Author Topic: The Community!  (Read 2117 times)

Offline Ahsoka_Tano

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The Community!
« on: March 08, 2018, 11:11:41 pm »
Heh... Heyo
Hello as should i say right?

Anyways The community! is the name of this isnt it? I wanted to talk about the video base on PTP, nsa and more. Lets start with the Noviny San Andreas.
The NSA is actually a newspaper ( althought i think most of you knew that). There are News Paper that make news every day, and there are some that make news every week. I made the one that are every week. A daily newspaper has atleast 100+ journalists that are monitoring everything in the country. We have only some that are making it. So going into the daily newspaper wont be too good. As i got this idea from NewsDog that god knows where he is now, couldnt contact him. He firstly started magazines. Magazines are something like a magazine where you have information, interviews and a commercial.
I will be making the magazines for nsa shortly so you can read something lel. The magazines will be making the Journalists whenever they want. I will make the magazines topic shortly (i hope). Currently the server has maps where im glad i can get some information since the only class that is sneaky is the VicePresident. So... the important thing is, the NSA is Yay! All for the NSA.

Ptp Video.
So now to the video. San Andreas doesent give many oportunities for epic scenes and gives only a few ones. So it takes time to make. I am not finished with writing it since im gonna remake it and other shit. Im currently looking for Mods that could make the game look better than a pile of boxed cars. (Rockstars old game). The most thing i wanted to tell you about it is that almost everybody wants to help me. I would like your help but you would have to come to my computer in order to help me. Everything is done in my computer. It will take god knows how many time, but i hope i will release the trailer atleast until june. Thinking of what is there is hard, but when i listen to music i just see how could it look like, but i need to think if it would be possible. Just listen to Music!

PTP Plan B
So this is about the server now. I saw suggestions about the cars bad weapons, why do terorists have combat shotguns tecs and others. Well i thought that the PTP was based on the film Fall of London. But it turned out the film was younger than the first server. ( dont blame me film is from 2016 lel) Althought. The thing i wanted to say is that the film Fall of London is a great example of PTP Plan B. Corrupted cops, terorists on bikes and more. Not gonna give you a download link or where to see it. See for yourself sorry. I first joined PTP community in i think 2014. Name AlexCJ. I was looking forward and learning howto play. I had a nice life! Had friends and more. But then i quitted and rejoined in 2015 where my name was Alexkepo. And again i cleared out as soon as Plan B came out. in 2016 i joined again as name AlexCJ and then i dissapeared again. ( i had my reasons lel dont blame me! ) Since then im here from i think october. This community is great, it doesent have problems, everybody makes conflicts out of nowhere and you always make funny jokes only from playing. Interesting hh. I joke sometimes and i sometimes ragequit but thats all it lel.

Now dont take this like i gotta see the doctor, im crazy or im too addicted to the game lol. This is what i just wanted to say and what i think i have planned and everything.
And those who celebrate St Patricks day, then happy ST Patricks day! ( althought my country doesent celebrate it).

 :) :) ;)
Many things i have done, no regrets to any of those.
Wolfs hunt together, many spieces look like wolfs. Love wolfs <3

If you want to go somewhere then just go, dont let somebody else push you back from it.