[15:17:08] <GhOstZ[GgT]> {33CCFF}[17] {FFFFFF}I got banned bcs I was protected GgT player
[15:18:13] <GhOstZ[GgT]> {33CCFF}[17] {FFFFFF}I insulted Carg hard and he promised he will ban me
[15:18:20] <GhOstZ[GgT]> {33CCFF}[17] {FFFFFF}and he did it
[15:18:26] <SatviK> {33CCFF}[12] {FFFFFF}i insult him daily
[15:18:28] <GhOstZ[GgT]> {33CCFF}[17] {FFFFFF}together with Niks and Wuzi.
U love how ghostz is trying to make a propaganda...
First he was banned because fimpen ordered carg to after he had more than enough evidence.
he was aimboting and had another anti collusion hack.
And that wasnot his first ban as he got banned in uL server scripted anticheat for aimbottibg. An ex GgT who exposed him and his ban record are still on uL database.
Till now i still dont want to post his videos