This kind of logic is barely understandable for me. You, YoMama, are a person who is always against restrictions, who is advocating new potentially useful features and capabilites, why are you against this? How would the removal of the annoying announcement prevent people from playing the gamemode if this message is duplicated in the chat anyways? It doesn't really bother me, but I wouldn't mind fighting without it. It was basically added for young newbies who have just learnt to read and who would skip less attention-attracting message.
I am not completely against restrictions. I am for restrictions and suggestions that encourage people to actually play the game mode. I believe, for example, that armor camping should be limited because it just leads to pointless deathmatching that has little to do with people chasing the President. I would also prefer that the clans came to an agreement to actually play the game instead of not killing each other when they're on separate teams.
I was playing yesterday as security, and it was looking like it was going to be fun until the GgT people chasing the president, who were the real threats, discovered that the President was an RD member and stopped attacking him and instead went to kill newbies. This is definitely not an uncommon occurrence, but it made me especially annoyed because this has become so normalized that they announced this on the mainchat. I hate seeing someone with a red nick writing "I'm attacking" on the mainchat, or "can I attack?". I honestly don't understand the appeal of being President when no one is going to chase you because of clan leanings, but I don't feel anyone needs to understand it to realize that it sucks the life out of the game.
If something goofy is thrown in, like Vortices or Karts, I'm fine with it because it could be used in the game mode and certainly won't detract from it. However, I'm not OK with letting people constantly ignore the purpose of the game. You're right that this is not exactly the suggestion to make that stand on and that nixing this suggestion won't actually stop people from ignoring the game mode, but we seem to be to the point where you're either an unusual regular or a new player if you actually chase or protect the President, and I'm for suggestions that will shift that balance back to where it should be. As for the clans, they should measure their success by their ability to play the gamemode, not by ratios gained mainly from killing people who are barely even figuring out what color is the President.