I think it's a very bad idea that any newbie or a first time player logins in PTP and spawns as President or a Security guard. So my suggestion goes like this;
Number one:
President and Security class is only for registered players, and President slot is free to everybody. at least registered players have a clue or a bit of brains to know what to do instead of shooting each other in the spawn or car jacking the President..
Number two: Every time a new President spawns, re-spawn all the vehicles in his spawn as well, a few auto-msg's for the Security class would be good too (only Security can see it) something like "Defend the President from Terrorists and Civilian attacks".
Number three: Vice President should also have a gun to defend his President as well, maybe a deagle and shotgun *whatever* just give the Vice President something to do instead of hiding the whole time, and be useful for the team/class.
I was also thinking that adding some round-sounds would be cool and unique.And my idea goes like this;
Number one: On every new President spawning, a sound with a "Protect the President, team!" or "Eliminate all the Terrorists, team!) sound would be amazing, and it should be only for the protecting classes to hear (Securities, cops and swats)
Number two: For the first Terrorists spawning after a new map is loaded, they should get a sound saying "Kill the President and his guards!" with a big announcement or something.
Number three: Last 10 seconds for the President survival all the server get the countdown sounds "Ten, nine, eight....one. The President has survived!".
The point of the round-sounds is to make the Gamemode more enjoyable and maybe it will add more fun into doing the duty, also make this server a lot different and unique in it's own way than the other/old dead one.
And about the sounds making, maybe someone can help us with that if this suggestion gets approved to be added, we'll figure out. *People not allowed to reply: YoMama* Just kidding