C-bug warning is always an issue and pain in the ass in the middle of fights,freezing the player and forcing him to read the rules of not doing it and pressing Ok to be unfrozen.
But how many times do we have to die or lose health/armour because of recieving C-bug warning which freezes us wherever we are.
My suggestion is we'd better change the way of recieving C-bug warnings by only showing the warning on the mainchat for us and get warn.
For example when we do c-bug for once we'll recieve a warning like this on the main chat 1/4 instead of freezing the player and force him to press the ok.
By adding this feature when we do c-bug accidently or on purpose,we'll only recieve warning on mainchat and it won't interfere our gameplay and when the warnings reach to the maximum point,that person will be automatically kicked.