Author Topic: UNTOUCHABLE MOTHERFUCKER  (Read 6146 times)

Offline SoLoD

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« on: January 15, 2018, 08:03:54 am »
Hello, "community". Here is SoLoD and his another story.

Recently i am receiving a very direct messages from different "community" members about my EGO. And i want to give an answer to everyone at once, because i do not like to repeat it every single time to every single "regular".

First of all, i want to point your attention that i am NOT the one with "Very Important Player" tag under my nickname. While every single clown who is posting it HAS that VIP tag.
Second, you can not fool me. This silly "maneuver" is nothing but a try of this "vips" to reject a vector of discussion from THEM to ME. Because THEY are the problem i am talking about every single time.
But somehow they think that this "maneuver" will work.

So, this time i wanna show, by placing myself in the center of this topic, that this is not gonna work, because i am not a problem. And yes, when i am saying "untouchable", i mean myself. This story is about how i became untouchable. Lets start!

Once upon a time, on a WV civ spawn, that boring situation happened when a map is too big, an amount of players is too low, and you really do not want to play GM.
So, i decided to ABUSE SLIDEBUG DIRECTLY ON THE SPAWN. Just because. And shortly after that a mod arrived to that civ spawn. After that he told me to stop it because it is NOT ALLOWED on the server to abuse this bug.
Do you know what i did? I ignored him and continued to abuse slide bug. I do not know how long i was abusing that slidebug, but probably for ~10 minutes or so.
All this time this PTP mod was standing on civ spawn, looking at me and sending me messages to stop forbidden BUG ABUSING. He was sending me pms, sending me "mod" pms, several times he even switched to a PTPBot to send me messages from that bot, several times he send me that "/rule" message all over your screen.
Do you know what i did? I ignored him and continued to abuse slide bug for all 10 minutes. Do you know what he did after 10 minutes? He turned around and walked away. And i continued to abuse slide bug.

Now, i have a message to that mod. I know your name, but i have nothing personally against you. You can come to this topic and tell us your vision of this situation OR you can just ignore it.

Now, the question is: how is it possible to break the rules in front of ptp mod without any consequences and why Solod is digging a grave to a ban for hymself?
The answer is very simple. In the beginning of this topic i said that all this PROBLEM is not about me. It is all bout rules, admins and vips. And only in the very end of that line i am standing.

So, now let me tell you why i ignored that ptp mod.
First of all, we have this topic.
I joined ptp server (i mean session with that slide bug abuse) after that my answer to Jonne (JANUARY 6). When i started to slidebugging i was not sure if this bug allowed of not. When mod came and said to me for the first time that his bug is not allowed, i said that i ignored him. But that is not really true. I opened rules with a /rules command.
Now, lets back to THAT topic and Jonne`s answer to me. First of all, date of that answer is (November 08). 2 Months. Okay.

Now, i wanna quote some parts of his answer to me.
1. So, it's good you mention this, so we can review and update the rules to match with the updates we've made along the road, and make sure the rules are the same ingame, on the forums, and on the website.
2. I think it's very clearly stated which bugs we will punish for. We added the ones under "allowed bugs" after there was some confusion about it, so we thought it was better to add them there. But, any bug that's not explicitly forbidden, is allowed.

Now let me explain.
1st quote is all about making same list of rules IN GAME AND ON FORUMS. It is not about remake "questionble" rules like /duty. It is all about TAKING FUCKING RULES FROM GAME AND COPY PASTE THEM TO FORUMS. Sounds like not that hard thing to do.
2nd quote is all about that we have a list of bugs which you can not use/abuse.

Now, remembering this 2 quotes, i opened /rules in game and what? WHAT? Jonne, WHAT DO YOU SEE WHEN YOU OPEN /RULES IN GAME?
I see the same fucking shit like 2 months go. YOU DID NOT MADE A SINGLE SHIT.

So, i remember that you have a "list of not allowed bugs" and "lists on forums and in game are same", i look on the fucking /rules, and I DO NOT SEE A FUCKING SINGLE WORD ABOUT SLIDEBUG, i close this /rules and continue to abuse this bug.
Then mod is sending me a /rules (to the middle of my screen), he is saying that slidebug is not allowed, I AM LOOKING AT THE RULES HE SENT TO ME AND I DO NOT SEE A SINGLE WORD ABOUT SLIDEBUG.
I am closing that message and continue to abuse slide bug.
I was waiting all that 10 minutes if that mod will realise that there is not a single word about slide bug in his fucking /rules. No. Not happened.

Now, after that game session i came to forums, opened rules there AND THERE IS A SLIDE BUG WARNING.
So, now i am rulebreaker and i should be banned, because i beliave on what JHON said, beliaved that he is a man of his word, when there is not a single reason for it.

Another question is: that mod was sure that slide bug is not allowed, HE SAW A FUCKING RULE BREAKER AND HE DID NOTHING.
What the fuck is this? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? JHON said that we have "interpretation" rules like /duty, he can not make this rules "non-uninterpretable", so we have mods and admins to handle this "slimy" situations.
But what i see is that they even can not handle even "simple" situation, when you have "not allowed bug" without any "interpretation".
What i see here, JHON, is that you are making your mods look like a fucking CLOWNS, when they somehow "know" that slidebug is not allowed, with their tiny hands they are showing me /rules (and rules are a basis of what admins are doing) and somehow their own rules can not "help" them.

And if you think that this is only about mods, looks here:
I am giving very "thick hint" that secs broke /duty rule. And then Fimpen came to that topic and what did he said?
He did not said that i am wrong and that secs did OKAY with their duty. No, he said THAT HE WITNESSED HOW I WAS DOING THE SAME.
What the fuck is wrong with him and his whole "admin community"?

Before i made THAT first big topic (rules and admins), ptp mods were sending me "warnings", vips were making reports, admins were abusing their shit to "punish" me. Yes, all this motherfuckers always were too scared to take responsibility and to come face-2-face, they always were hiding behind higher lvl admins.
But now it looks like they are even scared to touch me. Because i am playing like i always played this GM.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline Finisher

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« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2018, 08:20:13 am »
I think you’re watching too much wrestling nowadays to the point that you created your own bitch mode gimmick and playing bad guy lol

And you’re not untouchable here so watch out, you know what they say about karma. Don’t go running your mouth about admins and the community
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 08:23:42 am by Finisha. »

Offline GlennN

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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2018, 09:16:34 am »
Why are you so obsessed with a game? You need to 'get a life' seriously lol ::)

So, i remember that you have a "list of not allowed bugs" and "lists on forums and in game are same", i look on the fucking /rules, and I DO NOT SEE A FUCKING SINGLE WORD ABOUT SLIDEBUG, i close this /rules and continue to abuse this bug.
For players like yourself, I'd like to suggest a ' /bugs ' command ingame, to list out the various allowed/disallowed bugs (just like /rules).

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« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2018, 09:42:47 am »
Anger blinds you brother

Offline Barto

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« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2018, 10:03:30 am »
Dear SoLoD,

You are "considered" a regular player. Therefor mods will not take action against you in form of banning. He will pass on the evidence to a higher level staff. For the rest of your topic I will not respond.

Yours sincerely,


Offline Curry

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« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2018, 12:30:21 pm »
who the hell cares? lmao.

Offline COBRA

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« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2018, 12:43:05 pm »
Well I think Solod is right about the rules must be same ingame and in server. If the player can't see the rule not allowed when he types /rules ingame, so is it his fault?

Not a hard thing, just make the same rules ingame & forum. Also it's not mods fault, they are enforcing rules which is written on forum. It supposed to be same rules ingame and forum. That's all.

Finisher, you have to stop acting like a wise guy with crap words, then editing on your own post over and over again lel

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Offline Magic

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« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2018, 12:49:29 pm »

In the beginning of this topic i said that all this PROBLEM is not about me. It is all bout rules, admins and vips. And only in the very end of that line i am standing.

"All this Problem is not about me"(No) , u just complain about Rules , admins and vips. Seriously whats problem with vips? Maybe becuase they want a special advantages because they afraid to fight? or they paid a real money to donate the Server ... whats problem with Admins and rules. Don't you like rules and admins? so why u are playing in the server? well this is just a fcking video game half of ppl making it like a real life especially You  :D
Nice subject of the topic , You are untouchable? Lol.

Offline Spectre

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« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2018, 01:27:50 pm »


I think you’re watching too much wrestling nowadays to the point that you created your own bitch mode gimmick and playing bad guy lol


M a k a v e l i .

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« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2018, 03:25:39 pm »
let's rape him

Offline Madman

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« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2018, 04:04:31 pm »
Dr.MaDMaN[GgT]> {33CCFF}[3] {FFFFFF}Retarded mode is on
DedeceK> {33CCFF}[27] {FFFFFF}LOL
DedeceK> {33CCFF}[27] {FFFFFF}madman he wanan mute again

Offline Fimpen

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« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2018, 05:37:16 pm »
Blablablablabla, Another topic from a crybaby that doesn't get what he wants lol.

And since you are such a stickler for rules. Lets lock this due to:

• No fights or harassment
- Argue a point in a respectful manner