Author Topic: [Added]LS cop spawn mapping  (Read 9090 times)

Offline Shark_The_Helicopter

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Re: LS cop spawn mapping
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2018, 11:42:30 pm »
Why would you not want physical stairs when something like Teleporters are more abusable?

I don't mind it being in Airports, Although I still prefer a physical route, because people can abuse /saw and they do. How about actual working elevators?
Yeah, I didn't think of the abuse part. The chainsaw thing would be an easy fix if the exit side randomized where it placed you instead of putting you in the exact same spot every time. I sort of like the elevator idea. How about making it a paternoster elevator so no one has to wait?

Interesting mechanic, players would have to time well. Although isn't Chainsaw abuse even more possible here due to people knowing that they will turn up at that spot. Any ideas to prevent that?

Personally I want there to be a No-SpraySaw Area, where players can't use the Saw or Spray to abuse teleporters. Might as well implement in other areas like interiors and other Teleporters where people can only jog (can't sprint) and chainsaw and spray become OP and unfair.

If anything is this possible in SAMP and would it be too hard to script? I do know there is a filterscript that allows the LS  ferris wheel to function and move as it is supposed to.


Offline YoMama

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Re: LS cop spawn mapping
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2018, 06:32:19 am »
Interesting mechanic, players would have to time well. Although isn't Chainsaw abuse even more possible here due to people knowing that they will turn up at that spot. Any ideas to prevent that?

Personally I want there to be a No-SpraySaw Area, where players can't use the Saw or Spray to abuse teleporters. Might as well implement in other areas like interiors and other Teleporters where people can only jog (can't sprint) and chainsaw and spray become OP and unfair.

If anything is this possible in SAMP and would it be too hard to script? I do know there is a filterscript that allows the LS  ferris wheel to function and move as it is supposed to.
I don't think chainsawing would be that much of an issue, since it wouldn't really be profitable to sit somewhere that most people won't go to. It's an issue with the Transamerica Pyramid and the US Bank building because the teleport is the only way up, short of a plane ride, and camping up there is a reasonable strategy. Why would the President camp at the LS cop spawn, right next to the freeway?

How about finally removing the spray?

Why wouldn't it be possible? Other servers have entire aircraft carriers that move; I don't see why we can't do a simple loop with a few platforms.

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Re: LS cop spawn mapping
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2018, 03:34:18 am »
It would be better to add physical stairs till we decide upon elevators

Offline Jonne

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Re: LS cop spawn mapping
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2018, 01:24:51 pm »
That's a good idea, we'll be adding this in a future update. We'll be adding it just as stairs, as people mentioned, the pickups are abuseable, and elevators generally don't work well in SAMP.

While we're adding them, finally put teleport pickups that go up and down the ladders on the side of the SF airport.

We'll add this as well.