Author Topic: [Banned]Revenger  (Read 3829 times)

Offline Revenger

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« on: November 17, 2016, 12:28:33 pm »
I hope you'll unban me from the server

• In-game name - Revenger
• Your IP address - [IP address has been removed due to the General Data Protection Regulation]
• The date you were banned - I can't remember
• The staff member who banned you (If it was the system write 'System' and if you don't know write 'Unknown') - Jonne
• Extra space for you to explain what happened - He said that I am ban evading but I didn't I have just buy a new connection and that happened he said I'm ban evading since the day I have bu that new internet connection they are saying that I'm rain and they have said I am ban evading and Jone said I'm all of these nicknames
No, both of your IPs matched on an old name you used, I can easily track what names you've used: Rain, ..., Iron, Glenn, Alon, Alon_Glenn, Revenger
Isn't possible that if we have really the same internet manufacturer and the model of the modem and our IP address will be actually the same? I am using Aztech DSL5028EN and maybe Rainn is using that type of router too.  And I just ask Jonne if I can be moderator and he said not if you're a ban evader that day I remember but I didn't I sware. And Jonne said I'm ban evading because rainn posted the reporting tips too I have post it Player Reporting Tips because I saw it in other server and I have just think that it can helps players to report correctly and he said I'm rainn
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 07:32:38 pm by Skittles »

Offline Jonne

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Re: Revenger
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2016, 04:13:13 am »
[09:51:51] <PBBot1> [8] *** Alon_Glenn joined the game
[09:51:51] <PBBot2> [8] Alon_Glenn joined. (IP: [IP address has been removed due to the General Data Protection Regulation])
[09:51:56] <PBBot2> [8] *** Alon_Glenn left the game. (Left) + [Report: X: 0 , Y: 0 , Z: 0 | H: 0 , A: 0 ]
[09:52:38] <PBBot3> [8] *** Revenger joined the game
[09:52:38] <PBBot1> [8] Revenger joined. (IP: [IP address has been removed due to the General Data Protection Regulation])


So yes, I'm sure it's you. There won't be an unban.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 07:44:07 pm by Skittles »