Author Topic: Remove /holiday eng  (Read 20851 times)

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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #60 on: March 01, 2018, 08:21:39 pm »
No -1,
Fucking deal with it.

Offline Ahsoka_Tano

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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #61 on: March 01, 2018, 11:55:00 pm »
I dont get it.... You want to remove holiday eng but you dont want to remove the rifle for non vip players and you dont want to have pickups becauseeeee.... reasons.
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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #62 on: March 02, 2018, 08:47:36 pm »
If /holiday eng gets removed, you better won't remove /holiday esp too
Jokes aside, -1. I personally use it all the time and if rifles are turned into pickups, you better make snipers pickups too.

Offline YoMama

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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2018, 02:38:05 pm »
If /holiday eng gets removed, you better won't remove /holiday esp too
Jokes aside, -1. I personally use it all the time and if rifles are turned into pickups, you better make snipers pickups too.
Why yes, I do think that it would make more sense if snipers were pickups. I was too afraid to include that in my suggestion, since I believe that our VIP-majority forum would immediately shoot down curtailing their toys, and as a result this topic would be dominated by that bullshit. Ironically, many VIPs seem concerned about the "fairness" of removing a command that does nothing to balance VIP vs. non-VIP fights and never should have existed while ignoring the obvious unfairness of the sniper.

What you fail to mention is that there is still a incentive for people to go to the pickups because you get 8 grenades there compared to 3 in the command.You can't force people to do something just because you want them to go out of their way.
That's beside the point. It doesn't matter how many grenades you get from the pickup- you probably aren't going to use them all before dying unless you're spamming them, and it's a choice you have to make if you think they'll be valuable. Despite only giving 3 nades, /holiday eng means that you don't even have to make that choice. You just get the nades when you need them. Why go all the way to the grenade spawn, get 8 grenades, go to the President and hope you don't get killed before you can use them, when you could instead do /holiday eng when you know they'll be effective? Your argument is like saying that even if a hypothetical someone has a magical machine that gives them nutritious snacks whenever they truly feel hungry, they would go to a restaurant, get takeout they might not eat, and take it home despite the snack supply because there's more food to be received from a trip to the restaurant. Why would they? They can get all they really need without doing anything extra. Similarly, players can usually get all they need from /holiday eng.

If you think the cooldown is not enough of a penalty for you and anyone who knows precisely when they need the command and apparently never are affected by the cooldown,I suggest imposing self limits like only using the command every 6 minutes.That would solve the issue for you by making it difficult enough to encourage you to go to pickups and revert to your old ways and the 3 minute cooldown will be more than enough deterrent for everyone else until the rest of players including I reach a state where I can precisely tell when I need to use the command.At that point I may be inclined to change my views on this issue.
Nice. What you fail to mention is that the cooldown isn't a penalty at all, but instead it is a limit. If a cooldown is a penalty, then I guess not being able to throw grenades a millisecond after you just threw one is also a penalty? It's a limit. You aren't losing anything from using /holiday eng, you just aren't being allowed to gain from it as many times as you'd like in 3 minutes. Now, with that out of the way, could you tell me how it makes sense in this gamemode that players can just spawn powerful weapons out of nowhere, with no penalty? (Regardless of whether they might be limited to magically spawning them 2 out of the 3 times they'd like, in which case I'm curious as to how they're playing.) Maybe explain why /holiday eng was added in the first place? (Hint: Tenshi liked to add shit in that he could use against other players.) For bonus points, explain the hidden strategy I'm missing in two players finding each other in a situation where a spray can is decisive, but the ability to win in that situation depends entirely on typing speed instead of whether or not one person was smart enough to lure the other into a position where the spray can he went out of his way to pick up earlier would dominate.

Lol im not understanding all the hate against this cmnd
I can give and have given plenty of reasons to hate it, but can only see short-term benefit for the people who actually know of the command as a reason to love it.

I dont get it.... You want to remove holiday eng but you dont want to remove the rifle for non vip players and you dont want to have pickups becauseeeee.... reasons.

The spray can ... should be a pickup instead of a short command.

Similarly, grenades ... pickups.

Rifles should also be pickups, as has been suggested by Saurabh and others.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 02:40:41 pm by YoMama »

Offline FlapJack[M.I.B]

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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #64 on: March 04, 2018, 10:50:58 am »
-1, that's the only command for non-ViPs to use against VIP's. Pick up would take time, it would be OP removing that command. Let's keep it that way..


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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #65 on: March 04, 2018, 11:20:58 am »
Dont have any admin to finish this...

Offline YoMama

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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #66 on: March 04, 2018, 12:27:30 pm »
-1, that's the only command for non-ViPs to use against VIP's.
So? It's not a balancing thing if VIPs can use it too. Even if it's so important to you, I'm not proposing removing the weapons entirely. I've gone over this.

Pick up would take time, it would be OP removing that command. Let's keep it that way..
I don't understand this, but you seem to be missing my point. On the contrary, I think it's OP to leave the command. The whole reason I'm suggesting the pickups is that I want it to take time to get the weapons- if you're wondering why, read above.

It would be nice if everyone actually read the topic before posting. I'm just repeating myself over and over because people keep posting the same "reasoning" when I've already addressed it. If you read the topic before replying, this discussion might actually go somewhere. If you're against this suggestion and you refute the arguments for it in a novel way, then maybe you might actually change my mind on something.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 12:40:42 pm by YoMama »

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Re: Remove /holiday eng
« Reply #67 on: December 05, 2018, 06:06:35 pm »
We're not going to be adding this. I liked the idea of pickups at first, but in my opinion it comes with a lot of disadvantages as well. If we choose for pickups, then all weapons have to be pickups instead of commands. We can't have regular players having to go and pick up their weapon, while VIPs can just type a command. But with pickups, there's also a lot of drawbacks. First of all, there will have to be enough, so each class can easily access them. If we have to do that for every weapon, that means a lot of pickups. If we don't provide enough pickups, I feel the entire server would be in a race to get the pickups as soon as possible, before other people and classes arrive. And if there's multiple classes coming to pick up their weapons, it will just turn into another fighting point, people will be camping on these pickups, and I think it will eventually even distract people more from the gamemode.