Maybe we just make a list what president must follow lines in duty period by in 15 minutes?
Guys, you just making it more complicated with more complicated ideas in your head. Just let it be... I play this server since 2006.. On each suggestion which focused on a little useless detail, makes it loses the spirit of PTP gamemode creativty.
I suggest you to stop suggestions like as this little details. Instead of you wasting your time by thinking about this disruptive ideas, better think about creative ideas with your teammates ingame to kill president and push harder.
It is not impossible to kill, you just need to push harder with equal force. AS WE DID IT LOS SANTOS haha. We were 4 terrors and president was camping at his spawn in building at LS. We kept killing secus but they respawned and killed us back easily. We didn't give up, made plans with others and win for sure. You can ask Uzumaki, Mosha, Aking_Bhai, Horra etc.. there were like 10 daily players who does that everyday.
That's why -1 for this suggestion. You wasting your time for little useless details.
Let the creativity talk ingame. Not disruptive codes on scripts which makes us robots instead of humans enjoying games.