Hello everyone,
recently while playing, a couple of things came up which were really annoying for me.
First before I come to my point: We all have hard works and in our freetime we come here ingame to spend time, to enjoy the game with friends and families.. I know that this is the internet, I am aware of all kind of humours out there and I am also a guy that likes to joke about alot of things..
..but when it comes to blasphemy, -to attacking certain religious societies and people beyond the actuall game in the ingame-chat, it is not funny anymore. Insulting other Ideological associations and racism should be prohibited. Our ingame rules point out only the N-word which is apparently not clear enough for some people. We all come in diffrent colours and diffrent shapes, we need to live with that peacefully - even ingame in the main chat.
I am demand an update of the ingame rules in that area. I think we are mature enough for this step.