No look at the Terms
"Once purchased, you stay VIP forever. It cannot be taken away and it cannot be transferred to another account.
Being VIP does not distinguish you from other regular members, that means you will be treated the same. If you break rules, you will get banned. If you get permanently banned, you will lose access to your account and thus to the VIP tied to it. Also, being permanently banned means you are no longer eligible for a refund on your purchase."
I scrolled over the whole topic, noticed several suggestions with agreement and disagreement but finally found something that actually makes sense. It simple and straight Terms & Conditions for Vip membership.
Vips offers you advantages over the gameplay with various commands but it has nothing to do with the ban period. A Vip should be treated as a normal player and the same rules should be applied on them.
It would be a little bit worthless to remove a player's VIP due to his actions in-game as there are no conditions that says so. At first, I don't see why 'VIP' is so called a highlighted problem in this community after-all its all a business deal - You pay for server security, and get special commands in exchange. I feel no such special treatments or rules should be setup for them. They are as normal as other players and their 'BAN' and 'VIP' has nothing to do in relation.
If a player buys Vip, he expects that the vip membership will be tagged with himself and will not get removed the next day just because he broke some rules.
It would be a good idea to reset stats or roll them back if player is banned for aimbot or some other cheats that gives advantage over kills and ratio but removing vip will just decrease the amount of players who are willing to buy vip by working their ass off harder and getting banned next day due to their some silly mistakes.