1.) Firstly, I want to suggest a command: /nearby, to check the list of all players who are in the contact of distance 100 meter(or whatever) which starts from you.
-1. Although it might be useful in some particular situations, generally you shouldn't care about nicknames. If you want to find out who is who, come closer.
2.) Secondly, Can we have interior place of shamal only for civilians with a number of players who can go inside like:5 or more......
What for? And how does it relate to the gamemode? If you explained your idea better, I would probably change my mind. But for now
3.) And the third is: A command same as /saveskin for players of LEVEL 1 to save their favorite skin( /cskin) and when they will spawn in that class each time they will spawn with the skin they saved before.
+1. Registered players can choose several skins anyways; I like the idea of simplifying it for them, since they bothered to register and thus showed some disposition towards our server. It will require some additional coding though, as they would like to choose favourite skins for each class, but it must be very easy.