Author Topic: Shades of solved problem  (Read 16001 times)

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2017, 12:11:30 pm »
Multiple spawns sort of solved the problem of one team monopolizing the armor/health. I agree that armor camping kinda wrecks the gamemode- it's always painful to look at the map and see more blue and red blips at the armor spawns than near the President. Yes, the server has a TDM aspect. However, it's not the same boring TDM shit that makes most other servers unremarkable. The point is to focus the game around the President, not around Terrorists vs. Police. The President element of the gamemode is unique and far more fun than simple Blue vs. Red.

@Mia and everyone else who thinks that armorcamping is the same as protecting: there are often so many of you at armor that terrorists don't even need armor to kill the President. You're not really protecting him, you're just diverting people who also don't want to chase the President.

I don't think this can be solved with rules or scripts. It's a culture problem. Most regulars seem to be concerned with stats and clans, not the truly challenging and fun stuff like chasing someone who is nearly impossible to catch, trying to keep a total dipshit President alive or coming up with new tricks to use against friends on the opposite side (not coincidentally, these things sound like playing the gamemode, not the usual tribal warfare). More people need to remember what brought them to this community in the first place.
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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2017, 02:40:51 pm »
Well, looks like some ptpers cant just focus on what i am posting, and just focusing on my name.
This bullshit is NOT my problem because i play alone. So, it is not about "make me happy".

Another simple example about your "solved problem".
Chiliad map. We all understand that there must be some logic how spawns are located around the map.
You are adding more spawns, you were thinking where to put them. So, main armor spawn is where it always was. So, you think it is right place for it.
But it is just next to the bridge, it is literally in the center of the map. My logic tells me that armor spawns must be located on perimeter of the map, so you need time to take it. But if it is in the center - you will anyway take it because bridge is the only way to go to pres. And when terrors are dominating, and you are security, you just can not pass this fucking spot. And you again pointing attention on armor spawn instead of president.

About what Yomama said, and what i said before, you CAN change system to point attention on president AND at the same time solve this problem.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2017, 03:14:21 pm »
Unreadable wall of cry`n`bullshit.  :'(
True, its a bullshit thread.
When you actually can go to 2nd/3rd even 4th(NSA) armor spawn, still you want the main armor spawn free of Cops/Terrors.
It seems like you are lazy to go at other spawns.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 03:15:57 pm by Space »

Offline Uthar_Smith

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2017, 03:16:01 pm »
About what Yomama said, and what i said before, you CAN change system to point attention on president AND at the same time solve this problem.
Please elaborate

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2017, 05:13:02 pm »
Unreadable wall of cry`n`bullshit.  :'(
True, its a bullshit thread.
When you actually can go to 2nd/3rd even 4th(NSA) armor spawn, still you want the main armor spawn free of Cops/Terrors.
It seems like you are lazy to go at other spawns.
It seems that you are reading text from left top corner to bottom right one.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline YoMama

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2017, 08:59:18 am »
About what Yomama said, and what i said before, you CAN change system to point attention on president AND at the same time solve this problem.
Please elaborate
For a start, changing the scoring system so it's more focused on the GM would be a step. Giving the president more gameplay options that he should have had anyway (like flying planes) would be another. Clans focusing on playing the GM, rather than tribal warfare would be a huge improvement. Many of our regulars are in clans that emphasize clan TDM bullshit over the GM, which sets the tone for newbies and makes it boring for those of us who don't give a shit about petty fights and want to play the game (if they aren't in a clan, they're often peripherally involved with them and/or go for tribal warfare bullshit of their own). The point is, it's possible if the players here realize that it is a lot more fun when people largely ignore the nicks of the people that they're fighting and play the GM.

Unreadable wall of cry`n`bullshit.  :'(
True, its a bullshit thread.
When you actually can go to 2nd/3rd even 4th(NSA) armor spawn, still you want the main armor spawn free of Cops/Terrors.
It seems like you are lazy to go at other spawns.
You and many other people are I think missing SoLoD's point (correct me if I'm wrong, SoLoD)- it's not really about the armor as much as it is about the fact that people use it as a TDM zone instead of playing the game. It's not about not being able to get armor (like me and many others, he often doesn't get it anyway), it's about the fact that the armor spawns make it really easy for people to avoid playing the GM by getting sucked into the bullshit that goes on there. When I get armor, I check to see if there's no one there, then head over, grab my armor, and whether or not someone starts attacking me, I'm gone and after the president. My focus is on the GM, not fighting over a armor pickup. In contrast, it seems like most of our regulars go to armor and turn it into a bad game of king of the hill while never even going near the president.

Offline Altus_Demens

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2017, 08:16:35 pm »
I have carefully read the whole topic... And it actually looks like there is only a shade of the problem. You ask to abstract from your nickname, SoLoD (Well, looks like some ptpers cant just focus on what i am posting, and just focusing on my name.), but it is impossible due to your manner of holding a discussion, and this makes this topic totally inconstructive. I'll explain why.

You start the topic with blaming Jonne. He explained you how, he thinks, he solved this problem, but in your first post you simply negate it and ask your question again. Your argument is: "I am playing this gamemod since 2006, even before PTP arrived. (...) I know that gamemod is better without it". Instead of trying to prove your words, you are trying to convince everyone, to make them blindly believe you there is a problem ("Why don`t you just accept the fact that we have asolutely the same situation we had before"). It looks more like a propaganda and demagougery rather than an actual attempt to delineate and solve anything. In the meantime, when you are directly asked to elaborate your solutions, you remain silent.

As for the "problem" itself. It was an actual problem on Tenshi's PTP, where we had a single armour spawn per each map. When the player count was peaking, it was nearly impossible to get armour for me and Litteratus. Hordes of civilians camping there and throwing the grenades all around or cops and terrorists forces fighting (or peacefully staying together), but forgetting their emnity when me and Litt appeared at the horizon and focusing us, - that was a real problem, completely invisible for the regulars though, including you. Tenshi and Lacerta have made a first, lazy and miserable attempt to solve it by criminalizing armour spawn fights. It looked like a really good solution at first glance, yet we all know what had it lead to: constant abuse, unfair bans for breaking imaginary rules and even more chaos.

In turn, multiple armour spawns were the first thing that utterly distinguished Jonne's server from Tenshi's. At first I was unsure if it helps - due to the reasons you, SoLoD, have stated now! - but when I played the game for a while, I saw with my own eyes that the armour problem was solved by this addition. That's what Jonne was talking about, and that's what was the real problem; what you're trying to point out now is only a 'historical' outcome of that problem.

In the same time, you and YoMama are completely right about the cultural issues. Indeed, PlanB players culture level is very low - but it is way bigger than it was on Tenshi's server. The attitude of the Staff Team, the attention to players' needs and demands, - that's what has mostly increased it. It is still extremely far from perfect, but the progress is seen all around. But those cultural issues cannot be solved with adding new laws. It simply doesn't work this way, it only gives birth to more severe resistance. Haven't Tenshi's and Lacerta's actions proved it clear enough? There is no way to change it without the absolute majority of the players willing it, which is not present here. It's the same as if we started a topic about the eternal trash-talking in the chat. You might have called it an unsolvable problem too - and you would have been right.

I don't find armour spawn fighting a big issue. Yes, it's very common here, but I don't really see actual violation of the gamemode. President is always having hard times (unless he is a regular with his dozen of friends), but the players from the "good" team are also tending to concentrate near him. In the end, like it has already been said, armour fights indirectly impact on the gamemode as well. If you don't want to take part in armour fights, you don't have to do it: all of the armour spawns together are never occupied by your enemies. That's the biggest difference from the Tenshi's PTP related to armour spawns, and that's why the problem is mainly cosidered to be solved.

Also, I doubt that any changes to the score gaining system would positively impact on "armour spawn fighting culture" and playing the gamemode. Once again it would lead to trying to prove each others who is better and tougher - that's the final goal of any score system. Maybe if stats were completely removed, it would help, but I think it should be discussed out of this topic already.

Summarizing. SoLoD, you claim that the problem exists without giving any actual proofs. When others say that you are wrong, you simply negate it. When you are asked to elaborate your solultion, you don't reply. That's why I think that this topic is totally unconstructive and should be closed and forgotten for good. Instead, if you have any actual ideas or suggestion that would solve anything you consider to be a problem, feel free to start a topic on the Suggestions board. It won't be ignored, it will be discussed like any sane topic. Probably this way you would bring any positive changes, but the topics such as this one only rend the air. Don't act like the Russian politicians.
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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2017, 08:55:59 pm »
You and many other people are I think missing SoLoD's point (correct me if I'm wrong, SoLoD)
As i said before, and as you just said, it is not about "armor". It is all about community.
Just a simple example. Fallout online.
There was a simple idea to take fallout 2 gameplay and put it to online.
There were no rules to limit gamemod. And it was ok. Because players were doing everything to play exact gamemod.
And then another type of players arrived. They were killing each other inside first location, they were killing all quest bots. It was the way they "played" gamemod.
And the only way for admins to solve this situation was adding a shit-ton of harsh rules.
And now you are talking about "bad" Tenshi? He did it in a right way. And of course he was not supported by our "second-type" community.
And what are you doing? You are adding more spawns? You are, lets say, adding "more game bots and locations so when 2nd-player-type is doing bullshit on one part of the map, 1st-player-type can play exact gamemod on another part"?
That is why you make soft walls in hospitals and not let your patients to kill each other.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline Uthar_Smith

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #38 on: July 08, 2017, 03:40:47 pm »
There are no strict regulations on how to play the gamemode. Ofcourse, everything revolves around the president but that doesn't mean you are obliged to focus on that. Everyone can play the game in their own way. Furthermore, if you enforce harsh rules (Like in your Fallout example), you will just filter out certain players with a certain playstyle. This is exactly what happened in the old PTP: Harsh rules were enforced and so a ton of regulars were banned from the game. I don't think we want that.

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2017, 03:53:19 pm »
This thread is useless, its just that Solod wants attention :(

Offline SoLoD

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #40 on: July 08, 2017, 04:05:55 pm »
I don't think we want that.
Of course we do not want that. We do not want to be banned for playing in armor spawn, so we were pushed to play all around the map. We want to play inside armor spawns without any consequences.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline Uthar_Smith

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #41 on: July 08, 2017, 07:28:50 pm »
I don't think we want that.
Of course we do not want that. We do not want to be banned for playing in armor spawn, so we were pushed to play all around the map. We want to play inside armor spawns without any consequences.
We don't like harsh rules that aren't necessary. Besides, we gets a lot smaller if half of the community is being banned for armor fighting

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2017, 08:12:27 pm »
I agree with Altus

Offline Faro0s

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Re: Shades of solved problem
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2017, 12:22:57 am »
This is bullshit, SoLoD stop seeking attention.
We all have shifted here because of a similar problem so making it complicated is useless. There are multiple armor spots for a reason and the reason is that when a player wishes to take armor, he/she must not be forced to involve in a war. And I think this system is going very well. I don't really get the idea of arguing here even after getting some replies. It is clear that, there is nothing wrong with current system.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 12:27:34 am by Faro0s »

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