Okay,what is the idea i had?
While playing as a VIP you have three commands that i use everytime i respawn. The command for the saw and the one for the sniper and i have one skin i like and use everytime i respawn.
What is the idea? Read further.
So there should be an option that you can turn on and off and it safes the option you chose to your account.
For instance, when i want my saw sniper and skin everytime i respawn i can use the following command.
1 /setskin (id) this saves one skin to your liking .
2 /setsaw (on) of (off) the saw will be in youre inventory everytime you respawn or enter the game
3/setsniper (on) and (off) doing exactly the same as the command (setsaw)
Hope to get some feedback on this matter.
Jason aka SLiKkeZ[GgT]