
Do you like the suggestions and want them implemented?(look at my post)

Take away VIP weapon benefits and give them more cosmetic ones
Rearrange all weapon packs and thus balance the battle power of each class
Make additional civilian and terrorist classes
Turn the civilian class into these: allied - hostile - neutral
Downgrade all dual wield weapons (uzi and handgun) to single wield
Create a command for the president to make allies from civilian class
Hire more admins and resolve the hacker problems
Make all 100% determined hack detections permanently banned
Make cooperation between "clan" players in hostile classes punishable
Put neutral civilians into godmode without the ability to hurt or be hurt by others
Implement more avatar skins
VOTE ALL(mark this to vote for all options)
VOTE NONE(mark this to vote against all options)

Author Topic: The reformation of the server:available or not?  (Read 16290 times)

Offline Srex_Zangetsu

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2019, 08:50:02 pm »
-1 ofcourse everyone wanna give a -1 for this suggestion and should this be in suggestion or
general discussion  :-\ srex u wanna make ptp with no players again? then u should leave this server
right now if ur a noob and cant battle against players and VIPs vip players used their real money to buy
it and your saying remove their weapons people dont buy vip for nitro or hydraulics the things they are
interested in are skins , saw , and sniper.and if u do this vip players will ask for a refund which is not
available right now.
srex nub pro.
whatever m8 vips want to rate it -1,not "randoms" who have yet to join here
Who gives a damn about a refund?IT'S THE GODDAMN DONATION.NOT a payment for vip!You don't get sh*t just for paying.It's the admin's good will.Yeah,scr*w ptp.Y'all just came to duel each other and care nothing about the duty.That cr*p needs to stop.ROLEPLAYING is what matters on this server.And YOU can go to some other server to duel others,and be "pro" there,without your stupid saw and sniper.AGAIN,NO CONSTRUCTIVE ARGUMENTS.Just VIPs crying how the game depends on their activity.That is not true!And they can take your vip benefits away anytime,there was no statement or anything saying you will have your boons forever.If you want to cry after losing weapons,fine.Maybe this one post won't go through immediately,but that won't stop me.Someday,I'll change this server for the better,for good.
cry on other server plz this server isnt for crying nabs and who do u think u are a noob and new player
that gets his account activated in forums and starts shit about changing server u dont really know what
this server was 3 or 2 years ago cuz u were not here do u know how a server runs or any thing about
how hard scripting is?? are u that dumb? i know how hard is scripting cuz i have my server it took me 1 day
only to create it and it had no commands or shit dont u know anything about community
this server was made to earn donations and enjoyment of players not for those whom change this server
just bcz he is a noob.if u are willing to do anything here I'd say get out of here and check other servers
which dont have a donation system and they are just for fun not money.
Aww,you think you can get me to leave with such soft sh*t?Hell nah!You are the nab that can't play except with the benefits you do not deserve yourself,but that money brought you.You go and cry on some other server when you get your a*s soloed by randoms.I want to make this server enjoyable to everyone and you're the one that's ruining it with such attitude,you and few selfish others who only want to gain scores and couldn't care less about fair play and making other players happy.
I am a programmer myself,so please,do not hold me lessons about it.I know that,if the server was created,it can be modified pretty much with the same difficulty.And my suggestions do not mean everything's got to be perfect as soon as implemented.There can be updates and updates,the important thing here is that they are being fulfilled.No matter what.Yeah,you'd want to be some kinda admin here and keep whining while doing nothing?Then earn those goddamn donations and make something out of the server.The server managers might be living off of donations,but that certainly doesn't give them the right to ruin such a masterpiece by making op those who they favour or those who supposedly paid for it.Don't let this server die just because of selfishness.
An answer for the other guy,that is not correct.This server still has quite few players on a daily basis,some even constant.This server needs one big fixing and advertising.But I sure as hell won't advertise this thing if it's gonna stay the same and I keep playing with rich brats,rendering my efforts useless without a proper chance to actually do something in-game.Everyone needs to try harder.And no,I am not doing all this out of selfish reasons,I want the game overall to be better for everyone(excluding some selfish handful of players).
And what can you actually prove with your claim,cobby?I wasn't here 2-3 years ago,so what?Does that make me unable to see what this server lacks and perceive what should be done?If you truly believe that,you are naive.
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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2019, 08:53:43 pm »
No,I actually take it back.I do not want everyone to enjoy this,I want everyone to have an equal chance of enjoying it and an equal chance of playing well,based on their skills.I cannot force people to be happy,current VIPs won't be,of course,but I do not care about that.If the server is to start going for the better,we have to start all over again.Sure,give the VIPs bonuses,but don't decide the game based on their funds that pay your greedy arse.F*ck p2w.
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Offline Gablo

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2019, 02:18:32 am »
SA-MP is dying bro, its hella old... all servers are becoming empty

Offline YoMama

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2019, 02:58:43 am »
SA-MP is dying bro, its hella old... all servers are becoming empty
We used to be competitive against other servers in player count. That's not the case anymore, and it's not just because "SA-MP is dying".

cry on other server plz this server isnt for crying nabs and who do u think u are a noob and new player
that gets his account activated in forums and starts shit about changing server u dont really know what
this server was 3 or 2 years ago cuz u were not here do u know how a server runs or any thing about
how hard scripting is?? are u that dumb? i know how hard is scripting cuz i have my server it took me 1 day
Again, not his fault that he didn't know about the forums earlier. Apparently, a lot of people don't know about the forums. Some of what he's suggesting is pretty extreme, yes, but a lot of it is pretty doable coding wise. Nerfing some of the VIP shit is not difficult.

Offline Srex_Zangetsu

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2019, 12:01:30 pm »
SA-MP is dying bro, its hella old... all servers are becoming empty
We used to be competitive against other servers in player count. That's not the case anymore, and it's not just because "SA-MP is dying".
Again, not his fault that he didn't know about the forums earlier. Apparently, a lot of people don't know about the forums. Some of what he's suggesting is pretty extreme, yes, but a lot of it is pretty doable coding wise. Nerfing some of the VIP shit is not difficult.
Yeah,I assume some stuff is extreme,but pretty much anything I said can be done.Maybe not this very moment,but soon enough-yes.
And,I don't think SAMP is dying.As stated,it needs reformation and more advertising.I can do the advertising part once we have better conditions for playing.Anyway,anything that is to keep livin',needs to evolve.So does this server-it needs regular updates on anything that bugs the players.And we MUST have more admins that will take care of the server the whole day,everyday.
One more thing,now the majority of voters are on the "changes" side,though not agreeing on every detail.Admins should engage from now on and do what they can.Like what cobby did,create a testing server and implement new functions there.When they seem usable,integrate them in the original server.It's as simple as that.
p.s. I also wanted to say this.I'm not a "noob" or whatever.I might not be a great duelist,but that's simply not my talent.Not everyone can or will be good at it.That doesn't always determine the game outcome.And,this is my second registration.I somehow lost the first one,and there was a time when I wasn't registered,so my stats are lower than they would actually be,overall.And I've been playing somewhat more than a year,maybe,while some ppl were here for years...
« Last Edit: February 28, 2019, 12:05:41 pm by Srex_Zangetsu »
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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2019, 04:02:50 pm »
I liked the idea to give a command like godmode to the civilians(Chetan's one) but if someone can explain more about what is meant by cosmetic Vip feature/avatar skin then I can decide my vote, please someone explain it.

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2019, 06:46:58 pm »
I liked the idea to give a command like godmode to the civilians(Chetan's one) but if someone can explain more about what is meant by cosmetic Vip feature/avatar skin then I can decide my vote, please someone explain it.
Remove Sniper & saw from VIPs and keep the rest like /vskin  , /savecolor and many other features
I personally support this

Offline Srex_Zangetsu

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2019, 09:52:57 pm »
Correct.I don't mean to take all weapons from VIPs.They'd still get some minor weapons,that cannot affect the game as much as they did up until now. Something like some melee weapons,stuff like that.I just want everyone to have an equal chance of scoring well,not to get soloed by VIPs the first time they enter the game so they leave and never come back.As stated,VIPs would still retain some benefits,but their advantage over "randoms" would drop to almost being equal.Still,I'd say it's a pretty good deal,seeing how some people have/had $20 to throw on a game.You'd keep the nitro(one major advantage,but not unreachable) and some cool skins.Plus the weapons that still won't affect the game as much as their predecessors did anymore.You think you're up for it?
Ah yes,also, +1 for everyone who supported my ideas :D
« Last Edit: February 28, 2019, 09:55:24 pm by Srex_Zangetsu »
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Offline MegaPilot

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2019, 10:14:21 pm »
Nerfing some of the VIP shit is not difficult.

Unpopular opinion: a lot of the VIP weapons are hella overpowered. The chainsaw is just ridiculous in camping situations(Area 69 for example) against non-VIPs. If it were up to me, the weapon would be removed from the gamemode.

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2019, 09:23:55 am »
Unpopular opinion: a lot of the VIP weapons are hella overpowered. The chainsaw is just ridiculous in camping situations(Area 69 for example) against non-VIPs. If it were up to me, the weapon would be removed from the gamemode.
It's not unpopular,especially if you're a "random" player.VIPs like being sadists.My own opinions is that sniper users are weakling sh*theads that can't play with skill,since they don't possess it,so they gotta use the sniper and blast you from afar while you can't return the fire.The saw should be usable on the server,but it shouldn't only be a benefit of those who donated...it's better if it has to be found from,let's say,killing Bigfoot in the woods.Let him roam anywhere,so the chance of getting a saw would be hard.Or just give it to the civilians(any of the classes I suggested be made),deadline terrorists.Defenders wouldn't use it in reality,so they can't have it.Yup,give it to the civilians,while you give knife to the terrorists,and katana to security and the nightstick to the police xD and why are there no motherf*cking knuckles??
As for the sniper,I repeat,let's discuss how the weapon packs should be arranged.We better make few more classes first and then redistribute weapons rather than distribute them now but decide to make classes and have to give them out again.The sniper can be used for a terrorist class of assassins",and/or civilian class of "hunters",or we can give it to underwhelming already existing "swats".Also,each class should have a weapon per each group of weapons.For example,security should get a gun,police a shotgun,swats should get some smg weapon,and terrorists a gun too.Civilians need to be massively empowered and be actually influential. :)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2019, 09:28:55 am by Srex_Zangetsu »
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Offline Nikola

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2019, 04:32:47 pm »
1. "Take away VIP weapon benefits and give them more cosmetic ones" - Even though payments made by players are de jure considered to be donations, it would be inappropriate to abruptly remove those weapons, which are a direct result of their payments, without consulting the VIP community first. However, this is likely rather unfeasible and will not yield any fruit. So, I propose giving all registered players a chainsaw and a sniper as standard weapons for all classes, while leaving features such as car modding and a greater skin choice as VIP-exclusive, and also lowering the price for acquiring the VIP status.

2. "Rearrange all weapon packs and thus balance the battle power of each class, make additional civilian and terrorist classes, turn the civilian class into these: allied - hostile - neutral, downgrade all dual wield weapons (uzi and handgun) to single wield, create a command for the president to make allies from civilian class" - I believe these are rather drastic measures which would fundamentally change the powers/functions of the classes.

3. "Hire more admins and resolve the hacker problems, make all 100% determined hack detections, permanently banned, make cooperation between "clan" players in hostile classes punishable" - New mods are usually selected every 3 months. Also, during the mod selection period, the status of the existing mods (at that time) is closely examined - whether they're fit to be promoted to admins, resume their post or be demoted. This is a very sensitive issue, as it's not just about accumulating a greater number of staff members, it's about who's really able and willing to handle the duties. As for cooperation between members of hostile classes, this is indeed punishable. When such behavior is detected or recorded, those involved are always punished/warned.

4. "Put neutral civilians into godmode without the ability to hurt or be hurt by others
Implement more avatar skins" - I agree with these suggestions. For the first one, as Yomama pointed out, make sure their vehicles are destructible. Regarding the second one - yeah, a couple more skin options for regulars would looks nice and perhaps even motivate them to donate for the chance to select any skin they desire.

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2019, 10:21:52 pm »
1. I propose giving all registered players a chainsaw and a sniper as standard weapons for all classes, while leaving features such as car modding and a greater skin choice as VIP-exclusive, and also lowering the price for acquiring the VIP status.
That doesn't solve the problem of snipers basically breaking the gamemode because they're so OP. At the very least, they need to be nerfed.

3. As for cooperation between members of hostile classes, this is indeed punishable. When such behavior is detected or recorded, those involved are always punished/warned.
It's often not cooperation as much as it is non-hostility. This ranges from ignoring a terrorist shooting the President or your team if you're security, or a cop driving by and the civilian on top is busy sniping protectors or the President (getting shot by a civilian this way is not a particularly unusual occurrence for me as President, but it's usually opportunistic, not a pattern). It's not unusual for me to have a gunner, then I get killed and the gunner walks away without fighting with the person who killed me at any point.

I have a video of a president walking around the armor spawn in LS, surrounded by terrorists who are not attacking him, but instead waiting for the next round of cops to show up. Is that punishable?

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2019, 06:40:05 am »
So, I propose giving all registered players a chainsaw and a sniper as standard weapons for all classes, while leaving features such as car modding and a greater skin choice as VIP-exclusive, and also lowering the price for acquiring the VIP status.

Many people over here bought VIP because of some features like weapons, car modification and skin. And I don't really think that whole VIP community will even allow this to happen and even if we allow this to happen then we can see more "Refund" topics over VIP board.

I think that this is whole reformation of the server wont happen but we can find some better solution than this.

Offline Srex_Zangetsu

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2019, 09:31:51 am »
THERE'S NO FREAKING BUYING,VIPS ARE DONATIONS.ONLY THE ADMINS WERE GENEROUS TO REFUND YOU WITH WEAPONS.THAT'S IT.Can y'all understand that?And I don't care what the VIPs will say,we need to remake this server into something acceptable.And we CAN'T sacrifice the server's well-being for some greedy kids.'Randoms' matter as much,even though they paid nothing but their time.If you want to stagnate with the player numbers,fine,don't do anything.But if you want the server to be swarming with players,do as I say.Everyone deserves an equal chance of winning.But as far as I see it,nothing will be changed.I waste all this time to explain some basic things,and the admins haven't even started implementing anything,I bet.I don't know what they are waiting for;more voting,maybe?We clearly have a majority over those who don't want to change anything...
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Offline Nikola

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Re: The reformation of the server:available or not?
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2019, 11:03:55 pm »
1. I propose giving all registered players a chainsaw and a sniper as standard weapons for all classes, while leaving features such as car modding and a greater skin choice as VIP-exclusive, and also lowering the price for acquiring the VIP status.
That doesn't solve the problem of snipers basically breaking the gamemode because they're so OP. At the very least, they need to be nerfed.

3. As for cooperation between members of hostile classes, this is indeed punishable. When such behavior is detected or recorded, those involved are always punished/warned.
It's often not cooperation as much as it is non-hostility. This ranges from ignoring a terrorist shooting the President or your team if you're security, or a cop driving by and the civilian on top is busy sniping protectors or the President (getting shot by a civilian this way is not a particularly unusual occurrence for me as President, but it's usually opportunistic, not a pattern). It's not unusual for me to have a gunner, then I get killed and the gunner walks away without fighting with the person who killed me at any point.

I have a video of a president walking around the armor spawn in LS, surrounded by terrorists who are not attacking him, but instead waiting for the next round of cops to show up. Is that punishable?
Jonne tested sniper nerfing yesterday, it appears that setting the sniper skill level to 0 doesn't affect its efficiency in any shape or form. Chainsaw is a melee weapon, so trying to edit something here is pointless. Therefore, it's a choice of whether to leave everything as is and continue turning off newbies or try the 'equality' route (removing sniper and chainsaw altogether would prove catastrophic, I'm afraid).

Refusing to shoot opposing team members (without cooperating with them or hanging around with them) could be treated as dereliction of duty in certain cases, but it's realistically very hard to enforce - deciding whether the player was willing to shoot or not or perhaps if he was being inept/scared in that situation, or if he was distracted or looking at another target/map. A lot of these aspects are realistically always open to interpretation, so this is why non-security players generally have a free choice of who they'll shoot from the opposing classes (as long as they're not cooperating/riding with them).

If it's found out that a terrorist/cop/sec is sheltering a civilian that actively kills members of his own class, that terrorist/cop/sec will be warned.

If the president/terrorist camaraderie was that blatant as you describe it, the terrorists should be warned for their behavior.

So, I propose giving all registered players a chainsaw and a sniper as standard weapons for all classes, while leaving features such as car modding and a greater skin choice as VIP-exclusive, and also lowering the price for acquiring the VIP status.

Many people over here bought VIP because of some features like weapons, car modification and skin. And I don't really think that whole VIP community will even allow this to happen and even if we allow this to happen then we can see more "Refund" topics over VIP board.

The only way giving registered players chainsaw and sniper would affect the current VIPs is the increased difficulty of killing new players, who would have the same OP weapons that they do. I don't believe this to be a good enough reason to revoke help and support for the server you're playing in, but each to their own.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 12:10:04 am by Nikola »