Well, let's take a precise look on your suggestion...
First, there was a call for sending the proofs privately to the banned person. I guess that it is out of the question, because the banned person is the
only one who actually
knows if they were banned wrongfully or not. You can't lie to yourself. So, they don't need any proofs for something they do already
So, let's look for a possible reason to ask admins to post the proofs publicly. I see only a single one: the community mistrusts the administration, questioning its decisions. What decisions are being questioned? Obviously, bans for obvious things like spawning a minigun do not interest the community. They want to be sure about complicated cases such as using aimbot. I can understand it. However, I don't see how posting the proofs might help. What do you want to see? Recordings? The admins never ban people for it based on their empyrical observations, so this one falls off. Anticheat reports? Well, there is no way for a mere player to check if an admin posted real, genuine data? If you don't trust admins' decision, why would you trust their proofs that can easily be fabricated? You cannot determine whether the following lines are genuine:
[26.06.2018 00:10:18] [Anticheat] [Rawr]Quido is suspected to be using aimbot (weapon: minigun, hit distance: 586).
Summarizing: no proofs would be valid for you if you don't trust the admins a priori.
Now about the trust. Why would you mistrust admins on the first place? How can you talk about any sort of corruption if it isn't about money or power? The Staff team is not a bunch of officials who only care about their own well-being. Even if they wanted it, it's simply impossible in our environment. Admins here are mature and responsible people united by the same goal: to make the server better. To make it more attractive for you, players. Why would we, admins, spend our time and energy on administrating if we wanted anything else?
Consider it as a form of the
Social Contract. You, players, grant us, admins, a right to ban some of you who play unfairly, cheat, eliminating the fun for others. In return, you receive a hacker-free, bug-free, safe and enjoyful gaming server with a very liberal community opened to any kind of reasonable discussions. If you didn't receive your fun, would you spend your time playing here? The fact that you do proves that this "social contract" works.
P.S. I deliberately didn't say anything about the sensivity of the proofs gathered by admins. As for me, it is already a reason enough to lock this topic, but I don't do it, nor I don't even mention it, as I realise that it wouldn't convince anyone. Maybe just pure logical reasonings would instead.