2cobby & Sindacco: let's, uh, stay on the topic... Well, actually I am going to deviate too.
2COBRA: Isn't it time to leave old quarrels and offenses behind? Many things had been done and said, right and wrong, caused by our inner sense of fairness, but now PTP is dying and it's time of stock-taking. Do we have to carry on the grudge like 70 years old grannies in the yard? I find the hours I've spent here amazing, that's also why I was making these mediocre videos. I do miss Mia indeed, it's impossible to dump a frienship, it would have been equally impossible for you. Any ambitions are so petty in our tiny gaming world, and now I realize I can rather remember a good thing about every last player here. Like, I remember how you helped me out when I was just promoted to a mod, likewise it's nice to see that cobby and Sindacco are so young (by soul, be they 12 or 32 years old) and full of energy
, and being young is most excellent. Well, consider this as a peace offering.
2everyone: thank you for all your comments, I am very happy seeing that some people enjoyed those little compilations I've made!
Throughout all these years I unexpectedly received lots of positive feedback, even from the people who I mistakingly though were hating me. I don't think there will be more videos as I've almost run out of material. At the moment I feel a certain finality and that's a pleasure.