This above else i find as serious issue. Idk why but only on your server, shooting is nearly either broken or impossible! You can say I am pretty much bad, but there is no chance that on other server when i shoot someone he takes damage and on this server he simply does not, or the bullet is lagging like hell because of the players I am shooting's ping(usually over 200, section: Uzbekistan/Pakistan). This is literally a video of how it feels like shooting guys on your server with 150+ ping.
I play on PTP, MW3, CrazyBobsCnR, and some roleplay servers. On every other server shooting people is much easier than on PTP. Does PTP have some special technique or mods or what? Do I need to put my torrent to download smth in order to have 200+ ping to shoot someone or no? Last night around 01;00am(gmt+1) Shooting was normal, had quite fun with Apple, Madness and Aksel. During the day, thats just impossible. Cant damage anyone.