Author Topic: Clan section rules  (Read 8027 times)

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Clan section rules
« on: March 28, 2021, 03:48:25 am »
Last updated: 28-03-2021
Written by Nikola
Clan Section Rules

Hi, everyone. For the purpose of organizing the Clan section of the forums and regulating name changes associated with the addition and subtraction of a clan tag to and from a player’s nickname, we’ve decided to establish a set of rules for creating clan topics. These rules will, hopefully, contribute to a more orderly look of the Clan section, where every topic represents a currently active clan on Plan B with basic details about the clan itself and/or its member list. Also, any remaining ambiguities about clan tag name changes should be resolved. The undermentioned rules will be applied to all existing and future clan topics.

1. The member list of every clan should be added in the respective clan topic no later than 3 days after the topic has been created. Clan topics that don’t follow this rule will be deleted.

2. Registering clan tags of active and inactive clans that the topic creator did not found or was never a part of is not allowed, unless it is approved by clan founder(s).

3. Clan tag name changes will be approved only if the player’s name is on the member list of the clan. Therefore, we strongly encourage clan topic creators to keep their member lists up to date. If the topic creator is inactive, you should ask an admin to update the member list.

4. A clan will be considered inactive if none of its members join the server for a period of 3 months. After that period is over, the clan topic will be archived, but it can still be restored if the clan members come back and decide to do so.

5. Players can register their clan tags no later than 3 weeks after starting to use them. After this period is over, they will no longer be considered official clan tags, which means that adding or removing them will be considered a normal name change. Furthermore, everyone will be able to add the combination of letters that constitutes your unofficial tag to their names.

6. You will only be allowed to change your name once every 28 days. This is done through the /changename [name] command in game. Once you have typed name change command, you can type /changename, without any arguments, to update your name or to check the status of your request (else it will only update on respawning). An exception to this rule is when you want to add or remove a clan tag. The clan tag must be registered in this section otherwise it will be seen as a regular name change and you will still have to wait until your next valid name change.