonne

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Re: Stephanie
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2017, 04:03:18 pm »
>I've checked the logs, and in both cases you had already lost your spawnprotection when he killed you.
You have unlimited spawn protection as long as you stay in the spawnzone. What i know is that i was not running outside the spawn. So, if your script is working right, i should not lost my immortality. And still i was killed twice.
[06:53:18] *** Barkii killed SoLoD (Distance: 15) (UZI)
[06:53:33] Spawnprotection of SoLoD (ID: 7) ended.
[06:53:52] *** Stephanie killed SoLoD (Distance: 1) (Chainsaw)

[08:53:08] [4] *** SoLoD is now Civilian.
[08:55:30] Spawnprotection of SoLoD (ID: 4) ended.
[08:56:03] *** Stephanie killed SoLoD (Distance: 1) (Chainsaw)
These are my logs from that moment, as you can see, the system told me you already lost your spawn protection by then. If it's a bug and you did not leave the spawnzone at all, you can report it in the bug reports section.

The rule you quoted is a bit out of date and should have been changed already.
It is not outdated. You can check it by yourself. It is yours rules. Go to information -> ingame rules. It is official rules. And they are not changed, so they are not outdated, they are actual rules. And if in someone`s head this rules are outdated, it changes nothing. Because if they are outdated then you can break other rules as well.
I'm very sorry for the inconvenience it caused you, we've fixed the rules now.

>After the update in which we introduced spawn zones (, we adapted the spawnkilling rule.
I do not see a word about old "No teamshooting / spawnkilling" and "Do not shoot players in their spawning zone".
This new system also means that you're allowed to kill everyone who's not under spawn protection, since that means they've left the zone.

>Now, you lost your spawnprotection already when he killed you, which means you had left the spawnzone and came back.
I am still with what i said before. I was at spawn from respawn till death. First time i was just running at spawn, second time i was afking. And i witnessed how she killed nonregular when he was afking as well.
Again, if the system is not working properly (people losing their spawnprotection without leaving the spawn zone, or chainsaw being able to kill a person that still has spawn protection), please report it in the bug reports section.

>We can't disable non-bullet weapons, and since those weapons aren't that much of a problem (since you have to be up close to use the weapon anyway, you can't really exploit your spawnprotection like that), this is allowed.
This is allowed? What actually is allowed? To buy chainsaw for 20$ and kill someone when you are immortal?
I can not even perceive it because it is non-existence addition to non-existence rule.
And what actually is allowed, that she is killing me in the spawn while she is immortal? Again, she was immortal. As you said, spawn protection is all about dividing players to immortals without damage and mortals with damage. And when you do damage and you are immortal - it is a bug abusing of this protection system.
Yes, you're allowed to kill someone while you're immortal. Whether you want to do it with a 20$ chainsaw or a free dildo is up to you. If you don't want to be killed by someone who's immortal, I suggest staying away from the spawnzone once you've lost your spawnprotection.

As I've explained, they do know the rules. Donating won't help you getting mod or gaining any other advantage (proven by the fact that the person you reported is a mod, and has never been VIP or donated to the server).
Donating wont help you getting advantage? So, chainsaw, sniper, nitro, fastskins are not advantage? Ok. Interesting point. I will remember it.
And i can clearly see your official rules on your official topic.
And i am pretty sure i will see them in-game too. But now you are telling me that in this case rules are not working? Even pretty obvious ones like "do NOT shoot".
And the fact that he is mod... it just makes this situation even more hilarious. I mean, if staff member is doing this shit with self-made interpretation of game rules, what can you expect from community?
Or maybe there are different rules for different levels? For plebs you have this "official" ones. And the higher you get - the less number of rules you have.
Since no one here broke the rules, there won't be any punishment.
So, you can not broke something that can be "forgotten" when it needs to be "Forgotten"? Pretty conveniently.
I meant that being a VIP will not get you a different treatment than regular players, in mod selection, ban appeals, etc. The rules are the same for everyone.

>I'm not sure what you mean exactly. I don't think there's any problems with the armour spawn anymore.
Well, then there was no problem with armor. Because after you "solved" armor problem, things are the same. Whenever i drive near armor spawns i see tons of campers. And the only one thing can push them out - when they are moving outside to respawn armor.
Some weeks ago i did some experiment by making statistic of armor camping to see how many times it will be full of campers. I was even recording videos every time i went to armor. And i dropped that "experiment" the same day i started it. Because it is 100%. Literally.
So, i do not know what "armor problem" was solved.
If you feel something should be done about it, or have a better solution, feel free to make a suggestion.

If you see cops and terrorist working together, that's against the rules and you should report it.
Oh really. So when i am president and cops do not kill terrors that standing 2 meters away - that is against the rules? Very useful information.
The rules we have on this prevents people intentionally blocking their own team, for example: when someone saws or sprays a teammate, in order to let someone from the other team kill him. There won't be any hard punishments for "not shooting at a person", since that's a lot harder to prove and a lot harder to draw a line for.

Well, just a random clip from today`s plain`.
Look at this shit and tell me - what do you see?
Because i know what i see. I see that your "i`ve checked your logs", "you lost your spawn protection", but now i look at this video... Well, this is what you are calling "it is ok with spawnkilling".
So, to clarify this, you can pay 20 $, stay at civ spawn point and instakill everyone?
Because if you can not - why are you saying it is ok.
And if it is ok...
And when you are justify your staff member, it is pretty wrong move for you.
As a head admin you must be the most interested person in the server on your staff members acting worthy.
I've looked into this, and found out there was a bug causing this. This bug is related to the anti death evasion system, which we recently changed. It used to prevent you from reclassing when you were damaged recently, but we changed it so it would award the kill if you reclassed instead. When looking into this, I noticed it was still doing both (preventing to reclass and awarding the kill). That's why you see him dying multiple times, every time he tried to reclass. The bug will be fixed after the next restart, thanks for pointing it out.

And here is another example. Yash is your newest mod, yes? So, today i (security) was stucked in fight with him near presi spawn, presi died, i respawned and started to shoot him as he was just at the presi spawn, was about to finish him (there were 5-10 hp left), and satvik rammed me (he was cop) to let him run away. Ofc it is a situation to give ban to satvik, but as long as i was not recording it, how do you think, will Yash tell the truth (ofc i do not asking about satvik because it is obvious how your "vips" acting). I will answer - he will not. Because he witnessed it, he received a report, he did nothing.
So please, JOHN, do not pretend here that your staff is action impartial.
p.s. so, looks like you bother yourself to read my wall of text, but not bother yourself to go and delete 1 simple line. Maybe, next time i should write reports on my room wall instead of sending it to your forum.

Mods can't punish regulars, so Yash couldn't do anything anyway. If they see a regular breaking the rules, they have to make a report, just like you. So, if Satvik intentionally blocked you in order to save Yash, you can make a report and he'll be punished. As for the "no spawnshooting" line in your screenshot, it will be fixed after the restart as well.

Anyway, since the original report has been resolved and this is turning into more of a discussion, I'll lock this topic. If you have any more questions, you can PM me. If you want something to change to the rules, or you don't agree with them, you can always make a suggestion here. If you think there's a bug in the gamemode, please report it here.