How about automatically coloring all the vehicles with Theme related colors? Since you want theme related ones?
Like Automatically coloring every vehicle one enters with Red and White with gold rims during christmas, Pink and Yellow,etc on Easter, and Black on Homie's Birthday.
Besides I think the idea is good, I see /duels and Holiday seasons as efficient VIP advertising from the server.
Problem is it's only limited to Snipers and Saws which doesn't show the other useful features of VIP such as Wheel Modding and /Nitro (yes it's actually pretty precious if you know it's worth)
@All who are -1ing rn, he only wants in the Holiday events. As I said above it can be used to show the player's the worth of VIP directly in game and since it's holiday event and people get moneyz, they might spend on the VIP after the event gets over if they are satisfied enough.