Sure, COBRA, I don't mind to answer the questions related to this and taking part in civilized discussions.
Can you explain me what did happen to sipirit of civilian class being renegade. It lost sipirit now. Civs were free to do everything, they were renegades who can help you and then they were able to kill you.
I agree, and it's absolutely the same now. Civilians can do whatever they wish. Moreover, I myself
was struggling to find a decent place for civilians in the gamemode. I like this class and I enjoy playing it.
Being civilian is not so interesting now. Well, "you just can't surf and team with any other class." But civs supposed to teamup with any class and any vehicles to surf.
First of all, as I said, civilians still can team up with anyone they wish. If they want to ride with someone else, they should be the driver, though.
Also, as I said, I find it unfair that a non-civilian can give a ride to a civilian who is hostile towards the teammates of a driver. For me, it's pretty much the same as teaming up with a member of the opposite class.
They can punish if your teammate takes the civ in his car and comes to you with that civ, then that civ starts to kill you; so you can punish that teammate who caused team blocking with surfing with civ.
It could be a solution, but, once again, it brings unnecessary dissatisfaction and resentments. The intentions of the driver, who is giving a ride to the civilian, are not always bad! They might just want to play along with their civilian friend, without knowing that the civilian is killing their teammates. That's what I would rather exclude the situations which require such punishments.
Nevertheless, I understand your unhappiness about it, that is why I suggested possible enhancements to the system:
- make the president an exception;
- disallow civilians to surf the cars driven by "good" or "bad" guys only if a civilian has dealt damage to the teammate of the driver of the car they are surfing, during their current life;
- set up a timer which would push a surfer after some amount of time, which would allow to damage the car/the driver, but make it hard to team up.
I just don't really want to get rid of it completely.
As for popcornZ' report, I don't think that I should comment it, because Jonne has already handled it. Although what Mia did was not a punishment. Nobody was punished. She just fixed the situation where a civilian was escaping the fight he was engaged in, the same way as we fix those who hide inside the textures. I agree that the way she did it is not perfect. However, we, admins, did not have a better one; now we don't even have to interfere, which should leave no space for any future situations of this kind.