I suggest you to modify ignore command, so once I do /ignore [id], that certain player is no more able to send me a personal message, as if I did /blockpm. I find this a big issue, for example, player GotemGT keeps spaming my pm every 10 seconds whenever we happen to be in-game at the same time. I use ignore command to prevent spam, and then 20-30 minutes laters someone else sends me a message, I use '/p' to respond, and my message goes to Gotem, which means, in those few seconds after I received a message from some other guy, Gotem managed to pm me again.(yes he is retarded like that)
He keeps my pms busy this way, all the time while im playing, and this happened to me more than 50 times now in 7-8 different sessions, I find it annoying and easy to fix.
So if the person who is ignored by someone, could receive a notification which says, "This player is currently ignoring you", every time after trying to adress em new personal message, that would be much better.
Those messages from players that we put on ignore list shouldn't affect us at all right? But we still receive sound notification and in system it counts as we received new personal message. What for?
Because you see, that is exactly the reason why I decided to ignore him. He is constantly preventing me from using '/p' by spaming me, and my "/ignore [ID]" command can't solve the problem. And I dont want to use /blockpm and ignore everyone else, cos of that one guy, as I had to do once.