I think removing VIP for those rulebreakers are not the solution. Since we are talking about Regular VIP Rulebreakers; they are not gonna stop playing or hacking for being in level 1. Actually I think this thing will more like provocate them to silly hacking.
I don't see why it would- they'll lose money if they hack, and they'll lose their precious sniper.
I think real solution is reset their stats. Once VIP regular player hacks like as some silly ones (Aim hacks, damage mod, lag.cs etc), then they have to be ready to lost their stats. That's my personal opinion..
I like the idea to reset the stats, wish I'd thought of it.
When a player decides to start hacking, he... ...acts against the community.
I feel like hacking is almost a norm here at this point, at least among a lot of people whose nicks include the characters '[' and ']'. It often reminds me of
doping in cycling. These people have mastered the art of flying under the radar with their cheating- it's always interesting to see certain players' aim improve markedly when admins aren't around, or in a critical moment. I wouldn't doubt that they learn from their more-experienced clanmates. If they get caught, they've probably been doing it for a while after learning from a pro.
Some of you might complain that I'm being hard on clans, but take a look at which clans haven't ejected members for hacking, and you'll see where problems lie. I don't want to single any of them out since they all seem to do it (with few exceptions), but if your clan leaders are getting banned without any punishment within the clan, you have a fucking problem. If the bullshit alliances between clans aren't being dissolved when one of the clans' members are repeatedly getting caught, you also have a fucking problem.
If you give them a slap on the wrist for doing it, they'll just adapt and be harder to catch the next time. If you wipe out their status, then they might not consider it worth the risk.
To the hopped-up dipshits with inferiority complexes who hack discreetly enough to become "members of the community": a lot of people aren't as dumb as you think they are. They might have strong suspicions that you hack, but they aren't going to go after you until they know for sure. They're just better people, and more fair than you are.