Author Topic: The Meaning of Life  (Read 9472 times)

Offline Yasta

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The Meaning of Life
« on: November 19, 2017, 11:54:50 pm »

Offline Haunter

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2017, 12:04:27 am »
Very touching , thank you for sharing it.

Offline Crash

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2017, 12:36:14 am »
Here's also admirable video by Nik Vujicic:

Offline Yasta

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2017, 01:59:24 am »
You are Weclome Bro Haunter <3 its the reality and we shud wake up , May God Guide us all to the right path . Ameen

Yea Crash ik this vid!! its Amazing i like it so much <3

Offline Saurabh

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2017, 06:00:46 pm »
How is that even a video about meaning of life when it doesn't give a direct answer to what meaning of life is but just orders you to read quran and claims that there is a god(allah). It's just a propaganda video and i don't see how you can infer the "meaning of life" from it. I liked this guy's efforts for being thinking but the moment he said "I'm sorry to be jumping to conclusions but quran is the only way" i laughed and realised how he is just one of those sales executive trying to sell the product by claiming it to be the only working product in the market.

You(the believers) are not skeptic when you are told that these scriptures are that old and were same same throughout this time BUT you are on denial mode when you are told that there are loopholes and contradictions in these scriptures. I appreciate the efforts these people put to motivate or inspire people to find "THE purpose" of life or the whole human raceon this planet but sadly most of these people just want to promote their beliefs while claiming it to be the only key to all questions,i.e  the ultimate truth.

@crash, as far as i remember this guy is a great motivational speaker and i have seen some of his videos long ago BUT i Don't remember any of it to mention jesus or god. He always talked about how he learnt to live with his condition and to improvise everytime he had a challenge.

This "jesus" angle is new (at least to me) and if you believe his words it sounds like it worked great in his life. He sounds like his belief in god cheered him up, gave him a sense of completeness and a meaning to live.

 Now this guy tells us (after like many videos of speaking in public)that he relaised at age of 15 that jesus wants to reveal his plans and his work through this guy and that he is getting calls from churches to speak. There is a possibility that he might actually be willing to attribute his positivity to christian religion but the fact that he never mentioned it before slashes down the chances.

I wonder why all these videos start with a good spark and then end up at " my xyz god is the answer" while failing to realise that god has been your emotional aid and it was actually you dealing with your life. Such placebos are not to be overhyped and be termed as the ultimate truth when there is not even a proper definition of truth to start with.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 06:27:03 pm by Saurabh »

Offline Crash

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2017, 06:13:34 pm »
How is that even a video about meaning of life when it doesn't give a direct answer to what meaning of life is but just orders you to read quran and claims that there is a god(allah). It's just a propaganda video and i don't see how you can infer the "meaning of life" from it. I liked this guy's efforts for being thinking but the moment he said "I'm sorry to be jumping to conclusions but quran is the only way" i laughed and realised how he is just one of those sales executive trying to sell the product by claiming it to be the only working product in the market.

You(the believers) are not skeptic when you are told that these scriptures are that old and were same same throughout this time BUT you are on denial mode when you are told that there are loopholes and contradictions in these scriptures. I appreciate the efforts these people put to motivate or inspire people to find "THE purpose" of life or the whole human raceon this planet but sadly most of these people just want to promote their beliefs while claiming it to be the only key to all questions,i.e  the ultimate truth.
Yes,i need to agree with you on this one. On another note,without religion and propaganda,the Earth would be a pretty nasty place to live in.

Offline Saurabh

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2017, 06:36:36 pm »
On another note,without religion and propaganda,the Earth would be a pretty nasty place to live in.
It is just an assumption crash.

I agree that religion has successfully organised, civilised , and controlled people when there was no law BUT we all know those ancient dogmas of these religions don't match the definition of morality that we have in present society. You might wanna list those dogmas here and ask yourself how many of you feel are immoral, stupid and promoting hatred.

I'm not saying that this world will be a perfect place without religion . Hatred has become a human nature and humans will somehow find one way or the other to create wars, but at least we'd be free from the interference and social restrictions that these religions put on people. At least we'd be able to progress faster than the pace we are at right now. At least we'd be able to realise that stupid things like someone's sexual orientation, eating cows, eating pigs, or moderate insults to any religious leader etc are not worth killing people for while assuming that rape, slavery , killing unbelievers is completely fine as long as the so-called "holy text" allows it.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 06:44:21 pm by Saurabh »

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2017, 06:45:01 pm »

I don`t think so.
You know the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2017, 08:09:13 pm »
When you get the idea of enlightenment.

Offline Yasta

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2017, 11:35:08 pm »
One Day we all will know the Truth .

Offline YoMama

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2017, 12:18:29 am »
Yes,i need to agree with you on this one. On another note,without religion and propaganda,the Earth would be a pretty nasty place to live in.
If you take your moral system from propaganda, you're probably just as susceptible to becoming a Nazi as you are a saint. People are nice because they are nice, not because a book tells them to be. A nasty person will use parts of a religion to justify being nasty, and a nice person will feel validated for being nice by cherry-picking the nice parts.

Modern-day religion is causing all sorts of problems. The pastor of the church that Nik Vujicic was speaking at believes in all kinds of backwards shit, including that condoms do not prevent AIDS. The Catholic church is also a rabid proponent of this. Imagine how many people have died or been infected as a result. Meanwhile, anyone without a dick is out of luck with most religions, and all religions busily cover up their misdeeds while holding no one accountable. Examples being protecting sexually-abusive priests and being unable to explain past evils, like the Catholic church being one of the first to roll over for the Nazis. If they were really all for being good, they would have tried to use their considerable influence (around 30% of the German population) to prevent the Nazis from coming to power in the first place.

On top of that, because it's for some reason OK to believe whatever you want just because it's written in a book or a religious figure says it, many people ignore or downright deny scientific knowledge because either their particular religion doesn't endorse it or because they believe that things are "part of God's plan". This includes some of the most important issues of our time- climate change, overpopulation, pollution, etc. Belief without evidence leads to more belief without evidence, which is in the long term highly damaging. Is this really making the world less nasty?

Religions are man-made and usually stuck in the period in which they were created. Science is only recorded by man and is constantly evolving, usually after overcoming considerable hurdles created by religion, which has previously been used to explain phenomena that we can now scientifically explain. Instead of saying, "I believe God made cats with their particular characteristics to able to hunt mice" we can now say "evidence suggests that cats evolved their particular characteristics to better be able to hunt mice". Instead of saying, "God made magnets work", we can say "we don't know yet how magnets work". Pointing towards your holy book of choice to explain something instead of trying to learn how things really work impedes true progress. Faith is not a virtue, it's simply an easy way out that makes us feel like we understand what we do not.

Also, not to be overly critical, but Nik Vujicic didn't "overcome life's challenges through strength and hope found in Jesus Christ". He "overcame life's challenges" (whatever that means) by being one of the few people born without arms or legs and working that into a successful public speaking career.

One Day we all will know the Truth .
How do you know that?
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 12:23:05 am by YoMama »

Offline Arabiane

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2017, 01:51:41 am »
I like this kind of conversations cause maybe i'll learn something from this.
You guys yomama and saurabh seems educated well.
I"m a believer  ;) ,i searched alot about my religion and found it the only one that much science and cover every quetion i asked to my self in the past.
I have alot of quetions like :
Why we are here alive
Why we die after some time.
Why earth is the only planet that humans can leave in and where water is like 70 % of it.
Why Ect ... lol
The quran that you said saurabh that is propaganda and you said " you are on denial mode when you are told that there are loopholes and contradictions in these scriptures" i didn't find those loopholes and contradictions that you are talking theoricly about, and found alot of scientific things in quran that a man before 1400 year couldn't knew them .

Why we have a brain and we can think and choose and learn...
i think that we exist in this life for a perpes that we should acomplish before diying.
You guys see that just live finish your time in this life then die .

PS :lol in our religion we believe that who doesn't believe in god will go to hell after death so becarefull fellas xd ,don't say i didn't warned you lol xd.

well everyone is free about what he choose his life be like .

« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 02:02:01 am by Arabiane »

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2017, 01:58:47 am »
On another note,without religion and propaganda,the Earth would be a pretty nasty place to live in.

I disagree. I think religion has caused more harm than good over the past 1000 years or so, but big part of the blame is on the people themselves. Yes, religion, in its core, is/should be a benign belief that some supernatural force or a person is "in charge" of our lives, thoughts, actions and our fate, and that we should honor it in order to live good lives. But people have managed to turn that into something perverse and have used religion to further their own agenda too many times. History is full of examples on that. That is the thing that made me think and ultimately abandon the concept of religion for good.
Then again, I never judged people who are religious and truly believe in their god or whatever. As long as you don't rub other people's noses with it. And I despise the fanaticism that it can inspire.

Religions are man-made and usually stuck in the period in which they were created. Science is only recorded by man and is constantly evolving, usually after overcoming considerable hurdles created by religion, which has previously been used to explain phenomena that we can now scientifically explain.

This is probably the best sentence I've read about this subject, sums it up perfectly imho

Offline Crash

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2017, 08:52:40 am »
What would be our life now,if there was no religion?
Rape would be good because instinct tells us that we are sexual beings.
Let's define laws:  Crash walks down the street and stabs a homeless guy. Good, bad, or neither? Atheists will say it is "bad" but Crash can always argue that it isn't bad to him.
Furthermore, if nobody knows he did that, he wouldn't be punished for breaking any law and could even argue that he was aiding natural selection.
There is no reason Crash was "wrong" because who makes right and wrong? You? Me? What makes us right? That leads us to next questions:
If you don’t believe in a god, what stops you from committing crimes?
If you're atheist, isn't that just like being religious? You can't prove God doesn't exist...?
I want to get married in a church or buried in a churchyard - so how can I do that if I'm not religious?
If you don’t have to follow any religious rules, don’t you have an easy life?

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Re: The Meaning of Life
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2017, 12:47:23 pm »
I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. It seems to me you're trying to portray religion as some kind of a supreme law to which all men are somehow bound. As if religion is something that binds us together and if that thing is gone then all chaos ensues. For me, that's not how it goes.
Let's break it down real quick:

Rape would be good because instinct tells us that we are sexual beings.

No, because there is something called law that prevents people from doing whatever they want. However, law =/= religion the last time I checked. And yes, instincts tell us that we are sexual beings, but rapes will, unfortunately, happen regardless of the existence of religion. Some people are born sick in their minds or become so through various circumstances and going up to them and saying "Jesus wouldn't want you to rape this woman" isn't going to prevent anything.

Let's define laws:  Crash walks down the street and stabs a homeless guy. Good, bad, or neither? Atheists will say it is "bad" but Crash can always argue that it isn't bad to him.

The key word here is "laws". Again, you mixed up laws with religion :) So sure, you can stab a homeless guy, but the police won't ask you "Sir, are you aware that you did a bad thing because God said it was?" Nope, they will arrest you and you will be tried and punished for your crime. Religion won't play any part in that. And sure, if you're thinking that religion can help you with your moral standing, I agree that it can. But it's not like people would go out and stab each other in the streets if there were no more religions in the world.

If you don’t believe in a god, what stops you from committing crimes?

Laws, your upbringing (how your parents raised you), etc.

If you're atheist, isn't that just like being religious? You can't prove God doesn't exist...?

Hm, but who can prove that God(s) exist? I'm not aware of anyone who has died, went to Heaven for example, met with Jesus and God, then came back to Earth and said "yo it's all real, they all exist" :) It's all what's in your head and what you choose to believe, which is totally fine for me. But this can be a question to an endless debate, where religious people and atheists will cancel each other out.

I want to get married in a church or buried in a churchyard - so how can I do that if I'm not religious?
If you don’t have to follow any religious rules, don’t you have an easy life?

Well there are various loopholes when it comes to that. For example, I know that in Serbia you can get married in a church as long as you are baptized and as long as you "declare" yourself as an Orthodox Christian. So if I'm with a girl who's religious and we want to get married in a church, I'll just declare that I'm Christian as well (even though I'm not practicing any religion) and that's that. As for being buried in a church yard, I hardly think it's possible unless you are a priest or something... But I get your point.

All in all, what I'm saying is that people are free to believe in what they want, but believing or not believing in something doesn't make them impervious to laws. That is why we have them, because they don't care which religion you're part of as long as you act like a good citizen and a contributing member of your society.