No tiene nada de malo escribir en español, es la segunda lengua del mundo por el número de personas que la hablan como lengua materna.
I don't understand how you guys can treat people who don't speak English well as less-than, considering you probably can't speak whatever language they are most comfortable with at all if it's not your first language. My Spanish is shit, but I'd rather that someone actually helped me improve it rather than making fun of me like I'm some kind of an idiot who can't understand them.
Mi comentario fue porque se burlaron de usar el traductor y tener un ingles de "mierda". Por mi parte yo siempre trato con respeto a los jugadores, ah sobre otros jugadores que insultan a mansalva lo puedes encontrar de todos los idiomas y países del mundo, solo intentan llamar la atención.
Cuanto tenga un internet mas "estable" y un micrófono me gustaria enseñar a otras personas el idioma español como también aprender otros idioma.
My comment was because they made fun of using the translator and having a "shitty"English. For my part I always treat with respect to the players, ah about other players who insult to save you can find it from all the languages and countries of the world, They're just looking for attention.
As long as I have a more "stable" internet and a microphone I would like to teach other people the Spanish language as well as learn other languages.
translator :