[17:06] <@PBBot3> [1] *** [GSW]Aragorn is now President.
[17:06] <@PBBot1> *** BAD Team has won the round! (The President was killed)
[17:06] <@PBBot2> *** The President has left the server!
[17:06] <@PBBot3> [1] *** [GSW]Aragorn left the game. (Left) + [Report: X: -690 , Y: 937 , Z: 14 | H: 95 , A: 100 ]
More than 3 years ago I proved
here that the reason of disconnection saying "Left" can only indicate deliberate quitting the game.
You keep lying, you force map change for the second time. You got permanently muted for your non-stop trolling in the chat. You clearly have no respect to the rules of the server and to the other playes. Why should I ever unban you?