Just a quick question YoMama, do you use ctrl or zero in the numpad to fire in the rustler?
I always find ctrl easier for me and more effective while maneuvering
I don't use either, since I have a controller. If I had to use the keyboard, I would set up everything so I could use my left hand to fly and my right to move the mouse. When I occasionally do use the keyboard, I use Ctrl because it's close and easy.
Definetely not underestimating your skills but I assume that It's way easier to fly using a controller, isn't it? Just curious
It's easier to look around with a controller than with the keyboard defaults, which is important. However, the best pilots I've flown against, with few exceptions, don't use controllers and instead use the keyboard configured so that they only need one hand to fly and they can use the other for the mouse. Much of flying through weird shit doesn't need fine control as much as planning to make sure that you're taking the best route, and when I'm dogfighting I usually have the controls maxed out anyway.
It used to suck when autoaim was enabled in SA:MP, because there was a glitch that made it so if you had a controller, someone autoaiming you hit you no matter what. Some people figured this out, and it sucked. That was partially why I started flying Rustlers- I couldn't get locked onto.
But it's not compatible with GTA SA... I can just play Flight Simulator with it.. Did you try some kind of joystic before Yomama?
Yeah, just to see what it was like- it was a Logitech. As I said, a lot of my movements are at the maximum anyway, so I was just whipping it all the way back and forth and it was annoying. The main reason I use a controller was because I played Vice City on a PS2 and it felt weird to move to SA on the keyboard.