1. Enable picking hp/armor up just by passing through it using a vehicle instead of having to get out/off and take it personally. This saves up a bit of time and helps avoid unnecessary encounters with opposing players.
2. Give "Patriot" cars 2000 hp as they literally embody a strong, protective car. I suggest it also starts spawning within presidential spawn.
3. Make a command so that the /vipme command can be customized. For example, create /c(ustomize)vipme and there we would be able to choose whether we want to spawn a rifle or a sniper, a katana or a saw.
4. If we have shovel already, we should be able to choose more of those melee weapons, like /pool , /bat , /club .
5. Add the brass knuckles for VIPs ? Or even for all players. You can make /lopata for VIPs, or leave it as it is.
That's it for now.