Author Topic: Rules and admins  (Read 41406 times)

Offline SoLoD

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Rules and admins
« on: November 01, 2017, 11:05:29 am »
   Hello, "PTP community". I am SoLoD and this is a topic where i want to discuss and share with you some crucial things about a big part of our "community". And i mean an "admin staff" part.
   There will be at least two parts (two topics) of this discussion.
   First topic (this one), well, i think i can call it "general", or "initiative". So, it will be kinda "soft".
   Second topic will be all about one certain situation, and this (first) topic will help you to understand THAT (second) topic better.
   Now, a little message to you, Jonne, about 2nd topic. Do you really think that your "i am sorry" pm was enough to end that shit? We both know that you and your admins are not sorry. But i know that you will be.
   I swear that i will be honest at every single word in this topics, even if being honest is not welcome here.
   I wish to say that i am making this topics to help admins to see their "work" from my perspective, to help them to understand their mistakes and to make some conclusions.
   But i do not think there will be any of them. Why? Read this topic and you will understand why. What i can say for now - i do not trust them.
   That is why i do not see a single reason to smooth out some edges and words. At the same time i do understand that the way i am writing this topic will not help them to embrace what they are.
   So, lets say that i am making this topic to feed this "admin community" with their own SHIT.
   And a very inportant thing to add at this point - if YOU are part of this "admin staff", everything i am saying in this two topics i am saying to YOU, even if some concrete example is not mentioning you.
   Lets start!

   Main statements of this topics are:
0. PTP rules are weak and useless.
1. Admins do not know their own rules.
2. Admins do not respect their own rules.
3. Admins do not respect community members.
4. Admins do not take responsibility.
5. Admins are liars and lazy unprofessional hypocrites.

   A very simple question to answer - why do we have rules?
We have rules to protect gamemode and players from unwanted situations. Now, open this picture on the second page and check every single my word in this topic PICTURE
At this point i want you to look at the rules and realise: there are no rules to protect gamemode and players from admins. And some "theoretical" retarded admin is a very "unwanted situation" for gamemode and players.
   Now lets think about it for a second: what does that mean? What does that mean when you formally have no rights to make a report against an admin? There are only two options:
1. Admins are always right on their decisions, so we do not need that rules.
2. Rules are NOT for admins. They are above their own rules and players. So, rules do not control admins and their decisions.
   In this topic i will show you that statement #1 is false, and statement #2 is true and leads us to nothing but abuse by admins.

   Now lets make an inspection on our rules. Inspection, that probably was never done by admins.

   Of course we will start from my favorite rule - rule number 15. Security and their "duty". Lets check it "part after part".
   1. You need to stay close to him. - What a beautiful useless word, "close". Big, small, far away, close. All this words are meaningless without measure. If you are saying "close", you need to say what do you mean by it - 1, 10, 100, 1000 meters. And if you dont (and WE DONT), admins will handle it like they want.
   And at this point rule is becoming a useless shit. Imagine for a second that we have only one rule - "Not doing bad things on the server". Without explanations. And the only way to figure out what does that mean, "bad things", is when admin will punish you and say, "i think that you just did a bad thing".
   So, it is all about every single admin to decide if you are "close enough". And we all know that this admin`s measure of "close enough" will quickly go down if he will not "like" you.
   In this two topics i will show you that two different admins can have totally opposite opinions about same situation. Which is totally unacceptable. Rules MUST exclude any possibility of free interpretation by admins. Rules MUST provide guarantees to players that there is no place for bias. Punishment only for breaking the rules, not for breaking "admin`s interpretation of rules".

   It is obvious, that in this situation, when admin is doing whatever he wants with a rule, manipulating with it, he puts himself above this rule and rules at all.
   At this point you can not say the rules are protecting you from admins. You can not say that admins have any respect to this rules (the only way to respect rules is to place yourself under this rules). And if admin do not respect rules - he do not respect players. Because for ptp admins rules are something that staying between admins and players, not above players AND admins.

   But do you know what is even more dangerous? When someone who is a main admin here spreading this lie and actually beliave it:
   Because they are not the same for everyone. I CAN NOT manipulate with YOUR rules. While every single admin is doing it. Every single time admin is punishing someone for breaking "this type of rule", when you can not use this rule without your own interpretation of it, it is nothing but abuse of this rule, no metter what a situation is (if we do beliave your words abour "rules above everyone").
   But if you want to stay with this your words about "rules are the same for everyone", then you need to explain why admins are twisting it every single time they are using them?

   2. Securities should protect the president to the best of their abilities. Another brilliant example of useless rule. "Doing their best". What does that mean? Do they, admins, thinking that they know us better than we do? Do they have extraordinary "game sense" to understand if you are doing "your best"?
   I can give you a very simple example. Red country map. When the round begins and newbie president is running in the spawn area, i am moving to the closest bridge to shoot terrors to slow them down. And receiving that "do your duty" messages. Am i close enough to president? I think yes, because i do not let terrors to attack president, and when i will die - i will respawn just near president. Am i "closer" to a president than terrors? Yes, i am, because i stay between terrors and president.
   Am i doing "my best" by fighting terrors when other securities are running around president at the spawn?
   Now look at this topic:
   It is about some mod "Stephanie". What i have learned about him: he has 0 (zero, none) ptp experience (and it is not strange for me, how you can get one if the only thing you are doing is staying at civ spawn with chainsaw). After i`ve watched a couple of his duels, i realised that he has zero samp skills. NONE FUCKING SKILLS.
   And now a very simple question to everyone: do not want this piece of no-skill trash to judge you? Do you want him to punish you for "not doing your best" and for not playing "gamemode"? I do not want. And i even do not want to know how did he became an admin.

   3. Your duty is to protect president at all cost. - And another one. Useless ammount of words. "At all cost". One more chance for admin to discuss if i "did my best".

   4. Unless he gives you another order. - Another order? I do not need any orders to play PTP. When someone like Yomama (president) says that i am doing good as security, and at the same time i am receiving "do your duty shit", i am starting to think that admins turning this "do what president wants" to "do what admin wants".
   When president is flying in the helicopter all around the map, i will not sit in his fucking helicopter. I will use rustler and i will not even fly "close" to him. Because i know that a terrorist with a rustler can kill his helicopter way before i will be able to crash his rustler. And i do not need "order" to stay "not close". I will fly above the "rustlers spawn area". Because it IS the best way to protect the president.
   When president is camping somewhere, probably i will not be "close" to him and i will not sitting on his head. I will be "somewehere else", where i can do "my duty" in a better way, prevent terrorists from killing president in 1 second with shotguns and receiving an idiotic "do your duty spam" from some retard.
   If while i am protecting the president i need to jump into a fight and give president few seconds to run away from this fight, and after i am "stuck" in this fight for 1, 2 or even 3 minutes, and the president is already "on another part of the map", and "/duty" spam and reports are falling on my head, tell me, is it my /duty as security to explain it to every single retarded admin?

   So, this "security duty" rule, the same rule you keep punishing people for, has not a single clear direct statement to follow as a security, and the only thing you, hypocrite admins, are doing, is twisting this poor weak useless rule like you want. And at the same time you dare to teach anyone how to play this gamemode?

   Once again, "Every single time admin is punishing someone for breaking this rule, it is nothing but abuse and insinuation, because this rule has not a single direct statement that can be broken by someone who can not freely interpret this rule (non-admin player)".

   Rule number 1. No hacking/cheating.
   As i`ve mentioned before, i have a huge distrust of "some admin"`s ability to judge what is hack/cheat and what is not.
   Example is all about that retard "gotemgt". After i clearly have shown you that he is switching "hp lock" shit, all you said was: "we will keep an eye on him".
   And after that he keeps doing it time after time. When you are doing db damage to him like to every player, and after 10 seconds he is starting to run all over the fight with 30 hp and you are no longer can do a single point of damage even to his back with drive-by (and not only you), and you know that his ping is still the same, and you know that he is the only person on the server that do not get damage, and you know that you can do damage even to someone with ping that is 3 times bigger.
   Well, as i said, i have huge distrust on our admins and their ability to "add 1 to 1".

   Rule number 2. No bug abusing.
   If you will look close enough at the picture of the rules, you will see a very very weak attempt of our admins to divide all bugs to "good ones" and "bad ones". But again, the same shit - what is the point to make this "good/bad bugs" rule, if you do not cover ALL bugs. And the answer is the same - to let admins judge if your bug is "good" or "bad" by themselfs.
   But the funniest thing is that there is NO DEFINITION of what a bug is. And when you are trying to resctrict something, but not even giving a definition of it, we all know what is gonna happen.
   Again, what if one day they will say that RADding is a bug too? Because GTA SA developers did not made it on purpose, so you CAN (if you want) to call it "bug". Oh wait, most of admins even do not know what a "RADding" is (and i am not even talking about something like taxi boost). But they WILL define it as a bug or not a bug by themselfs, because this is how this rule looks like.

   Rule number 3. No death evasion by any means or ways.
   YAY. What we have got here? ANOTHER ONE. "Any means or ways". Very personal rule for me, since 5 years ago some retarded admin aka great khali decided that i "evaded death", and banned me for a very very long time. Just because he did not liked me.
   But lets get back to the rule. I want to look at this rule and see exactly what i want to see when i am looking at every single rule: what can i do and what i can not do. And i do NOT see it. If i am surrounded by 10 enemies, can i spam enter/exit a car to "avoid death" (btw, it is a samp bug too, another common bug to previous rule)? Hmmm. Lets see what our rule can say about it. Hmmm. Nothing. Hmmm. But it is definitely "evading a death". Hmmm. But everyone is doing it. Hmmm. But who am i to know WHAT A RANDOM ADMIN THINKS ABOUT IT???

   Rule number 5. No teamshooting/spawnkilling.
   Another YAY. And another portion of shit for admins. Do you remember this one: ? Retarded admin that was staying at civil spawn and killing civils with chainsaw? (What a worthy attitude for a ptp admin by the way.)  Very specific way for some rookie after he is joining the server to take a taste what this server is all about. When JHON (i will call you JHON, ok, Jonne? Do not know why i like this word) said that his perfect antispawnkilling system is WORKING WELL, but at the same time his own admins were using BUG to get stats and to break the very simple rule to NOT SPAWNKILLING (hmm, interesting, can you call it bug abusing of that "working" antispawnkill system? Hmm, hmm, probably not, at least they paid for chainsaw).
   Ok, so, the system was not working, admins (and some vips) were abusing bug (when they were killing people UNDER spawn protection), and at the same time they were BREAKING fucking simple RULE (without consequences ofc), JHON was swearing me that it is WORKING FINE, random samp`ers were leaving after witnessing this kind of attitude from every single regular.
   WOW. Just WOW. And i am reminding you that the rule at that time was: NOT TO KILL AT SPAWN WITHOUT ANY CONDITIONS. And now (of course there did not made any change to the rules even after MONTHS) you can take a look at the rules IN-GAME and you will see only this: "NO TEAMSHOOTING/SPAWNKILLING". So, it was not only bug abusing, they were breaking this rule too.
   Forum is only an addition to the server. Server is a main place to declare SERVER rules. Now, you are posting that your rule is: NO SPAWNKILLING. At the same time you do not even mention on the server about exceptions, THAT ARE ALREADY EXISTING IN YOUR FUCKING FORUM VERSION OF YOUR FUCKING SERVER RULES. How stupid is that?
   But lets back to our today`s situation. What a carnival of twisted mind`s flow. First you are saying that everything is working fine, then you are understanding that it is not fine (and vips/admins can abuse your bugs and they are doing it), then you are "sorry" about your "perfect system" turning to "unperfect", then you are still do nothing and NOT PUNISHING vips and admins. AND THEY STILL CAN KILL ANYONE WHILE BEING UNDER SPAWN PROTECTION, EVEN WHEN YOU, AND I QUOTE: "CAN NOT DO DAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE SPAWN".
   Let me explain it one more time (and you can enter the server like i did yesterday and check it by yourself). Vips and admins still abusing a bug when they CAN do damage before THEY left their spawn (so, this is a bug abusing, and it is not GTA SA or SAMP bug, it is YOUR OWN BUG. I guess this bug was not a purpose of making your "antispawnkill" system, so it is THAT BAD BUG THAT IS NOT ALLOWED). YOUR IMMORTAL ADMINS ARE ABUSING A BUG TO KILL PEOPLE. They are abusing a bug, which SHOULD BE PROHIBITED by your "antispawnkill system", and not getting any sort of punishment. Typical JHON.
   Now, when you under spawn protection, every time you attack, you are receiving message that YOUR ATTACKS ARE NOT DOING DAMAGE. And YOUR FUCKING ADMINS ARE DOING DAMAGE BY ABUSING A BUG. YOUR BUG.
   But they are not only breaking rule number 2 (bug abusing). They are breaking server rule: "NO SPAWNKILLING". AND THERE IS NO CONDITIONS FOR THIS RULE ON THE SERVER. No spawnkilling means you can not kill someone who is on the spawn and they can not kill you when you are on the spawn. BUT THEY KILLING PEOPLE ON THE SPAWN, WHEN THE ONLY THING YOUR RULE IS SAYING IS: NO SPAWNKILLING.

   Addition to this rule (and you can not see any word about it on the server) is "do not help opposite in any way, do not stun your teammates so other team kill him".
   Beautiful rule. The only fact that it exists telling me everything i need to know about this community. When some civilian admin is killing secirity, and another admin (playing as security) is not doing a shit while some civ is running near president and killing secs, and after you are reporting him he is looking at his own report and saying "HMMMM, OKAY".

   But the best part of this rule (and many other rules) is that it mainly protects admins only. When you are reporting someone for breaking it, admin is coming after 30 sec, see nothing, do nothing. But when someone is doing it against admin.... Mmmm. It is working. Very nice to have rules that always protecting admins, and when you are not admin, you need video and other "evidences" to prove your point.
   But not always. A simple example is when i (security) was fighting with Yash, and when he went low on hp, his fellow buddy, some retart from ggt clan, started to ram me while being a cop. In front of Yash. Without any consequences of course.

   Rule number 8. No map change forcing.
   I am kinda bored but it is again THAT rule when admin will judge you if you die "to force a map" or "not".
   But at least they`ve listed ALL "bad" situations. Still, a very wide field for mind to work with that "suiciding". Too wide for a server full of retards.

   Rule number 9. No nicks faking. (no faking admins nicks).
   Just a picture. PICTURE
   Pointing your attention on: "admins knowing their rules", "thinking first, then doing something", "taking responsibility AKA ignoring" etc.

   Rule number 12. Protecting team is not allowed to jack the president.
   Someone is ninjajacking and killing president, you are reporting, no response. Like, never. But hey, still works pretty good if president is an admin, isn`t it?

   Rule number 13. No advertising other server.
   So, if i will pm someone ip of a, hmm, stunting server, i will be banned. Very "openminded" rule. I like it. DO NOT LET PTPERS TO FIND A LIFE OUTSIDE THE PTP.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

Offline SoLoD

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2017, 11:05:51 am »
But lets see how admins are dealing with rules on some concret examples.
   Lets start from this topic:

   First of all, i am pointing your attention that it took ~10 days for admins to deal with that topic. And the topic is all about 40 seconds long video. So, i guess, they were examining that video frame by frame.
   Now, look at that video and tell me what do you see? I can tell you what do I see there. Two securities on a sanchez with busted wheels are trying to move to the president when some terror is arriving to them. So, since we all know what is gonna happen when you are about to leave someone with sniper rifle behind you while driving a bike with busted wheels, securities killed that terrorist.
   So, that particular retarded pplv kid ragequit with some threats to report us. Okay. Now, lets think about it: the only reason for someone in this situation to report securities for killing terrorist who is driving 1 meter away from them is having a brain damaged enought to think that... securities can not shoot terrorists, even when terrorist is chasing them.
   Do i blame that pplv kid for thinking that way? Well, i do. But then you look at 10-days-response ("They will be warned. Thanks for reporting!"), and you are understanding what i know for a very long time: the very same retards are making fake reports while making their very first weak attempts to bend the rules how they want today, the next day they will become the very pretending to be a good guys admins that are bending this rules today.

   Well, at this point i want to remind you that we do not have rule or rules to report fakereporters. And the fact that this rule do not exist is a additional stimulus for them to keep fakereporting. As i said before, the mental state of this community is completely shit, so the fact this fule do not exist is unacceptable.
   Also, i am pointing you attention, that since many many rules are working only with "recorded video", it is another field for fakereporters. Very simple example that happened with me personally: on the old ptp there were a "no fight at armor spawn" rule with addition "do not jump on the enemy car`s roof at the armor spawns". So, when someone you know as Rev in the armor spawn jumped on a roof of a car that was full of terrorists and was killed by me after 2 warnings to leave, i was banned, because the only part he shown to admins was the very last seconds of his life. And when i arrived to another armor spawn and some newbie started to shoot me and was killed by me with a backfire, he again shown the very last seconds and said that i was the one who attacked that newbie. It is obvious that such a miserable shits like rev are using the fact that the only way in ptp to make rules work for non-admins is to have instafrapsing.
   And an ability of admins to solve and "read" different situations by only watching a video samples is a very big question. At leaast for me. Because in that situation it was very easy to check the logs and understand that rev is nothing but a liar. But admins were too lazy to do it. And in the second topic i will show you that they are still lazy to do it. Too lazy to walk a "long way", and too ignorant to not walk a "short one".
   So, when the only way for your "rules" to work is to have all-time frapsing (which is not an option for some players), and at the same time it is a hint for those mothersfuckers to fakereport someone by editing their videos, and at the same time you can not report both retards for fakereporting AND admins for doing their job like assholes, how exactly do you think rules will protect anyone? It is obvious that there should be a rules against fakereporters and admins.

   Another question is why there is no rule against admins which making a "wrong" decisions. I said it at the very beginning of this topic, now lets look at it "closer".

   Admins are totally refusing to take any kind of responsibility. And why not? I mean, if there are no rules to keep them on a leash then there is no formal reason for them to take responsibility. (I am pointing your attention on this word, "formal". Keep it in mind. I will explain it later.)
   Lets not forget that when someone is requesting for unban, they, admins, require from this "someone" to admit his faults. And they force him to do it in front of all community.
   But when it comes to admins, even IF it obvious that they did "wrong", they are not taking any kind of responsibility. They are not making a single step in front of a community to admit their faults (which is nothing but an act of hypocrisy). They are hiding behind "high level" admins to avoid any kind of responsibility and consequences. I will show you the absolute facts of this statements in the second topic, but you can witness it even here, in first topic (in some examples i have made here).
   So, it is the first thing for them to do, not taking responsibility. They will lie, ignore and do everything just to not admit their faults.

   Back to our example:it is obvious for me, that i CAN shoot terrorists as security when they are coming "close" to me. The funny fact is that reports where i am involved... Well, that reports are taking very very long time to deal with for admins. Which makes me think that behind an admin (i mean the one who is formally dealing with it) there are another admins that know about every single topic and every single decision that admin is doing/posting. And that makes me think that it is not only Carg to take response for this topic. Probably, it is exactly how every single admin is understanding this situation, and Carg is nothing but a messenger.

   But if you think that this is the end, i remind you his last words: "They will be warned. Thanks for reporting!". I can say only for myself, not for the second security. I was NOT warned. Not in forum by pm, not in that topic, not via pm in game or mail.
   And you know what? I am looking in the past and there were maaaany topics with "solod will be warned". And i do not think there was any when i was actually "warned". And it is not surprise for me that i was not warned. Because if you "warn" someone, you need to explain reason, and the reason in this very situation is that security... can not shoot terrorist?

   So, this "They will be warned. Thanks for reporting!" was adressed to that pplv kid, he was waiting 10 days for this Solod`s punishment, and until this very day he is thinking that i was punished. When i was not.

   So, a very, very very small example (40 secs video and not-even-10-words-response from admin), but so much statements:
1. Obvious fakereporting to "punish" in-game "enemies".
2. Abusing rules by admin/admins to "solve" problems. Ignore, lie, close the topic - this is how they are doing IT.
3. Lie. Lie to fakereporter. Lie to every single ptper that was looking at that topic.
4. Lie. Lie at every similar situation. Post something and do nothing.

   Another example i want to discuss.
   The situation was next: president landed on the SF`s stadium roof with helicopter, 2 civils were shooting him with sniper rifles from the hill, so i rammed them with a rustler and killed after a fight. Then i went to armor spawn at SF stadium to refill armor, city wok arrived there at the same time with 15 hp and i DB`ed him.
   So, now lets look at Carg`s 1st post in that topic. He is saying that killing that civs while they were shooting president was not my duty. And he is pointing my attention that i do not understand duty rule. Now, lets look at city wok`s next post, when he is saying that killing him and pranesh on the hill was totally OKAY and was my duty, because they were shooting president.
   So, do i really the one who do not understand duty by killing someone who is trying to kill president, or is it you, Carg, the one who is interpreting this rule like he wants (and i do not even understand how can you twist this rule to tell me not to kill someone who is trying to kill president)?
   But lets check Carg`s first post part by part again. And i quote Carg`s words: "First of all you were near the stadium armour without rustler when you broke the rule, the exact time of breaking the rule was when you decided to chase civilians that were far away from the presidentey made). "
   This is a LIE. On his post city wok already said it. But let me explain it. You are saying that i was at armor without rustler and then i "decided to chase civilians that were far away from the president". I am saying that i rammed them with rustler when they were shooting president with sniper rifles. And that civs are proving my point.
   But let me ask you one question: you have checked the report after you received it. And you received it AFTER civs made that report. And they made it after i attacked them. So, how exactly do you know what i was doing BEFORE they made a report (you are saying i was at armor spawn without rustler)?
   Another lie is, and i quote: "(Pranesh & City_Wok, not that far, but still it wasn't your duty, because when I checked the report they made, you were chasing them with 100 health and they were running from you even when they had full armour and health)".
   I was not "chasing" them. We were fighting close to their infernus on the hill. On the exactly point from where they were shooting president.

   Next thing is: right after i killed pranesh on the hill i went to armor spawn, and wok arrived at the same time and parked his car just 1 meter away from my car, so i spent 1.5 seconds to db him. And president was not "at the total opposite side of the map". He was exactly where he was 1 minute ago - on the SF stadium`s roof, 10 meters above armor spawn. And the reason why city wok is saying that i have "difficulties understanding when it's duty or not" is exactly the same as pplv retard`s in the previous topic: wok is thinking that security can not shoot someone who is coming close (1-3 meters away) to security even if 1 minute ago he was trying to kill president. So no, Wok, it has nothing to do with "so I let you without shooting you", wok, it is all about you interpreting duty rule like you want, while this rules has not a single word that secutiry can not shoot someone who is trying to kill president.

   But hey, we have another "hero", and that is JHON and his last post on that topic.
   Look at that shit. He is saying, and i quote: "I cannot be sure whether the warning was correct or not. So, if you were doing your duty at that time, it probably wasn't meant for you.". So, thats why he closed that topic. Nice reason. But guess what, JHON. You actually CAN be sure that warning was adressed to me, because if you will be so kind to spend some seconds and read what YOUR admin Carg said in his very single post in the topic, you will see it was all about ME.
   So, JHON, now go here and read the very first part of your message, when you are saying, and i quote: "We left because we were tired of the way PTP was being run. Pretty much everyone got ignored". If it is not ignoring, then what is it? Ignoring me, your own admin, AND using you own ignorance to "solve" this concrete situation.

   But hey, WHAT A NICE MANEUVER from JHON. We will just warn EVERYONE with that spam all over your screen, so when someone will come to us with questions, we will say that, and i quote: "it probably wasn't meant for you". Now, lets point own attention on that "message". Quote from JHON is: "The big messages in the middle of the screen (announcements) get shown to everyone in the server, they're not aimed at one person specifically."
   What if i tell you, JHON, that every single time admin is using this "announcement", it is an ABUSE and breaking gameplay of overy single person who is receiving it. When i am flying in a rustler and some admin is sending this "message" to "someone else", but i am receiving it too, so that 1-2 seconds when i am losing control of rustler to close your fucking message are leading me to CRASH MY FUCKING RUSTLER INTO THE BUILDING.
   Why among all of your fucking "admin community" there is NOBODY to understand it? When i already said it MONTHS AGO, and you, JHON, said that it is not good to send this messages because they do not let you play, and now you are saying that you solved this situation by.... SENDING THIS SPAM TO EVERYONE AT THE SAME TIME? Maybe, maybe you are doing it because every single admin is already stucked into that state of mind when abuse is becoming a reflex?

   So, statements from that topic are:
1. Another fakereporting to "punish" in-game "enemies".
2. Abusing abuse from admin/admins to "solve" that problem. Again, ignoring, lie, close the topic - this is how they are doing IT. AGAIN.

   Do you remember when i said that only admins are interpreting the rules? Well, looks like some vips are doing (or trying to do) it too. And i am not surprised, because they are "flesh of the flesh", admin`s flesh. That is why when they are becoming admins, they are pushing this "ideology of bending the rules" on the new level. And they are twisting this spiral harder and harder.

   Another big question to admins: look at the following sentence and try to figure out what is wrong with rules. "Crime And Punishment". If you did not realised it (and you did not, because everything i said before probably flew through our empty head), i will tell you what is wrong: your fucking rules have not a single word about "punishment". Now, open Criminal Code of your country and tell me, why there ARE concrete punishment under EVRY FUCKING LAW? Why do you let another chance for every single admin to do whatever he wants (first example with pplv kid is a good example HOW they are doing it, i mean inexistent warning)?
   No punishment norms = another way to twist the rules. And here i want to remind you that thing, "admit what you did in front of community". Because they will not unban you if you do not admit it. And in the rules there is no statement that you MUST do it. There is no words about "admin is giving moral lesson to a rulebreaker" in the rules. So, i guess, this part exists only in admin`s head.
   And of course there is no punishment norms for admins (how can you have them when you do not even have rules for admins?).

   Now, back to the JHON`s statement that everyone have same rights on the PTP.
   We all know that we have "level system" on the server. I am level 0. Then we have admins, they are 3-6 levels. Different admin levels = different rights for them to punish people etc. So, level is showing amount of their rights. But then you realise that levels 0, 1 and 2 are sharing that system too, which leads you to understanding that JHON`s quote is FALSE.
   But this is only "philosophical interpretation" from Solod, which, at the same time, describes PTP very well. Another way to point someone on his place.

   Another thing i want to discuss is when admins are saying something like "go report cops that do not kill terrors", "go report admins when they are wrong". Now, they are reading this words and still do not understand a shit. Even after this whole topic. So, i will explain it again. When admin is telling me to report someone, and i am looking at the rules and realising that he is literally asking me to REPORT SOMEONE FOR BREAKING NONEXISTENT RULE.
   Do you remember when i said that word, "formality"? Formality is something that can give us guarantees against admin`s abuse. And even if you will see report section, you will see THERE IS A FUCKING FORM to make a report. So, how do i follow the formality in this case?

   Now, there are FORUM rules too.
   If you were reading careful everything above, you can extrapolate it to this rules too: deciding what is "off-topic" etc is all about admin`s mind.
   Example is here:
   When things went pretty "nasty", admin (he was not even a part of discussion) just came and closed it as "nonsense topic", and i can say that i was ready for some interesting shit. Normally, on forums you can see your deleted posts and reasons why they were deleted. But as far as our admins do not feel a need to respect the rules, i guess it is okay to delete/close posts/topics just because.

   Some "funny" shit at the end:
   We have a retard with a retarded suggestion. Okay. For me it obvious that it is against the rules. But we can see that many regulars AND admin are having a discussion about it. Now, i am pointing your attention that suggestion is all about not letting security to go "far away" from president by adding new rule. So, the exactly same admin, CARG, who told me that i do not know "/duty rule", discussing about adding a rule, which will be totally opposite to a rule that already existed (when president can let you go wherever you want).
   Rule number 34: you can go wherever you want as security. Rule number 35: you can not go wherever you want as security.

   I guess it is time to end this topic, and i will end it with this:
   And i quote: "I went for a car to the security spawn and they attack me". I WENT TO THE SECURITY SPAWN AND WAS ATTACKED BY.... SECURITY. PLEASE PUNISH THEM.
   I already told you that degeneration on this gamemode is a reality. Our reality. It was started by idiots that were themselfs a "rubberducks" back in 2011. They are not only desecrated a legacy of the most iconic admin of PTP of all times, Rubberduck, but started this movement to our today`s point, when newbs are making reports for "being attacked by security on their own spawn".

   Now, this topic is not only a place to anyone being able to share whatever he wants about admins/rules.
   I have spent hours to explain a very simple statements to idiots. And now, in this topic i DEMAND a full response from admins. Not their usual "la la la", not their usual lie, ignorance and hypocrisy. I demand a FULL response on EVERY SINGLE STATEMENT. Statement of lie, or ignorance, or hypocrisy. Full response on EVERY SINGLE WORD.
   I know that i have right to DEMAND it according to this:
   But think twice before posting a single word. Do not let me a single chance to make more than two topics. Do not let me to turn your own words against you. Again.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2017, 12:52:50 pm »
   Rule number 5. No teamshooting/spawnkilling.
   A simple example is when i (security) was fighting with Yash, and when he went low on hp, his fellow buddy, some retart from ggt clan, started to ram me while being a cop. In front of Yash. Without any consequences of course.
Quote from: Jonne
Mods can't punish regulars, so Yash couldn't do anything anyway. If they see a regular breaking the rules, they have to make a report, just like you. So, if Satvik intentionally blocked you in order to save Yash, you can make a report and he'll be punished.
   Rule number 9. No nicks faking. (no faking admins nicks).
   Just a picture. PICTURE
   Pointing your attention on: "admins knowing their rules", "thinking first, then doing something", "taking responsibility AKA ignoring" etc.
Yes, i was the one who kicked Niks because there were reports about him being a fake person and we as mods can't see ips and it was not clear that whether it was Niks or not so i had to remove him from the game. Afterwards, when Niks came back, he clarified and proved to me that it was him and i apologized to him. Niks can report me if he thinks that what happened with him was wrong but you are no one to raise a concern about that.

For the Rest of the Stuff:-

#PlanB.Echo* [14] VIP Chat Quinn: How's Kencer
#PlanB.Echo* [10] VIP Chat Schottky_BiB: deadman?
#PlanB.Echo* [32] VIP Chat [RZ]Deadman: ?
#PlanB.Echo* [10] VIP Chat Schottky_BiB: yash is asking how are you
#PlanB.Echo* [9] VIP Chat SatviK:  XD
#PlanB.Echo* [14] VIP Chat Quinn: Xd

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2017, 12:53:07 pm »
What I have learned over the years (and in the weeks that I've been back) is that admins/mods are dealing with rulebreakers to the best of their abilties.

However, I do agree with you on the security class; this rule is rarely enforced, 50% of the security just hunts terrorists/civilians.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 12:59:01 pm by Curry »

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2017, 01:35:27 pm »
Did anyone read the whole essay?
In mean my case, probably hell no! :D

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2017, 02:03:50 pm »
Yes, i was the one who kicked Niks because there were reports about him being a fake person and we as mods can't see ips and it was not clear that whether it was Niks or not so i had to remove him from the game.
So, are you trying to say that as a mod you do not have enough rights to get full information about this type of situations, but still you decided to "kick him and then lets see what is gonna happen"?
If someone with nickname X do not want anyone to use his nickname, he can "register" this nickname.
If he is from clan [Y], he still has not just a single X[Y] nickname registered, but single X as well.
Just like on other servers, faking is something like Jonne -> J0nne. This is what this rule all about.
Not to kick anyone when you even do not have rights to use this rule.

What about "chilling out", i can ensure you, that i will get all answers i want. And if any admin is still thinking to play an old "ignore it and it will go away" game, you can be sure i have a "plan b" how to get this answers. And it will be even less "enjoyable" that this topic is.

What I have learned over the years (and in the weeks that I've been back) is that admins/mods are dealing with rulebreakers to the best of their abilties.
However, I do agree with you on the security class; this rule is rarely enforced, 50% of the security just hunts terrorists/civilians.
What i have learned from reading your post, you did not read my posts.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 02:05:25 pm by SoLoD »
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2017, 02:40:13 pm »
Did anyone read the whole essay?
In mean my case, probably hell no! :D

 You're not alone xD
I hope you find a love that's true so the morning light can shine on you.
I hope you find what you're looking for so your heart is warm forever more. cv?

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2017, 03:22:14 pm »
Did anyone read the whole essay?
In mean my case, probably hell no! :D

 You're not alone xD

Well, you have right.

Btw jonne is doing great updates, and making ptp  better day by day.
but honnestly, some admins and mods are abusing.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 08:33:54 pm by Sebastian »


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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2017, 04:01:53 pm »
What I have learned over the years (and in the weeks that I've been back) is that admins/mods are dealing with rulebreakers to the best of their abilties.
However, I do agree with you on the security class; this rule is rarely enforced, 50% of the security just hunts terrorists/civilians.
What i have learned from reading your post, you did not read my posts.

I have read your posts. They're just completely ridiculous.

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2017, 04:42:56 pm »
Just cause you've been a bad boy doesn't mean you get to critizise the staff with hopeless reasons. They do their best and having 40 people to manage is alot so try to understand why at times they can't deal with it.

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2017, 08:11:26 pm »
It wouldn't be treated seriously, SoLoD. Your pathetic threats, your impudent and arrogant way of giving the information makes me consider that as another cheap provocation. Before you learn to discuss things, don't expect another relation to yourself. You are not a brainless child who doesn't realise what he is doing. I agree that the whole /duty thing should be reworked though.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 08:19:43 pm by Altus_Demens »
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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2017, 08:29:34 pm »
ah, i remember a topic like this made by him in the old server. Good times.

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2017, 10:40:11 pm »
Insulting admins isn't going to help the situation. I also think you're being a little hard on some of the newer mods- they do have to learn. A lot of what you're talking about, including from more experienced adimins, just seems like honest mistakes, not malicious actions. That said, I think there are often better ways of handling rule enforcement, but they involve more communication. For example, asking the president if he feels that some security's behavior is undesired before punishing them without knowing the full picture. Also, looking at the /duty stuff from a more general perspective, because sometimes a security is doing a worse job protecting when he sticks right with the President than when he is dropping back to stop someone before they can even harm him.

10 security clustered around the president can't effectively defend against a terrorist DBing with a combat shotgun who only cares about killing the president. They might set the NRG on fire, but they usually won't be able to do it before the president has been DBed to death. However, half that number, dispersed effectively, could disable their vehicle or at least give the president time to escape before they can even get a shot at him. I think most people can see, in retrospect, that often you may appear to be ignoring your duty, but in reality you're doing a better job protecting than other security. I think admins could maybe do a bit better at examining the situation and checking with other players who have an interest in a a security following his duty before they take action. Maybe they could ask you how what you're doing is protecting the president, instead of just assuming it isn't.

I often feel that the security class has taken over much of the responsibilities of the police class over the last couple of years. The security should be responsible for imminent threats, and the police should be responsible for the ones that are not quite in the realm of the security yet or that got repelled by the security. Instead, all the regular terrorists are ignoring the president and attacking the police, and the police are falling for it and ignoring the president's protection. I very rarely feel at all threatened by police when I'm chasing the president, because they're almost never trying to kill the people chasing. Instead, they're off fucking around on the other side of the map with some rival terrorists who are ignoring their /duty. I've heard the "protecting armor stops terrorists from getting it" excuse, but that's bullshit. Terrorists don't need armor if every blue blip is on the other side of the map waiting in vain for them to show up at the spawn. This leaves the security to pick up the slack and take care of the terrorists who are actually playing the gamemode when they might not be right next to the president because they are the only line of defense.

I feel that most of what you, SoLoD, do that leads to trouble with admins, falls into this hybrid security/police role that you justifiably take. Occasionally, I think you cross the line when you waste too much time on someone far away, but it's a tactical error, not willfully ignoring your duty. We all make these mistakes. People who think that you run amok and ignore your duty have apparently never tried to kill the president when you're protecting. As you said, how you play as security also depends on the president's preferences- I usually don't want my security being on my vehicle, because once my tires get shot out, we're all out of luck. I like them stopping people before they get to me and while they're near me as a last resort, not just mindlessly hanging out with me while a whole car of terrorists they could have sacrificed themselves against for me to get away is barreling towards me. I will direct my security to do things that supposedly are against their duty if I think it's a better strategy than them following me around. Even if the president hasn't expressed a strategy, as a security, I will often go far away from the president and the rest of the security to get a Rustler or NRG because I feel that it's more effective. I will also get into fights with people who are far away because they are the closest and biggest threat, even though they might be farther away than a newbie alone in a crappy car who is attempting to best the president and his four other securities. If the security used no discretion at all and mindlessly killed the closest person, then they'd be hopeless. They'd be attacking the relatively benign newbies while VIP players sniped away at the president without interference because the security wouldn't be allowed to get to them.

Admins should exercise care when enforcing rules. The rules aren't clear and that's not a bad thing, but an admin's version of reality may be different from others. Mistakes actually do happen, admins might not be understanding your tactic or recognize what you're doing (for example, I was banned once on a different server for flying backwards, because none of the admins knew it was possible). Communication, instead of just typing in a command with the limited information you have, is sometimes better. Assuming that admins are out to get you and being insulting isn't going to help.

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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2017, 12:12:12 am »
- Some crew members are very polite/professional and I absolutely love the way they monitor the game.

While on the other hand, a few crew members are nothing like them.

0. PTP rules are weak and useless.
List of in-game rules should be expanded yes, I'm taking a rule number 5 as an example (so I don't have to mention any other, you already did);

"No teamshooting/spawnkilling" - Which means, using melee weapons inside spawn area to gain kills, is an obvious rulebreak. Clarify that, or start punishing players according to in-game rules we have.

I'm surprised no one makes a big deal of this; while at the same time being a member of the community after all this time, made me understand that. One of the problem is that majority of this community, when it comes to discusions like this, don't bother to read much of it and when they write a reply, they usually reply to someone's comment.
It's working on YouTube principle so it's very hard to make something out of this, if most of comments are trashy.

1. Admins do not know their own rules.
2. Admins do not respect their own rules.
I can't say if some admin doesn't know em, or he just refuses to obey the rules. But I've seen some retarted fuck was leaking private infos before, such as revealing other player's messages/identities. Whoever was that he is a pussy.

3. Admins do not respect community members.
Absolutely right. I would like to add, some admins have this mantra called "Freedom of speech" that they repeat everytime when they don't have any other valid argument.
I do agree 'freedom of speech' is a good thing.

BUT being a crew member means fighting on a "light" side, trying to help both server and players when they are supposed to. Still, crew members should be more responsible while having dialogs with regular players and try not to use hate speech, especially not to start one on their own. Just to have fun or whatever they do it for.

- Crew members should not use extremely offensive words and ask sick questions without any responsibility, just cos they can. This is a big problem.

4. Admins do not take responsibility.
Yeah, actually sometimes our crew members, after they punish/warn players, they act like they pissed in their pants and decide not to explain the situation at all. Instead, they go being silent about it especially if they were wrong. These cat and mouse plays with our crew members, where they are taking role of a rat obviously, are  just ridiculous. Still, big part of the staff was always open to discusion, nothing like "lazy" about it, therefore when this happened to me, I just ignored.


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Re: Rules and admins
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2017, 04:25:42 am »
I agree with Solid in some points
Giving right to think to mods and admin to what is right and what is wrong is not accepted
For eg some guy got banned for aimbot for 2 months and the other got banned for 1 year
Because different admins were handling the Appeals
There are admins who do spawnkill and it is WRONG
Regulars are better judge not arrogant admins
-What is the pride you are getting by becoming an admin and being placed over mere foolish 100 people?
Now Fimpen will come and Say-"regulars have to right to say stuff about like this, Locked". Or "this is admin THINGs no regular can say anything, Locked"
Why man Why?
Admins don't respect Regulars Views.
Admins Don't listen to regulars Arguments
Admins Don't give proper justice to Innocent.
Admins Show their "Savageness" by Locking or Mocking A regular or Any player
Promotion of some Mods to Admin is also Very intriguing.
Admins Why? Why Why Why