It'll be like katana, that vips have right now. Within a few days no one will even use it.
Not needed, it isn't that great of a weapon. Plus, people will use the special knife move on teammates which sucks.
#--------------------------------------------------------# Player: [Hitman]Tounsix [IP Hidden /fimpen] with level: 2 # Banned by: SYSTEM# Reason: Player(lvl:2): * Weapon Cheats *# Time/Date: 01/09/2012 19:45:16 (d/m/y h:m:s)# Ban Lenght: PERMANENT#--------------------------------------------------------# Ban Details:+ Current map: Red County.+ Team Security.Not jailed. | Not muted. | Not rmuted(able to report). | Any Warning level? [ 0 ]Kills: 3764. Deaths: 1469.100.00 Health and 50.00 Armour.0 Score. Skin 294. Holding $6969. Ping 88.On foot at X=1490.292, Y=60.007, Z=29.583 while facing 203.296 in Interior 0.Not surfing any vehicle.[Hitman]Tounsix was holding M4 with 8000 ammo.Full armoury:- Knife, 1 ammo.- Sawnoff Shotgun, 7998 ammo.- MP5, 8000 ammo.- M4, 8000 ammo