I'm not doubting your report, but how do I know that you didn't follow SamuKa to the armor spawn?
Well, yeah. You're right, it was a poor example.
But, say, we have a cheater with minigun who's just killing everyone. Wouldn't it be enough to post a very short video with him when he's clearly seen holding minigun and shooting people? As for me, it would be. I understand your position, but I don't believe that "video length qualification" could be helpful with keeping the report section clean of irrelevant posts.
You didn't address my main point, which is that the run-of-the-mill rulebreaking shouldn't even be on the forums. For a very long time, it wasn't even worth it to report those kinds of things; now it's constantly being done. I'm not even going to bother giving an example of the petty, badly-supported, and generally useless reports that come out of allowing reports for rulebreaking...
I see, and I completely disagree.
In no means rulebreaking should be differentiated into "run-of-the-mill" and "non-run-of-the-mill" cases. If someone breaks the rules and it spoils yours or others' gameplay, you must report him. It is the only way to prevent people from abusing against you.
In the old server me & Litt were harassed a lot. It was OK for regulars from our team to pop our tires or to saw us in the middle of the fight so our already slight chances of winning our desperate fights were reduced to zero. It was OK for cop and terro to unite against us. It was very annoying and irritating. And only when I ceased to be lazy and started to record
every my game and to report
every case of abusing, first in IRC, then on forums, only then people quit harassing us.
So I suggest everyone to record their games and to report every case of rulebreaking, it's the only way to get rid of rulebreaking or abusing.
there are already examples contaminating this forum and plenty are stinking up the old one.
If you hint to
this report, I must say that I fully agree with Mia. In Gablo's case it doesn't even matter if there were enemies around: he purposely immobilized his teammate, which could be done for fun, but totally inappropriate when the "victim" is against it. So by this report Mia most probably has freed herself from such cases in the future; how else was she supposed to do it? The only bad thing is, of course, the lack of the video.