I mean come on, it's not like there aren't enough people who can't be trusted to be a mod.
When I think of it, there aren't. Or if I take into consideration guys such as urself, who would fit imo, 28 hours spent online doesn't sound promising. All I am saying, it appears to me that most of the guys who got promoted, shortly after that period, went completely inactive..
I believe those applicants should have, no ban history, some decent amount of time spent in the server, decent english knowledge nuff to communicate, motivation to do some quality work and dedicate their time to help the community, in my opinion even those clanless applicants should automatically have better chances of becoming mods, so we don't face emo reactions on the forums and avoid all that bullshit that comes with it. Actually I could think of a few guys that would be suitable, but again, they aren't active, meh..