Author Topic: The Meaning of Life  (Read 9471 times)

Offline Yasta

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2017, 12:51:38 pm »
One Day we all will know the Truth .
How do you know that?

When we all die we will know the truth if u dont believe in after life or  the day of  judjment its up to u
and as i see there are many words u all talked with Guys , u dont know anything abut Islam but as a muslim ik abut the other religions and i compared it with my religion and i found that the Islam is the true religion of God and i have many proods for ex. what mentioned in the vid. besides i have to believe in other realk books of bible and the others. im not going to talk very much i will make it shortcut as i can.

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2017, 01:28:39 pm »
One Day we all will know the Truth .
Once again, an assumption. I see it's driven by your hope , hope of finding answers to those hundred of questions you must be having about your existence. Nothing more.

@yoman, i agree with all that.

I like this kind of conversations cause maybe i'll learn something from this.
Depends on if you are actually willing to learn something , which i think you do. Pm me, or just contact me somewhere if you want to discuss about anything related to this... a healthy discussion with two way exchange of ideas with least biasness.

I"m a believer  ;) ,i searched alot about my religion

That's the most common mistake that a believer of x religion does. He might scrutinize the x religion and find it so meaningful that he makes it as his own identity. And then he forgets about scrutinizing the y and z religions. I believe this happens when one person gets blinded by the majority of the x religion in his country.

and found it the only one that much science and cover every quetion i asked to my self in the past.
You said  "I have searched a lot  about MY religion" and you have nowhere mentioned if you "searched a lot" about the y and z religion as well, so i'm assuming here that you haven't. Now, that makes your belief that x religion is the "ONLY one that much science and cover every question" to be hollow and a self declaration.

I have alot of quetions like :
Why we are here alive
Why we die after some time.
Why earth is the only planet that humans can leave in and where water is like 70 % of it.
Why Ect ... lol
Since you claimed that your x religion (islam) is the only one that can answer those question, i'd like to ask you how? You might start off with answering those questions, since you said quran answered them , and then tell me how exactly are these answers the only valid answers. Just in case you have "searched a lot" about the y and z religion as well, mention why the answers offered by them aren't satisfactory to you.

Coming to your questions:
1. We are here alive because we were given birth by our parents who belong to the same species. If you are trying to ask this question with a bigger observation frame in mind, then you must be wondering about the purpose of life and the answer to that imo is that we have to either find it out (if there's an ultimate purpose) or to just find our own purpose to live.

2. We die after "some " time because just like other living creatures humans have a life span. Now that "some time" has varied from average of 40 years to 100 years, thanks to science and development. And who knows if there will be a time when this question of "why we die" will no longer make sense.

3. That is your pre assumption that earth is the ONLY habitable planet, the correct statement should be that Earth is the only habitable planet to be discovered so far. There is a like a shitload of space and matter out there still waiting to be explored. In fact, this is one of the reason why humans should not just attribute the "unknown" to a character called god in a made-up theory but actually think of finding out what could possibly be the actual answer to these questions.

"The earth has an abundance of water, but unfortunately, only a small percentage (about 0.3 percent), is even usable by humans. The other 99.7 percent is in the oceans, soils, icecaps, and floating in the atmosphere. Still, much of the 0.3 percent that is useable is unattainable."
I believe that earth might be the closest to what we call a "habitable planet" but it surely does have some limits in holding this growing population. Only if it were a "perfect"planet , we wouldn't be having just 0.3 percent of usable water and maybe a better atmosphere to work off with the increasing pollution.

I don't understand, how you can just answer every question with " My god did it" , when it's like assuming that you ( or your god) knows everything but yet you don't know about this thing called god?
How many more years will it take for people to realise that the fact that science hasn't explored everything yet should make them more curious instead of just saying god is the answer to that unknown. Sadly people are just exploiting this "fear of the unknown" and people's vulnerability to promote their version of god.

It's like you are saying "anything beyond science is god " BUT you don't realise that science is progressing and it is self correcting unlike these religions who still stick with their old tales even after they got debunked by science.
I hope the unexplored will be explored and if it coincides with what any of these religious ideology has to offer, then i will happily convert to that religion.

The quran that you said saurabh that is propaganda
Not the quran. I was calling the video to be a propaganda since the title "meaning of life" was a click bait and actually redirected you to subscribe to the x religion to know the meaning of life.

i didn't find those loopholes and contradictions that you are talking theoricly about, and found alot of scientific things in quran that a man before 1400 year couldn't knew them .
You better not talk about the scientific accuracy of the abraham religions lol. That's where all these flat earthers get their inspiration from.

And just so that you know, Hindus have this book called vedas that claims to be the oldest sacred texts
 so the order is like > egyptian god tales> vedas > Torah> Biblle(new testament) >Quran

 So why don't you convert to Hinduism because i can BET that vedas claim a wider range of scientific predictions and yes a shitload of philosophy about life and it's purpose.

My point is, all these scriptures have been trying to write down and convey the same old tales and same old stories that they get inspired from but have NO bonafide authority that can actually vouch for their age that they claim. We just don't know how many times these were translated and what stuff was altered . And when something that is already too symbolic(metaphors etc) , is translated then the actual meaning that the writer wanted to convey will surely get lost.

> If these books (bible, quran , vedas) really had that historical and scientific accuracy, we wouldn't be hearing people working as  "apologetic" " pastor" "imam" or "evangelist" .

> If these books were accurate we wouldn't require faith to believe in them.

> If these books were up to their claims and properly backed up with verifiable evidences or peer reviewed research etc then all the schools would be teaching these books and no student would have been taught that the Earth is actually an oblate spheroid.

lmao, this guy. i have been watching too many of his videos and it is full of biasness.

Firstly, if an unknown object that no one has ever seen before appears magically in front of someone, that someone must be the first person to find out about it. He must be curious enough to explore it, or just the opposite, to run away being scared as it is kind of impossible to just make an unknown object appear in front of someone out of nowhere.

Secondly, this logic that creationists use is self contradicting. They say all these machines are created by humans and similarly humans have been created by an ultimate creator (god) but they fail to explain what this god thing is and why does it not need to be created if everything needs to be created? Did god create itself? then isn't it like the big bang theory BUT with a bigger loophole...that the creator would always need a superior creator and so on..we will have an endless loop.

"heaven and earth adjoined together and we clove them ascunder"
This line from quran is nowhere near to the what Big bang theory explains. Any person who thinks that this line from quran is equivalent to TBBT happening, is either ignorant of what TBBT is OR is trying to alter the literal meaning of quran to be having some metaphorical meaning so as to suit his motive, which in this case, is to prove the scientific accuracy of the quran.

Bible says "let there be light" . So that can also be interpreted literally or metaphorically (in 1000s of ways)
and can be worked out to claim that bible's scientific predictions are correct. So why  don't you convert to  a Christian this sunday?

Similarly, the water cycle that the quran claims to explain is nothing but some random poetic words that the con men cherry pick from different chapters and different verses to make it look like they actually explain the water cycle. I can post them here but it will make this thread too much to read. If quran writer really wanted to explain water cycle so well then why are they put in different chapters and different verses randomly? I really love this word "cherry-picking "

And did this prophet guy just said "don't wait for the atheist to reply to this one, and continue.."
Like is he training you x religion people to defend your product? why do you think these con men need to "train " you followers? I don't think religious people are sheep unless they choose to be. If you are  free thinker i don't see the need to attend a brainwashing sessions. If a religious person actually CHOSE his relgion then he must have read all these verses himself and thought of all this before. Why is there a need for a true x religion follower to attend these training sessions and then hear about what they alraedy should have read from the x religion's holy book? If all this were true why do we have such people teaching people that this is true?

Why we have a brain and we can think and choose and learn...
Once again, this question of "why humans have brain"is a bit meaningless unless you are trying to overlap it with the question "why do we exist? why does everything exist? " . And answer to that may not be scientifically available but the philosophical ones might satisfy you. It is just that religions try to rebrand these philosophical answers as their x god. 

PS :lol in our religion we believe that who doesn't believe in god will go to hell after death so becarefull fellas xd ,don't say i didn't warned you lol xd.
It's okay. i have heard similar warning from hindus, christians, and muslims every time they try to sell their product and fail. Hell is still an imaginary place and i'd love to go there if it is free from people who think slavery is justified as long as it is mentioned in their holy book.

i think that we exist in this life for a perpes that we should acomplish before diying.
You guys see that just live finish your time in this life then die .
What purpose? Please don't tell me it is to worship your version of god and not to live a "sinful " life because every every single religion has it's own list of sins, own dogmas, own list of things u can't wear, own thing of food we can't eat and own gods to worship. If the purpose of all religions is peace then why can't all these religions find peace among themselves? If the actual reason of starting religions was to bring law and order then why does it cripple the law now? If the actual purpose of religions was to achieve peace and the ultimate satisfaction , then it is unfortunately lost somewhere and all that is left is a business run by your very own pasotrs and imams.

" If you want to see who controls you, try to question where you are not allowed to "


I won't even reply to that mentality. It's quite sick to belive that people would rape if there were no religions. it is sick to believe that a damn book is what stops people from raping others. Religion is not a soruce of morality. Morality is altered by the person's own rationality and instincts shaped by the society and the environment. I can't trust a person , who thinks his religious book is his source of morality.

And to be honest, you all are fake believers as you don't do as your book instructs you to. You all just cherry pick the verses that suit your motive and ignore the rest. Don't believe me? make a list yourself.

Guys , u dont know anything abut Islam but as a muslim ik abut the other religions and i compared it with my religion and i found that the Islam is the true religion of God and i have many proods for ex. what mentioned in the vid. besides i have to believe in other realk books of bible and the others. im not going to talk very much i will make it shortcut as i can.

Mention all the books of vedas. tell me the full name of Lord buddha.  Did you read about egyptian gods? Did you read about Egyptian tales  that were written LONG before than bible or quran but still have concepts of Hell, heaven, virgin birth, creationism and all the other shit that one religion copied from another? Did you?

If you're using google, know that you cheated yourself.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 01:50:13 pm by Saurabh »

Offline YoMama

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2017, 06:19:28 pm »
The quran that you said saurabh that is propaganda and you said " you are on denial mode when you are told that there are loopholes and contradictions in these scriptures" i didn't find those loopholes and contradictions that you are talking theoricly about, and found alot of scientific things in quran that a man before 1400 year couldn't knew them .
I'll watch your video later. Zakir Naik sounds like a perfect example of the backwards ideology I was talking about, just from looking at his Wikipedia page:
Zakir Naik professes Islam is the best religion because "the Quran says it. No other religious text or scripture claims this fact."
...Naik equated music with alcohol and had said that both are intoxicating in nature. He is known to have condemned dancing and singing because they are prohibited in Islam.
...He justifies chopping hands off for stealing. He has also advised US to implement this in order to reduce criminal cases in the country.
...Naik is known to have spoken in support of beating one's wife "gently". He argued that "as far as the family is concerned, a man is the leader. So, he has the right", but he should beat his wife "lightly". He also said that Muslims have the right to sex with their female slaves where he referred to slaves as "prisoners of war".
...he recommends "death penalty" for homosexuals.
...Naik argues, "What Darwin said was only a theory. There is no book saying 'the Fact of Evolution' – All the books say Theory of Evolution."

I"m a believer  ;) ,i searched alot about my religion and found it the only one that much science and cover every quetion i asked to my self in the past.
I have alot of quetions like :
Why we are here alive
Why we die after some time.
Why earth is the only planet that humans can leave in and where water is like 70 % of it.
Why Ect ... lol

Why we have a brain and we can think and choose and learn...
i think that we exist in this life for a perpes that we should acomplish before diying.
You guys see that just live finish your time in this life then die .
Sure, the Quran might have an answer to some of your questions, but is it correct? Does it tell you if your questions are even relevant ones to be asking?
Why are we here alive- I don't know, does there have to be a reason? Is it too much to accept that life is just a happy and highly improbable happenstance? Does the Quran allow for the probable existence of life on other planets? Are clones still creations of some higher being, or are they creations of man, like religion itself?

We die of old age after some time for the same reason a car dies- we wear out. However, most of us live on in the DNA and knowledge we pass to our successors. We never evolved to live forever. We evolved to reproduce- to keep our DNA going (which makes more sense when you consider that we likely evolved from bacteria).

The Earth is the planet humans currently live on because we adapted to it over billions of years through evolution. Similarly, fish live in water because they are adapted to it. Did god make the moon so humans could shoot rockets at it and hang out there for a bit? Did he make Mars so we could, through our own volition, make plans to possibly live there too?

Water covers 70% of the earth's surface, but it is far less of Earth's mass. 70% conveniently makes it sound like it was "meant to be". We have water because meteorites containing it collided with Earth and the water in them floated to the top because its less dense than rock. It's more nuanced than this

PS :lol in our religion we believe that who doesn't believe in god will go to hell after death so becarefull fellas xd ,don't say i didn't warned you lol xd.
Yeah, I know, but I have no reason to believe in what someone wrote down thousands of years ago. There isn't any proof of an afterlife. You saying I'm going to go to hell after I die is as valid an argument as me saying that your dick will fall off if you disobey your parents- it keeps you in line but won't actually happen.

...which leads to the conflicts of interest present in the founding events of most religions. Recent examples include Scientology, which was founded by a failing science fiction writer. Another example, Mormonism, was founded by a convicted con-man, Joseph Smith, who claimed to have gold tablets supporting his revelations but refused to show them to any one (in other words, they didn't exist). He made the wise decision of allowing polygamy in his religion and suggesting that Mormons have as many children as possible... meaning that the men who controlled most households saw an opportunity to fuck more women than previously acceptable, since their religion made it okay. It also had the effect exponentially increasing the number of Mormons through childbirth instead of conversion. Smith also made it mandatory to give 10% of earnings to the church, which he happened to be the leader of. Didn't I mention that he was a convicted con-man? Today, there are almost 15 million Mormons worldwide. Many people still view their religion as pretty phony for the reasons I've listed. What makes your religion of choice different? Just because it was founded so long ago that no one remembers anything weird about it?

What would be our life now,if there was no religion?
Pretty nice!
If you don’t believe in a god, what stops you from committing crimes?
Common decency! Do you think that those of us who don't believe are all mass murderers or something?
If you're atheist, isn't that just like being religious? You can't prove God doesn't exist...?
No, I don't have to prove anything. You are asserting something without proof, which can be dismissed without proof. If you think otherwise, tell me how you would prove me wrong if I told you that a teapot is orbiting the sun. You would rightfully say that it is a ridiculous suggestion and dismiss it for lack of evidence. How is god different? You probably think that it was ridiculous that people believed in hundreds of gods and human sacrifice. What will your religion look like in a thousand years?
If you don’t have to follow any religious rules, don’t you have an easy life?
It is nice, not to have to worry about some hypothetical omniscient control freak judging me for things that are perfectly natural. A life free of shame from a dumb book is quite nice. I don't have to "believe" something that contradicts what we know. What's wrong with that?

On the flip side, what if we followed all religious rules as written in the book of your choice? Christians go against the Bible all the time, because certain parts of it are clearly ridiculous. How much do you value your hands and eyes? You'd probably be losing them.

Islam is the true religion of God
Every religion says they are the one true religion and will give "proof"- how else do you get followers? If you grew up in Italy, you'd probably be saying that Christianity is the "true religion of God". In Israel, you'd be saying that Judaism is the "true religion of God". It's an amped-up cultural superstition, just like certain cultures believe that the number 13 is bad luck and avoid it.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 06:24:15 pm by YoMama »

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2017, 06:30:26 pm »
I do respect your point of view on this one,also i have read some completely fucked up things and i don't wan't to be included in this discussion anymore,not because i don't have arguments to fight back,i don't want to argue about something which is meanless to fight for.
This kind of discussion is kind of kinky and shouldn't be discussed on a gaming forum.
It can develop hatred and countless fights of arguments.
A tip: This should be locked. :)

Offline Spectre

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2017, 08:09:17 pm »
I do respect your point of view on this one,also i have read some completely fucked up things and i don't wan't to be included in this discussion anymore,not because i don't have arguments to fight back,i don't want to argue about something which is meanless to fight for.
This kind of discussion is kind of kinky and shouldn't be discussed on a gaming forum.
It can develop hatred and countless fights of arguments.
A tip: This should be locked. :)

I don't think this topic should be locked, it's in the Off Topic section anyway. And we're not fighting here, we're finally having a peaceful and nice discussion (for once) about these kind of things, so I say let it stay open :P

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2017, 09:11:14 pm »
I do respect your point of view on this one,also i have read some completely fucked up things and i don't wan't to be included in this discussion anymore,not because i don't have arguments to fight back,i don't want to argue about something which is meanless to fight for.
I'm sorry if you've read some fucked up things- what were they? I don't think any of us intended to exclude you from the argument, but if it's offending you because it challenges your viewpoints, then I'm not sure that's a bad thing. If I'm offending you, I'm not doing it to piss you off- I'm doing it because I honestly believe that religion and other unfounded beliefs hold us back as a society.

This kind of discussion is kind of kinky and shouldn't be discussed on a gaming forum.
It can develop hatred and countless fights of arguments.
A tip: This should be locked. :) is the off topic section. Sure, it can develop hatred, but people who hate one another for their different religions will probably still manage to hate each other for other reasons as well. I don't hate people for being religious- many people I know are. But in the same way that you might feel sorrow that I might go to Hell, according to your religion, I feel sorrow that they are restricted by their religion in living the only life they have.

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2017, 06:22:02 am »

On another note,without religion and propaganda,the Earth would be a pretty nasty peaceful place to live in.

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2017, 06:22:59 am »
Erase all existence. Everyone wins!

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2017, 02:47:20 pm »
One Day .

Offline Spectre

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2017, 03:18:50 pm »

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2017, 05:57:07 pm »
hahah Spectre . We Will see :D

Offline Saurabh

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2017, 07:11:49 pm »
So the meaning of life is to believe in some concepts like judgement day, ultimate dictator etc and then hope that the belief is true? Sounds fair. Lock this topic, we have all got the meaning of life!

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2017, 01:23:07 pm »
One Day bro one Day

Offline Saurabh

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2017, 04:22:08 am »
I want that "one day" thing to happen more than you do because finally I'd get to know whose god is the true one (if any). But you should know that there are more religious mythologies besides these abrahamic religions, and they talk about the life to be a cycle of reincarnations and the only way to get out of it and achieve "salvation"(moksha) is to excel in your karma game whose rules/regulations are, ofcourse, pre defined by that religion only.

So which set of rules should a person follow? Believe in reincarnation? Believe in afterlife? Believe in places like hell and heaven? Fantatcise about a pink unicorn? Worship the flying spaghetti monster? It's completely upto you! i just hope you wouldn't make your own life and this world hell-like while believing in such tales.

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2017, 12:16:48 pm »
The one true God :D