Hi. This timecycle is great for an average pc and the best for a high-end pc. It improves your FPS and your game looks better.This timecycle is made to increase your overall draw distance which makes the game look beautiful. You can see many buildings from a great range and the skins look better too.
So, is it allowed in PLAN B PTP? If not, I will remove it from my Gta San folder.It actually makes the weather look more good according to the time shown on your screen(Gta san time).Everything remains the same, same weather, same time as other PTP players see on their screens.
As you all know, graphics mods doesn't differs in taking damage.
Chainshaw damage depends on fps and ping..So, its a samp bug.Some players blame this graphics mod.Here are some pics..if you want more pics of this mod, i will post it here.