Hola, Yeah, Pretty legit ;p, This will be a good update for duel-lovers, war elites and fight/combat lovers. I think it should be added it will attract the DM lovers and can be there for fun, titles, score, or for being the best (
). And dividing this to further modes, It can be anything from the description below.
Modes and description:Elimination Mode:Elimination mode is pretty much described the image Karlis gave. We will have 16 players and 8 duels, The conclusion will have 8 players and 4 duels. As this continues we will have the finales and the grand finales with 4 players 2 duels and 2 players last duel. This is pretty much for the Elimination Mode.
Free for all/Last man standing wins:A 20 more or less player battle royale (not jumping from planes ffs) can be held with a fierce battle and
only last man standing on his feet will win. The only problem in this is that the clans and their members will
team-up and ruin the whole thing, So it's better to be greedy a bit for the last player (I mean award the last guy with scores or something) so clans will fight eachother for the award/scores.
The Team Duels:A Player can start a Team Duel and send invitations to the people interested in a 2v2, 4v4, 6v6, or 8v8 Duels. Now his commands can be;
/startteamduel - To start the event.
/send1invite [id] - To invite a guy who wants to be in Team 1.
/send2invite [id] - To invite a guy who wants to be in Team 2.
/cancelteamduel - Cancel the event.
idkRemember that these will only be monthly, We aren't suggesting that there will be fights every night.
This all for now , I will think of more modes tomorrow.